Coleman Bibliography

Lamers, T.G. (1999). Plant Systematics Today: All Our Eggs in One Basket?. Systematic Botany.
Kirkland, S. (2004, August 4). Lack of fieldwork leaves biology ‘a different subject’. The
Guardian. Retrieved from:
Kruckeberg, A.R. (1997). Essay: Whither Plant Taxonomy in the 21st Century?. Systematic
Botany. 22(1):181-182
Mori, S.A. (1992). Neotropical Floristics and Inventory: Who Will do the Work?. Brittonia.
Prance, G.T. et al. (2000). The Tropical Flora Remains Undercollected. Annals of the Missouri
Botanical Garden. 87(1):66-71.
Prather, L.A. et al. (2004). Implications of the Decline in Plant Collecting for Systematics and
Floristic Research. Systematic Botany. 29(1):216-220.
Prather, L.A et al. (2004). The Decline of Plant Collecting in the United States: A Threat to the
Infrastructure of Biodiversity Studies. Systematic Botany. 29(1):15-28.
Systema, K.J. and Pires, J.C. (2001). Plant Systematics in the Next 50 Years. Re-Mapping the
New Frontier. Taxon. 50(3):713-732.
Thomas, W.W. (1999). Conservation and monographic research on the flora of Tropical
America. Biodiversity and Conservation. 8:1007-1015.
Winker, K. (2004). Natural History Museums in a Postbiodiversity Era. BioScience. 54(5):455459.