proposals due 9:30 am friday, july 24, 2015

Request for Proposals
Sale of Property Located at
89 Hidden Hollow Lane New Castle, New York
(SBL: 81.9-2-86)
The Town of New Castle invites proposals for the purchase of excess real property owned by
the Town of New Castle. The property consists of approximately 0.50 acres and is improved with
a single family home that must be demolished and a new home constructed. Detailed descriptions
and instructions to proposers are contained in the attached document.
All proposals must be received no later than Friday, July 24, 2015 at 9:30 AM and addressed to:
Mary Deems
Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes
Town of New Castle
200 South Greeley Avenue
Chappaqua, New York 10514
Envelopes transmitting proposals must be entitled on the outside: “Proposal for Purchase of 89
Hidden Hollow Lane.”
Part I Property Description
The Town of New Castle invites proposals for the purchase of excess real property owned by the
Town. The subject property totals approximately 0.50 acres of land improved with a single family
home located at 89 Hidden Hollow Road, New Castle, New York (SBL: 81.9-2-86). The subject
property was foreclosed by the Town of New Castle for unpaid real property taxes in 2014. The
subject property is located in the Millwood section of New Castle in a quiet desirable residential
The proposal process will consist of three steps: 1) acceptance of initial proposals; 2) review of
proposals and negotiation with acceptable proposers, and 3) acceptance by the Town of a final offer.
The subject property has been condemned by the Town and is not able to be accessed for
inspection. The Town will only allow external inspection of the building. The Town is
requiring that the selected responder demolish the building within certain timeframes
contained herein.
Site Improvements
The site is presently improved with a raised ranch style house constructed in approximately 1972. The
structure is approximately 2,382 square feet of living area consisting of one-story. A copy of the Town
of New Castle Assessment Card is attached hereto as Exhibit “A”; photographs are attached hereto as
Exhibit “B”; a tax map is attached as Exhibit “C”; an aerial map is attached as Exhibit “D”; a survey of
the property is attached as Exhibit “E”; and the Town’s deed for the Property is attached as Exhibit
“F.” The Town makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of the information provided
in this RFP or on the attachments as such information is provided merely for informational purposes
only with no representations or warranties.
Utilities – The property does not have access to sanitary sewer and has a septic field. The property
has access to municipal water, electricity, and telephone. The property receives heat from fuel oil.
Zoning/Land Use – The property is located in the R-1/2A (Residential One-Family) District.
The intention of this zone is to allow for single family residential development.
Surrounding Land Use/Neighborhood Description – The property is located in a section of the
Town zoned for single family residential development. The Town provides many amenities:
A wide variety of recreation programs, quality parks and recreational facilities and special
A downtown that offers dining and shopping options;
Easy access to mass transit and major highways;
Highly regarded public schools;
Nearby parks and recreational areas provide for a wide variety of activities including
celebrations, organized sports, concerts, Farmer’s Market, arts and craft shows, and areas for
picnicking, walking, bicycling and nature study.
The property is easily accessible from all directions and from the Saw Mill River Parkway. A map
showing the location of the Property has been included as Exhibit “A”. Also included is an aerial map,
the property survey, two photos, the tax map, the property assessment card and the deed.
The Property will be sold “as-is” by Quitclaim Deed. No claims or representations are being made as to
the condition of the property relative to the environmental quality of the land and/or improvements
thereon. Buyer may review any and all Town files related to this parcel and abutting lands.
Part II Conditions of Sale
The Property will be sold “as-is” by Quitclaim Deed.
Within ten (10) days after the property being conveyed, the selected responder will be required
to submit an application to demolish the existing single family home. The successful responder will be
required to commence demolition within fourteen (14) days after issuance of a demolition permit and
complete demolition within thirty (30) days after issuance of a demolition permit.
All responders will be required to indicate if they intend to develop the property or keep it as
vacant land. If the property is to be redeveloped, the successful responder will be required to file an
application for a building permit for construction of a new single family home within four (4) months
after conveyance of the property or, in the event any land use permits are required, file for such land
use permits within four (4) months after the closing and file for a building permit within forty-five (45)
days after the issuance of any required permits.
The Town will pay no broker’s fee, finder’s fee, commission, or other compensation to any
party claiming to counsel or represent any proposer regarding the sale and/or development of
the Property.
The minimum proposal price required is two hundred thousand dollars($200,000)
No representations will or have been made by the T o w n that the Property meet local,
County or Federal ordinances, regulations or laws governing development of Property
commercially, industrially or otherwise. All permits, empowerments, permissions and grants
necessary for the sale and/or development of the Property are at the selected proposer’s cost and
responsibility. Any variances, permissions or grants necessary to meet these requirements are likewise at
the selected proposer’s risk, cost and expense.
Any public utilities or municipalities having facilities under, over, to, through the Property as
of the date of the conveyance to the selected proposer shall have the right and easement to continue
to maintain, operate and renew their facilities within the Property.
All costs associated with responding to this Request for Proposals and/or producing
written and oral clarification of its contents will be the responsibility of the proposers. The Town
will assume no responsibilities or liabilities for these costs.
The Town makes no assertions or warranties regarding the presence, if any, or absence of
asbestos, chemicals, hydrocarbons or other hazardous materials on the Property.
Part III Instructions to Proposers
All respondents are advised to review all parts of this Request for Proposals and to follow
instructions carefully. Proposals that are incomplete obscure, conditional, irregular, or lacking in
necessary detail, or containing additions not called for, will be rejected by the Town.
Affidavits and Disclosures
Corporations and partnerships are required to submit with their proposal a Certificate of Disclosure
of Corporation or Partnership (Forms 1 and 2, attached to Part IV) listing the name and address of
principal officers.
Withdrawal of Proposals
No proposal will be allowed to be withdrawn after it has been received by the Town.
Rejection or Acceptance of Proposals
The Town reserves the right to unconditionally accept or reject any and all proposals.
Explanations Written and Oral
Additions or deletions to this Request for Proposals will be made known to all proposers via
written addenda. The Town will not be responsible for any oral instructions.
Signature of Proposer
Proposals must be completed and signed in ink by the proposer or their representative.
Corporations, partnerships, or other business entities responding to this Request of Proposals
must include a certificate of authority attesting that the individual signing on their behalf was duly
empowered to do so.
Pre-Proposal Inspection
Prospective proposers or their representatives are invited and encouraged to conduct an inspection
of the Property at their own cost and convenience prior to submitting a proposal by making an
appointment with Town of New Castle Building Inspector Bill Maskiell at 914.238.4723. The subject
property has been condemned by the Town and is not able to be accessed for inspection. The
Town will only allow external inspection of the building.
Acceptance of Proposals (Friday, July 24, 2015)
All proposals must be received no later than Friday, July 24, 2015 at 9:30 AM and addressed to:
Mary Deems
Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes
Town of New Castle
200 South Greeley Avenue
Chappaqua, New York 10514
Envelopes transmitting proposals must be entitled on the outside: “Proposal for Purchase of 89
Hidden Hollow Lane.”
Review and Negotiation of Proposals
The Town will review the proposals and negotiate any terms and conditions, including but not limited
to the price offered, with those submitting acceptable proposals.
Acceptance of Proposals
Following the review and negotiation phase, the Town will award a contract of sale by Resolution.
Questions and Information
All questions and requests for additional information concerning this Request for Proposals
should be made in writing no later than close of business Wednesday, July 8, 2015 and directed to:
Mary Deems
Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes
Town of New Castle
200 South Greeley Avenue
Chappaqua, New York 10514
TEL: 914-238-4772
FAX: 914-238-2537
Substantive questions will be responded to by close of business Wednesday, July 15, 2015.
Please be advised that all substantive questions and answers will be shared with all proposers who
have expressed an interest in submitting a proposal by writing to the above individual.
Part IV Proposal Form
Proposers must comply with and respond to the following questions. One (1) original of this Part
IV Proposal Form completed and signed by the proposer(s) and submitted to:
Mary Deems
Town Clerk/Receiver of Taxes
Town of New Castle
20 South Greeley Avenue
Chappaqua, New York 10514
Envelopes transmitting initial proposals must be entitled on the outside: “Proposal for Purchase
of 89 Hidden Hollow Lane.”
The deadline for receipt of initial proposals is 9:30 AM on Friday, July 24, 2015.
1. General Information
Name of Proposer: Address of Proposer:
Description of Proposer: (Corporation, Partnership, Association, etc.)
E-Mail Address:
Telephone Number:
Name and Address of any other person/parties collaborating in the submission of this proposal:
Proposed Use of Property
Please describe the proposed use of the
Compensation Offered
Please make your proposal for the property on the line below.
The proposer hereby offers for the property as described the sum of (indicate the dollar amount of
the proposal in words and numerals):
Dollars ($ .00)
Please print clearly
Part IV Form 1 – Certificate of Disclosure of Corporation
Proposers who are corporations are required to provide a listing of the names and addresses of principal officers of the
corporation. Failure of the bidder to submit the required information is cause for automatic rejection of the bid.
Name of Corporation
Principal officers of the above-named corporation are as follows:
Name and Title
Submitted by:
Signature of Corporate Officer
Printed Name and Title
Part IV Form 2 – Certificate of Disclosure of Partnership
Proposers who are partnerships are required to provide a listing of the names and addresses of principal officers of the
partnership. Failure of the bidder to submit the required information is cause for automatic rejection of the bid.
Name of Partnership
Principal officers of the above-named partnership are as follows:
Name and Title
Submitted by:
Signature of Partner
Printed Name and Title