Boise Brave Parents Parent Board Meeting November 5, 2013 Attendance: Amy Kohlmeier, Carol Hembree, Theresa Ryden, Barb Egland, Katie Rotchford, Justin Peters, Alex Lisso, Amy Rustad, Jennifer Jones, Tani Theiler, Cindy Gustavsen, Wendi Pennington, Molly Manschreck, Joan Wong, Suzanne Hughes, Shauna Waller, Connie Simpson, Gail Inch, LuAnn Johnson. Call to Order: Carol Hembree called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m. and welcomed LuAnn Johnson. Carol gave the floor to Theresa Ryden to give the Secretary’s report. Secretary’s Report Theresa Ryden (Secretary): Carol Hembree emailed minutes from the October 1, 2013 Board Meeting to the Board. Theresa Ryden presented the minutes from the October 1, 2013 Board meeting. Action: Amy Rustad moved that we approve the October 1st minutes. Molly Mannschreck seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Faculty Report Katie Rotchford (Faculty Representative): AP Econ Dairy Farm Field Trip: On October 8th, John Coulthard took his AP Econ students on a half day field trip to Sunridge Dairy in Nampa, Idaho. The students analyzed economics in action by exploring the cost analysis of the dairy farm. From Kim Brydges: KBHS Broadcasting is up and running. They produce an episode every week and have their own You Tube channel. It is a “first draft” year for them, and ultimately their goal is to improve their show every week. The link is posted in the Boise Weekly. DECCA: DeEtte Huelse, DECA Advisor, took 5 DECA officers to a leadership and DECA Officer Training in Coeur d’Alene last weekend. It was a worthwhile growth experience for the students. They were able to plan their year which includes monthly community service, DECA club activities, fundraising events, and competition preparation. DECA clubs from all over Idaho were present. From Katie Rotchford: The first news production issue came out homecoming week complete with a new layout. This year’s goal is to make the service provided to students engaging, relevant, and reflective of 21st century news. Focus incudes improving page design, improving story quality, and running a contest for cover art at the end of the year that hopefully includes a cash prize. Student Report Alex Lisso and Justin Peters (Student Representatives): Homecoming week: The barbeque went well as did the homecoming dance with a record number of students attending and funds raised. No citations were issued. Carol Hembree mentioned a need for continuity in homecoming volunteer record keeping and suggested that Leadership start a notebook on such details. Suzanne Hughes, a homecoming volunteer, noted that she received a thank you note for her efforts and appreciated the thoughtfulness. The homecoming football game had a huge turnout with two B-O-I-S-E student sections that required the cheer team to split into two squads. Red Ribbon Week will include beeps that represent how often a person is involved in a drunken driving car crash and blue t-shirts worn to signify that that person knows someone who has been affected by substance abuse. The assembly will feature a teacher(s) that tells his/her story. Police and firefighters will also be present. Leadership has made three videos to present. The first video interviews grade school students and their opinions about drugs intended to show the transition from that age’s opinion to high school students’ opinions. The second video is about substance abuse, and the third video (natural highs) tells the positive things Boise High is doing instead of drugs and alcohol. They are hoping to have Mr. Williams and Mr. Vega talk to students about personal impact. The Canned Food Drive will occur over the next few months. Also, a turkey dinner is being planned for the faculty. Treasurer’s Report Bank of Cascades $57,260.61 Interest Dues $20,845.44 Increase of Fundraiser $23,322.56 Decrease of $1.32 Boise Ed. Foundation Total $365.65 $45.00 (Parking sign) $101,428.61 Our tax report is due Friday, November 15th. We have a June 30 fiscal year end. Terry Sanders, accountant, will file taxes for BBP. We won’t owe, it just helps maintain our nonprofit status. Last year’s estimate for tax services rendered was $260; the actual was about $100. Committee Reports Wendi Pennington (Athletic Committee): Girls and boys soccer won state; girls swim team won state and boys swim team placed fourth; Girls xc placed second and boys xc placed ninth; volleyball placed seventh; Girls’ basketball tryouts are this week and boys’ basketball tryouts next week; wrestling begins November 18th. $25 entertainment books are available for sale; please contact Tracy Leinen. Old cell phones are also being collected. Justin suggested promoting this through Leadership. Barb Egland (B.E.N.): As part of the Brave Empowerment Network, Barb will feature one group’s ideas each month. At the recent all-day session, about sixty students learned about student leadership. In the eight groups, each group chose a character value and is developing ideas, activities, and long term goals that will empower students to reach out to peers and be inclusive of others. For example, one group chose kindness and proposes having a kindness week that incorporates a kindness bulletin board, kindness recognition of faculty and/or family, thanking strangers, a kindness assembly, etc. Budget support from BBP may be needed. Connie Simpson noted that the number of students involved has grown so much that they’ve had to move to the auditorium. New Business Amy Rustad: November 6th is the deadline for grants. This year we have 14 grants with more coming. Last year we had 12. We have $15,000 to use. Please look for the grant books to come home with your student. Granting Committee 2013-14: President Carol Hembree Vice President Amy Rustad Secretary Theresa Ryden Treasurer Cyndi Eyolfson Assistant Treasurer Joan Wong Academics Liaison Suzanne Hughes & Shauna Waller Activities Liaison Dee Koeger Athletics Liaison Wendi Pennington Fundraising Chair Robin Ivanoff Principal Amy Kohlmeier Faculty Representative Katie Rotchford Grant Schedule 2013-14: Distribute Grant Applications Tuesday, August 13th Grant Applications Due to Office Wednesday, November 6th Grant Committee Begins Review Wednesday, November 13th Grant Committee Review Meeting Wednesday, November 20th BBP Board Meeting (Review and final vote) Tuesday, December 4th Grant Notification Letters to Teachers Friday, December 6th Deadline for Grant Funding Submission to BBP Tuesday, April 22nd Deadline for “Assessment of Effectiveness” Friday, May 9th Principal’s Report Amy Kohlmeier (Principal): Amy thanked the group for the teacher/staff luncheon. The homecoming dance had great help, no incidents and was a positive experience for the students. The same parameters will be used for following dances. Administrators have talked among social workers, assistant principal, nurse (Toni Allen), counselors, and Tracy Leinen in an effort to do things to support students experiencing substance abuse problems. Parent to parent and student to student seems to be the most effective type of communication. Several parents expressed interest in sharing experiences navigating the problems. The idea is to have an inviteonly panel discussion on this topic. Later in the month administrators will meet with a professional counselor regarding a program similar to B.E.N. that spends eight weeks training about 25 students giving them tools to effectively and positively communicate with their peers on the topic of substance use. Kids can often do more good than we can. This also gives students a chance to advocate among other students. Scare tactics such as Natalie Marti’s story are too much for the student s to absorb from their perspective. The idea is to focus on the details of violations such as the effects on the common application, fines, court dates and to offer help and assistance to students and families. In working with leadership, a senior who lost her sister in a drinking accident last year wants to talk to people. English classes, targeting sophomores, will hear her speak. Please note the GRANT COMMITTEE REVIEW MEETING: Wed., Nov. 20th in the Tech Building Faculty Room which is located across from the new gym. Next meeting: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. Room 402. Meeting adjourned at 4:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Theresa Ryden, Secretary