Lesson Plan Components Checklist

Lesson Plan Components
Check the box as you meet with your co-teacher and address each component of the lesson planning
Standards, Objectives, Daily Targets
I Do
 Hook (What does each co-teacher do?)
 Activating Prior Knowledge (What does each co-teacher do?)
 Accommodations (Who does what and how is it documented)
 Co-Teaching Approach
We Do
 Whole Class Discussion (What does each co-teacher do?)
 Accommodations Needed (Who does what and how is it documented)
 Higher Order Thinking Skills Addressed
 Differentiated questioning
 Formative Assessment Process
 Co-Teaching Approach
You Do Together
 How will we differentiate groups (content, process) and activities for groups
 Materials needed for groups
 Accommodations (Who does what and how is it documented)
 Formative Assessment Process
 Co-Teaching Approach
You Do Alone
 Differentiated Assignments
 Accommodations (Who does what and how is it documented)
 Formative Assessment Process
 Co-Teaching Approach
 Summary
 Accommodations
 Co-Teaching Approach
 Post-Test
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
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