Lesson Plan Components Check the box as you meet with your co-teacher and address each component of the lesson planning process. Standards, Objectives, Daily Targets Pre-Assessment I Do Hook (What does each co-teacher do?) Activating Prior Knowledge (What does each co-teacher do?) Accommodations (Who does what and how is it documented) Co-Teaching Approach We Do Whole Class Discussion (What does each co-teacher do?) Accommodations Needed (Who does what and how is it documented) Higher Order Thinking Skills Addressed Differentiated questioning Formative Assessment Process Co-Teaching Approach You Do Together How will we differentiate groups (content, process) and activities for groups Materials needed for groups Accommodations (Who does what and how is it documented) Formative Assessment Process Co-Teaching Approach You Do Alone Differentiated Assignments Accommodations (Who does what and how is it documented) Formative Assessment Process Co-Teaching Approach Closure Summary Accommodations Co-Teaching Approach Post-Test Tasks: 1. __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________________________________________