Mutations and Genetic Engineering Study Guide Answers Point

Mutations and Genetic Engineering Study Guide Answers
1. Point mutations- one nitrogen base is replaced by a different base, only one amino acid is
Frameshift mutation- one nitrogen base is added (insertion)or removed (deletion). Every amino
acid after the mutation is affected.
2. Point shift will only affect one amino acid and a frameshift will affect every amino acid after the
mutation. Frameshift mutations tend to be much more serious.
3. Duplication
4. Selective breeding is only allowing selected organisms with desired traits to breed and produce
5. Selective breeding is used to produce offspring with desired traits.
6. Hybridization is crossing dissimilar individuals to bring together the best traits of both.
7. With inbreeding there is a smaller gene pool so mutations with negative effects have a better
chance of being passed on to offspring.
8. Genetic engineering is making changes to the genetic code of an organism.
9. Recombinant DNA is made by connecting DNA from two different sources.
10. A restriction enzyme is an enzyme that cuts DNA at specific base sequences. It will cut DNA at
specific points based on the order of the base pairs. It leaves “sticky ends” that can then be used
to fuse DNA from two different sources.
11. Gel electrophoresis is a method of separating DNA fragments based on size. DNA samples are
cut using restriction enzymes and then placed in an agarose gel. A current is passed through the
gel and the slightly negatively charged DNA move through the get towards the positive
electrode. The smaller pieces are able to travel farther through the gel than the larger pieces.
DNA samples can be compared between individuals and used to identify individuals.
12. Bacteria are important because they are easily modified and replicate very quickly.
13. A plasmid is the circular piece of DNA found in bacteria cells.
14. Bacteria can be transformed by using a restriction enzyme to cut the plasmid and then use the
same enzyme to cut the human DNA. The human gene (i.e. insulin) is then placed into the
bacteria plasmid using the “sticky ends” and the bacteria cell it then able to divide. Every time
the bacteria divides the new bacteria cell will have the human gene as part of its genome.
15. Goat that produces spider web, insulin producing bacteria, any other example we went over in
16. PCR is a process used to amplify DNA samples, it can produce large volumes of DNA from a small
17. With cloning the donor that is being cloned has the DNA removed from one of its cells. That
DNA is then fused with the the egg (ovum) with the DNA removed of a female. The new egg with
the donor DNA added is given a slight electric shock and the cell will begin to divide. The
developing clone embryo must then be placed into the uterus of a female and the clone will
then be birthed.