JUNE 10, 2014
The Cummings Township Board of Supervisors held a monthly meeting on June 10, 2014, at
7:00 p.m. at the Cummings Township Municipal Building, with John Gasperine, Thomas
Thompson and James Mitcheltree present.
Public attendees: Nathaniel Schmidt of Pennsylvania General Energy, LLC, Charles Sheets
and Stephen Sheets, Sr., of Lone Spring Hunting Club, Darion and Joanne Houser, Mike Myers
and Craig Bierly.
Supervisor Thompson made a motion to approve the May 13, 2014 meeting minutes as
presented; seconded by Supervisor Mitcheltree, MCU.
Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented;
seconded by Supervisor Thompson, MCU.
Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion that Treasurer Macklem obtain rates on certificates of
deposit to reinvest funds from an existing certificate of deposit with Jersey Shore State Bank
maturing on June 17th and to update the signature cards for the certificate if necessary; the
motion was seconded by John Gasperine; MCU.
Zoning Officer’s Report
Zoning Officer Wolfe reported one zoning permit to Earl Rodgers for a six month camper
placement on lot for a property owned by Dave Michaels on Second Street.
Two on-lot sewer disposal permits were issued to Pennsylvania General Energy, LLC (PGE) for
18 month temporary holding tanks on 293 Pad H on 380 Spike Buck Road and 729 Pad B on
525 Rattlesnake Road.
Roadmaster’s Report
Chairman Gasperine gave the following Roadmaster’s Report in the absence of Roadmaster
Rick Bierly who was on vacation:
Cleaned ditches and headwalls and opened pipes on Dam Run Road;
Cut two trees from Dam Run Road on Rte. 287 side. Repaired and filled in pot holes on
Dam Run Road;
Cleaned tail ditches and inlet boxes to Ramsey intersection. Graded and shaped berms
in various areas of Dam Run Road. Worked on embankment repairs on Dam Run Road.
Cleaned ditches from Pappy’s Curve to Ramsey intersection;
Attended two days training on Dirt and Gravel Roads in Wellsboro;
Rolled berms on all township roads.
Road Work Schedule June 7th to June 20th:
Embankment repairs (R-5 Rock)
Check pipes and replace where needed
Repair to deep ditch lines with stone added
Chairman Gasperine noted that the Township received the approved Application for County Aid
in the amount of $934 for pipe replacement on Dam Run Road.
Chairman Gasperine gave an update on the Roadmaster’s Budget reporting that the Board of
Supervisors budgeted $23,840.00 for roads in 2014 and to date have spent $11,074.93 and
there is a balance of $12,765.07 remaining in the budget.
Public Participation:
Lone Spring Hunting Club
Charles Sheets of the Lone Spring Hunting Club, asked for information as to the procedures to
be followed should the Club decide to add-on to its building.
Zoning Officer Wolfe asked Mr. Sheets to contact him about permits when the Club decides to
proceed with their project.
Pennsylvania General Energy Co., LLC
Nate Thurston of PGE gave the following update on PGE operations:
COP 322 Pad A (Okome Fire Rd): Fracing continues
COP 322 Pad C (Schoolhouse Hollow Road): Currently drilling
COP 322 Pad E (Longpoint Road): Construction complete. Expect to start setting
conductor week of June 9th
COP 322 FWI and Compressor (Schoolhouse Hollow Road): Construction continues
COP 729 Compressor (Ramsey Road): Construction continues
Old Business:
Dam Run Road
Chairman Gasperine reported that he has been contacted by Range Resources notifying the
Township that they will be installing temporary water lines along Dam Run Road beginning June
16th through the beginning of July.
Chairman Gasperine said the Board of Supervisors need to address repairs to Dam Run Road.
He had received several proposals from Larson Design Group, the first being a “quick” fix
project. This project would encompass the excavation of approximately150 feet of the
embankment slide area along the road. Excavation of the slide area would create a series of
benches (steps) down vertically 10 to 12 feet and horizontally a minimum of 18 feet wide. The
excavated area would then be backfilled utilizing either R5 or R6 rip-rap. Although this proposal
would be the least costly, issues may arise in the future if the cause of the problem was not
Engineering costs to facilitate the repairs could be approximately $15,000 and the estimated
cost for construction would be between $30,000 and $40,000.
The second proposal received included a more detailed professional service agreement
proposal designed to go in and take core samples of the road. Results of the core sampling
would then be utilized to provide possible recommendations for repairing the affected area.
Engineering costs was estimated to be $15,000. Core sampling would cost approximately
$11,000 in addition to the cost of repairs.
Gasperine said he spoke to Municipal Services Representative Barry Garverick and he along
with the staff of Larson Design recommended that core sampling be done in order to repair the
road properly.
Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to proceed to get bids on the project without core
sampling; seconded by Supervisor Thompson.
A discussion was held regarding the need to have drawings engineered and a bid packet prior
to bidding the project.
Supervisor Mitcheltree rescinded his motion and further discussion on the matter was tabled to
the July meeting.
It was the consensus of the Board to discuss the proposal with Larson Design Group prior to the
July meeting.
Chairman Gasperine also noted that the Department of Forestry may not be interested in taking
over a portion of Dam Run Road as was discussed during the last township meeting.
Emergency Management Services Coordinator
The Board of Supervisors indicated they are continuing their search for an Emergency
Management Services Coordinator.
Township Audits
Chairman Gasperine reported that Klein & Rizzo is still in the process of finalizing the 2012
Audit Agreement and before they proceed with the 2013 audit the Board of Supervisors will
have to enter into an agreement with their office to perform the 2013 audit.
A discussion was held regarding the township auditing procedures.
Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to enter into an agreement with Klein & Rizzo to perform
the 2013 municipal audit; seconded by Supervisor Thompson; MCU.
Dirt and Gravel Road Training
Chairman Gasperine noted that the maintenance crew went to Dirt & Gravel Road training and
spoke with Matt Johnson from the Soil & Conservation Service and he is willing to speak with
the Board of Supervisors about a funding program that is available for low volume dirt and
gravel roads within the Township.
It was the consensus of the Board that Chairman Gasperine follow up with Mr. Johnson to
schedule a meeting with the Board of Supervisors.
Road Sign Inventory
Chairman Gasperine reported that the township’s road sign inventory has been completed and
that he will be working on creating a road sign inventory database with Secretary Macklem.
Employment Application
An application for summer employment was received from Neiko Contymagli.
Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to accept the application submitted by Neiko
Contymaglia, seconded by Supervisor Thompson; MCU.
YMCA Donation Request
The Board of Supervisors discussed the request received from the Jersey Shore Area YMCA for
a donation.
Supervisor Mitcheltree made a motion to donate $100 to the Jersey Shore Area YMCA;
seconded by Supervisor Gasperine; MCU.
Waterville Fire Company
Invoices were submitted to the Board of Supervisors to reimburse the Fire Company for paving
work and for improvements made to the building, including window replacement.
A discussion was held regarding submission of a financial statement showing the assets of the
fire company and a report showing the expenditures of the Waterville Fire Company.
Supervisor Thompson made a motion to the Waterville Fire Company from the Marcellus Shale
Act 13 monies in the amount of $15,342 for the paving work; seconded by Supervisor
Mitcheltree; MCU.
A discussion was held regarding the invoice for the windows and improvements made to the
Fire Company was the matter was tabled to the July meeting.
New Business:
Employee Training
Chairman Gasperine reported that when two employees recently attended Dirt and Gravel Road
training in Wellsboro they included travel time on their time sheets.
Supervisor Thompson explained that during the January township meeting, the Supervisors
approved paying for time spent in training and to reimburse employees for travel expenses but
not for the travel time.
A discussion was held and the Board reaffirmed that in the future, unless this policy is changed,
employees will not be paid for travel time.
Supervisor Thompson made a motion to approve payment of the invoices as submitted;
seconded by Supervisor Mitcheltree; MCU.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene S. Macklem,