early British acts graphic organizer

Early British Actions in the Colonies
of 1763
Overview of Law/Act:
Arguments in FAVOR of this law/act (British government perspective):
Arguments AGAINST this law/act (colonist perspective):
Ways colonists PROTESTED this law/act:
Results of/Reactions to protests:
Which articles in the ENGLISH BILL OF RIGHTS does this law/act violate?
The Stamp Act
Overview of Law/Act:
Arguments in FAVOR of this law/act (British government perspective):
Arguments AGAINST this law/act (colonist perspective):
Ways colonists PROTESTED this law/act:
Results of/Reactions to protests:
Which articles in the ENGLISH BILL OF RIGHTS does this law/act violate?
The Quartering
Overview of Law/Act:
Arguments in FAVOR of this law/act (British government perspective):
Arguments AGAINST this law/act (colonist perspective):
Ways colonists PROTESTED this law/act:
Results of/Reactions to protests:
Which articles in the ENGLISH BILL OF RIGHTS does this law/act violate?
Overview of Law/Act:
Arguments in FAVOR of this law/act (British government perspective):
Arguments AGAINST this law/act (colonist perspective):
Ways colonists PROTESTED this law/act:
Results of/Reactions to protests:
Which articles in the ENGLISH BILL OF RIGHTS does this law/act violate?