St. Michael – Albertville Independent School District 885 Excellence is Our Tradition Principal Evaluation Rubric 1 Performance Measures and Criteria Performance Measure #1: MISSION AND VISION 1a: Engages stakeholders 1b: Articulates a vision 1c: Fosters a shared commitment 1d: Establishes goals for instructional program decisions 1e: Builds a sense of community Performance Measure #2: INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP 2a: Facilitates a shared vision and school culture 2b: Provides leadership for improving climate and culture 2c: Provides leadership for major initiatives 2d: Provides relevant and rigorous curriculum 2e: Collaborates with teachers to improve learning and close gaps 2f. Facilitates reflective practice, inquiry and action research 2g. Supports the need for staff learning experiences 2h. Uses research and/or best practices Performance Measure #3: HUMAN RESOURCES 3a: Develops a strategic action plan 3b. Provides professional development 3c: Implements hiring and retention approach 3d: Observes and provides feedback 3e: Provides supervision and evaluation Performance Measure #4: PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICAL RELATIONSHIP 4a: Demonstrates and communicates values, beliefs and attitudes 4b: Models personal, professional and ethical behavior 4c: Employs conflict resolution and problem solving strategies 4d: Demonstrates interpersonal, written and verbal communications 4e: Welcomes and honors families and stakeholders 4f: Ensures compliance 4g: Is accessible, approachable, visible and engaged Performance Measure #5: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 5a: Distributes leadership 5b: Improves organizational performance 5c: Maintains a safe environment 5d: Manages the organization 5e: Develops and maintains a budget process 2 Performance Measure #I: Mission and Vision Establishes a vision and mission focused on shared goals and high expectations and cultural understanding Component Needs Improvement Developing Proficient Exemplary a. Engages all stakeholders Principal does not engage stakeholders or consider their perspectives. Principal provides limited opportunities for engaging with stakeholders and makes limited use of perspectives. Principal regularly engages with key stakeholders (staff and students) and considers their perspectives. Principal regularly engages stakeholders representing all roles (staff, students, parents, community) and considers their perspectives. b. Articulates a vision and helps develop implementation strategies for achievement gains for all students Principal actions are not aligned with the district strategic plan and/or lacks emphasis on change strategies and student achievement. Principal communicates a vision without embedded processes to support the vision. Principal initiates and communicates a vision aligned with the district’s strategic plan with a process for change. c. Fosters a shared commitment to high expectations for student achievement and teaching and learning in a culturally competent environment Principal fails to demonstrate a commitment to high expectations and/or awareness of the impact on diversity on student learning. Principal engages some stakeholders in a dialogue about high expectations for teaching and learning with limited communication and occasional references to cultural, social and economic diversity. Principal engages in dialogues with key stakeholders that promotes high expectations for teaching and learning through sustained positive relationships. d. Principal does not maintain a focus on student achievement and does not develop process or structures for improving teaching and learning or collaboration. Principal focuses on improving student achievement through periodic opportunities for collaboration while implementing a limited number of strategies. Principal demonstrates focus on improving student achievement; keeps the schoolwide goals present for staff and stakeholders, tracks progress against milestones and benchmarks and provides for opportunities for effective working teams. Principal initiates and communicates a vision aligned with the district’s strategic plan and identifies and communicates actions, roles, responsibilities, timelines and decision making processes to appropriate stakeholders. Principal, in collaboration with all stakeholders, initiates and promotes understandings of and appreciation for high expectations for teaching and learning in a culturally competent environment through sustained positive relationships. Principal in collaboration with all stakeholders uses multiple data sources to establish rigorous, concrete goals in the context of student achievement, instructional programs and ongoing jobembedded professional development action plans to meet student achievement goals. Establishes rigorous, concrete goals for instructional program decisions and staff learning experiences 3 e. Builds a strong and positive sense of community in the school Principal fails to demonstrate an understanding for a sense of community and does not seek voices from the community and school in the discussion of student performance. Principal welcomes family and community involvement and acknowledges the role community in school success. Principal establishes schoolwide practices that build a positive sense of community and support the vision, mission and goals of the school. Principal recruits individuals within the community and among the staff to build partnerships and support for the vision, mission and goals of the school and builds a structure and relationships for solving problems and pursuing shared purposes. Performance Measure 2: Instructional Leadership Provides instructional leadership for high student academic performance Proficient Exemplary a. Facilitates the development of a shared vision and school culture for effective teaching and instructional practices that reflect high expectations and engage all students Component Principal lacks a vision for effective teaching and high academic expectations. Needs Improvement Principal discusses with others a shared vision for effective teaching on a limited basis. Developing Principal engages key stakeholders in development and communication of a shared vision for effective teaching and discusses the impact of teaching and learning. b. Provides leadership for climate and culture Principal has minimal plans for developing and improving climate and culture. Principal has limited initiatives and/or lacks collaboration and/or use of data. Principal has clear structures, rules and procedures in place with goals developed and collaboratively addressed. Principal engages multiple stakeholders and shares leadership in developing, communicating, and evaluating a shared vision for effective teaching and high academic expectations and facilitates a school-wide culture around the vision. Principal actively fosters a climate and culture which systemically works with stakeholders to ensure that students learn in a respectful and caring climate and culture. c. Provides leadership for major initiatives and change efforts Principal has minimal knowledge of the change process and continuous improvement is not evident. Principal demonstrates an understanding of the change process and the change environment; however, plans are in the initial phases of development and implementation and/or are limited. Principal uses the change process and change environment to effectively support staff, share leadership, collaborate, set goals, allocate resources and measure results. 4 Principal systemically plans change efforts that result in improved student achievement through community support and a climate of shared leadership where resources are aligned with the major initiative and change effort. d. Provides the structure and opportunity for a relevant and rigorous curricula tied to standards Principal demonstrates minimal effort to implement, monitor and support the district’s curriculum, instruction and assessment practices. Principal implements the district’s curriculum with limited support and monitoring. Principal facilitates the collection of data and collaboratively monitors and supports implementation of the district’s curriculum, instruction and assessment practices based upon rigorous academic goals. e. Collaborates with teachers to examine student and school data Principal fails to develop a system or process to monitor student achievement and set student performance goals and implement interventions and strategies. Principal provides limited time and resources for collaboration on student accountability and assessment data and uses only mandated reporting systems resulting in lack of interventions and strategies. Principal, with teachers, gathers and uses formative and summative data to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning and collaboratively sets measures performance goals with interventions and strategies. f. Facilitates reflective practice, inquiry and action research Principal does not collect or utilize student data, monitor interventions or support reflection, inquiry or action research. Principal report mandated assessment results to teachers with limited support for reflective practice, inquiry and action research. g. Supports the need for quality, collaborative staff learning experiences Principal does not provide meaningful professional development experiences or only experiences limited to regulations, procedures and policies. Principal facilitates limited professional development experiences primarily focused on use of curriculum, materials and district directed initiates. Principal regularly collects and analyzes student data, shares analysis with teachers and supports and attends learning teams directing changes in instruction and interventions. Principal facilitates professional development experiences that align with the district’s strategic plan, address student needs and are scheduled for ongoing staff learning. 5 Principal facilitates the implementation of a high quality curriculum and actively supports, monitors and evaluates implementation of the district’s curriculum, instruction and assessment practices that are benchmarked against rigorous standards and includes regular and special programs. Principal, with teachers, creates formal structures that provide ongoing examination of student and school formative and summative data through learning communities and facilitates problem-solving, goal setting, use of interventions and strategies and evaluation of effectiveness. Principal has designed and implemented processes in which teachers individually and collaboratively collect and review data to modify instruction and interventions. Principal facilitates professional development experiences that align with the district’s strategic plan, utilize learning teams and teacher leadership and are jobembedded tied to improving student achievement. h. Uses research and/or best practices to improve the education program Component Principal demonstrates minimal use of research and/or best practice to improve the education program Principal demonstrates and shares knowledge of current research and best practice with staff and initial efforts are being made to utilize the information. Principal develops goals and implements initiatives based on current research and best practice about high quality instructional programs Performance Measure 3: Human Resources Manages human resources for quality instruction and professional growth Needs Improvement Developing Proficient a. Develops a strategic action plan with staff Principal does not assess the current state of achievement in the school, does not use data and does not articulate a plan. Principal provides some attention to improving student achievement uses some data to prioritize, refers to goals inconsistently with a limited plan for improving student achievement. Principal demonstrates a clear, concise focus on improving student achievement keeping the school-wide goals present for all staff and stakeholders, tracking progress and adjusting strategies as necessary with a strong focus on student achievement and building staff ownership. b. Provides timely, appropriate and quality professional development and facilitates learning teams Principal does not offer professional development sessions with little alignment to curricular, instructional and assessment needs. c. Implements a cohesive approach to recruitment, placement, induction and retention of staff Principal does not have a formal structure and selection criteria are not evident. Principal relies on whole group professional development sessions with limited opportunities for teacher leadership and inconsistent alignment with curricular, instructional and assessment needs. Principal uses the district’s identified structures in place for recruitment; positions are viewed individually rather than as a comprehensive system. Principal implements multiple structures for teacher learning including learning teams, large group professional development, grade and content teams that is aligned with curricular, instructional and assessment needs. Principal implements clear selection criteria and assesses staff skills to place teachers based on school and student need in grade level and content areas within scope and limitations of authority. 6 Principal systemically engages teachers and staff in ongoing discussions about research and best practices, goals and initiatives that result in improved student achievement Exemplary Principal uses a comprehensive analysis of the school to determine appropriate grade and content targets, prioritize the improvement for staff, develop a school improvement plan and monitor and analyze progress with a strong focus on student achievement and building staff ownership. Principal implements a jobembedded professional learning development learning system aligned with curricular, instructional and assessment needs, provides consistent support and utilizes instructional coaching opportunities. Principal implements clear selection criteria and strategically assesses and places teachers based on school and student need in grade level and content areas to create a balanced team with a multiple level of strengths and knowledge within scope and limitations of authority. d. Routinely observes instruction and provides ongoing feedback and coaching in a fair and equitable manner Principal provides little or ineffective coaching and professional development, observations are infrequent and inconsistent, feedback is vague and general. e. Provides effective and timely supervision and evaluation aligned with district processes and uses to facilitate development, remediation and/or removal of nonperforming staff members. Principal does not have clear or consistent evaluation processes, does not complete evaluations for all staff and does not adhere to legal and contractual requirements. Component Principal adheres to and completes most required observation and evaluation processes but does not utilize formal and informal observations and feedback or based coaching and feedback upon individual staff needs Principal conducts most evaluations and observations on time and in compliance with district policy; makes limited use of evaluations for development of and nonperforming staff members. Principal conducts all required evaluations and observations and actionable feedback so that staff receive specific formal and informal feedback using the district’s processes. Principal completes required observations and evaluations transparently and on time and thoroughly in compliance with district, state and contract provisions; uses results to make decisions about development of and nonperforming staff members. Performance Measure #4: Professional and Ethical Relationship Builds professional and ethical relationships through collaboration and effective communication Needs Improvement Developing Proficient a. Demonstrates and communicates values, beliefs, and attitudes focused on the well-being and academic success of all students Principal does not develop positive relationships, undermines positive relationships and/or place a priority on values, beliefs and attitudes focused on the wellbeing of all students. Principal articulates a belief that building and maintaining relationships is important but practices are incomplete or inconsistent throughout the building and communication is lacking Principal actively communicates, models and implements strategies to promote a sense of well-being among staff, students and parents/guardians. b. Models appropriate personal, professional, and ethical behavior Principal does not treat and/or ensure that all stakeholders are treated respectfully and does not meet all legal requirements for work relationships, does not take appropriate action when inappropriate conduct is reported or observed. Principal understands personal, professional and ethical behavior and its impact on teaching and learning but fails to create a common understanding, meet all legal requirements or address issues as arise. Principal upholds the foundation of mutual respect for all stakeholders and meets all legal requirements for work relationships; takes appropriate action when inappropriate conduct is reported or observed. 7 Principal implements a system for observations, coaching and professional development that ensures that all instructional staff uses best practices and is specific to each individual’s development using the district’s processes. Principal completes all aspects of a rigorous evaluation process that includes goal setting, mid-year formative and summative ratings based on observations and multiple measures of student results, evaluation processes are clear and transparent to all staff; uses results to make decisions about development of and nonperforming staff members. Exemplary Principal institutes practices and strategies that build towards a collective sense of well-being among staff, students, parents/guardians and stakeholders and clearly communicates and models the values, beliefs and attitudes. Principal develops structures, outreach and training to ensure that staff develops the skill set to treat all people equitably and with respect, and incorporates them throughout school practices and decision making processes. c. Employs conflict resolution and problem solving strategies Principal is unable to constructively resolve conflict and problems. Principal sometimes demonstrates resolve in solving conflict and problems, concessions are made that lose focus on students and the school. Principal employs effective conflict resolution and problem solving strategies, is persistent in resolving issues and resolves conflicts in the best interests of the students and school. d. Demonstrates strong interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills and facilitates groups effectively Principal lacks effective and positive communication skills and does not communicate for staff and stakeholders consistently or clearly; does not demonstrate active listening skills. Principal communicates clearly for most audiences, but may have difficulty differentiating messages for all stakeholders and may not always demonstrate active listening skills. e. Welcomes and honors families and stakeholders Principal takes little initiative to interact with families and stakeholders or include them in the life of the school. Principal occasionally focuses on welcoming and honoring families and stakeholders; involvement and opportunities for input is limited. Principal utilizes a system of open communication that provides for the timely, responsible sharing of information within the school community; provides information in multiple formats through different media. Principal implements processes that welcomes and honors parents/guardians and key stakeholders in the schools and provides for opportunities to be involved in the schools, share responsibility and share input. f. Ensures that the school is in compliance with local, state, and federal laws, standards, and regulations as well as local district and school policies Principal does not demonstrate knowledge of applicable federal, state and local mandates and contracts. Principal has an understanding of most laws, mandates and contract provisions; application may be inconsistent or occasionally miscommunicated. g. Is easily accessible and approachable, highly visible and engaged in the school community Principal is not accessible or approachable; minimally interacts with students, parents, and staff in ways that enhance their support for schools Principal is available but lacks a consistent message on how best to communicate with the principal; interacts with some stakeholders and students but not in a consistent or ongoing manner. 8 Principal communicates, monitors and enforces laws, mandates and contracts for the school community in a fair and consistent manner, aligns with building practices and uses them to resolve issues and conflicts. Principal develops effective means for stakeholders to communicate with and meet the principal; interacts with students, parents/guardians and staff in ways that enhance their support for schools. Principal adapts his/her leadership style to the needs of specific situations and builds a sense of efficacy, well-being and empowerment among staff and school community; conflicts are resolved in the best interest of the students and school. Principal implements an effective and interactive communication plan; engages stakeholders and creates multiple opportunities for family and community communication and involvement. Principal proactively develops relationships and establishes processes with parents/guardians and the community so as to develop good will and garner fiscal, intellectual and human resources that support teaching and learning. Principal routinely interprets and monitors laws, mandates and contracts for the school community, ensures compliance, aligns building practices and effectively uses them to resolve issues and answer questions. Principal fosters a climate that invites communication and openness and is highly visible in the school and community; engages stakeholders in meaningful discussions about student achievement. Component Performance Measure #5: Resource Management Strategically manages resources for systemic performance accountability Needs Improvement Developing Proficient a. Distributes leadership responsibilities and decision making to enhance teaching and learning Principal fails to distribute leadership opportunities or decision making authority. b. Improves organizational performance Principal does not make appropriate and efficient use of time, fiscal resources, staff and technology to improve teaching and learning; management strategies are not aligned with the strategic plan. c. Maintains a safe and secure environment Principal fails to consistently implement safety and security plans and structures. d. Manages the organization, operations and resources Principal is unable to manage resources in an effective and efficient manner and exceeds resources. e. Develops and implements a budget process Principal is unable to allocate resources in an effective manner, does not monitor the budget and exceeds budgeted resources. Principal occasionally seeks input from key stakeholders, leadership is distributed on issues of minimal consequence to the functionality of the school; the benefits of collaboration are understood but it is not consistently utilized. Principal protects instructional time, however lacks understanding of how to make best use of fiscal resources, staff and technology to improve teaching and learning; management strategies are not consistently aligned with the strategic plan Principal understands safe and secure environment issues; however, monitoring and enforcement is inconsistent and communication is lacking. Principal manages some resources and operation of the school but lacks a comprehensive approach and does not consistently manage the budget. Principal is knowledgeable of budgeting and accounting but fails to consistently align budget with student needs and achievement or within acceptable district accounting standards. 9 Principal delegates tasks with corresponding levels of authority for instructional and management structures and practices. Principal maximizes instructional time, fiscal resources, staff and technology and aligns management strategies to improve teaching and learning. Principal communicates, monitors and enforces clear expectations, structures, rules and procedures for students and staff. Principal implements operational systems in areas of physical safety, legal requirements, fiscal resources, daily operations and maintenance of facility, materials and technological resources within budget. Principal utilizes input from staff to establish budget priorities and a balanced budget aligned with student needs and academic achievement. Exemplary Principal implements a collaborative leadership structure in which multiple stakeholders are represented and participants assume leadership and accountability in areas of instruction and school operations. Principal finds creative and systematic ways to make sound use of time, fiscal resources, staff and technology and utilizes management strategies and analysis of results to achieve the district’s strategic directives and plan. Principal frequently reviews and practices expectations, structures, rules and procedures for students and staff; identifies challenges and issues. Principal proactively and collaboratively develops a plan for resource allocation aligned to student needs and achievement within budget and clearly communicates the plan to stakeholders related to an effective learning environment. Principal implements a budget process that is aligned with student needs and academic achievement and collaborates with staff as appropriate.