CENTRAL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH ETHICS COMMITTEE (CUREC) CUREC 1 Checklist for the Medical Sciences The University of Oxford places a high value on the knowledge, expertise, and integrity of its members and their ability to conduct research to high standards of scholarship and ethics. The research ethics clearance procedures have been established to ensure that the University is meeting its obligations as a responsible institution. They start from the presumption that all members of the University will take their responsibilities and obligations seriously and will ensure that their research with human participants is conducted according to the established principles and good practice in their fields and in accordance, where appropriate, with legal requirements. Since the requirements of research ethics review will vary from field to field and from project to project, the University accepts that different guidelines and procedures will be appropriate. ONLY FULLY SIGNED TYPE-WRITTEN CHECKLISTS WILL BE ACCEPTED, BY EMAIL WHAT THIS CHECKLIST IS DESIGNED FOR This CUREC 1 checklist is designed largely for research that falls within the Medical Sciences and should be used for research raising less complex ethical issues / research covered by one of the approved procedures already approved by CUREC. The full CUREC 2 application is only required where certain project characteristics (e.g. citing of multiple CURECapproved approved procedures, variance to a cited CUREC-approved approved procedure or research raising more complex ethical issues), result in a more complex set of ethical issues. The checklist below (in particular Section D) will direct you to a CUREC 2 application if needed. A CUREC 3 application is required for the administration of licensed drugs or other (non-drug) substance to healthy volunteers. WHAT THIS CHECKLIST WILL NOT ASSESS This checklist does not cover research governance or satisfactory methodology; nor does it cover research which should be directed to: (i) *audit* (see glossary and Decision Flowchart for CUREC on our website www.admin.ox.ac.uk/media/global/wwwadminoxacuk/localsites/curec/documents/Decision_flowchart_for_CUREC.pdf) (ii) the Health Research Authority (for National Health Service ethics review) www.admin.ox.ac.uk/media/global/wwwadminoxacuk/localsites/curec/documents/Decision_flowchart_for_NHS.pdf (iii) Oxford Tropical Research Ethics Committee www.admin.ox.ac.uk/curec/apply/; The use of an *asterisked word* in this checklist indicates a phrase defined in CUREC’s glossary. The glossary and further information on the University’s research ethics procedures are available from the CUREC website: www.admin.ox.ac.uk/curec Office use only: IDREC Ref. No. Date of confirmation that checklist accepted on behalf of IDREC: (dd/mm/year) Please complete the sections that follow and follow prompts to stop completion and/or submit other documents. Please indicate your answer to all the Yes / No questions by marking ‘X’ in the appropriate box. Example: 1. Are you conducting your study on behalf of or at the request of an institution/ company/ service provider? CUREC 1 Checklist last revised and approved 19 Nov 2015 Yes X No Page 1 of 10 SECTION A: filter for projects which may not require CUREC review (Please mark ‘X’ in the Yes/No column as appropriate to indicate your response.) 1. Are you conducting your study on behalf of or at the request of an institution/ company/ service provider? Yes No 2. Does your study primarily aim to monitor and/or improve the performance of a particular institution/company or service provider? Yes No 3. Will your conclusions be applicable wholly or primarily to that institution/company/service provider? Yes No 4. Will your project, or material from it, be written up in a peer-reviewed journal or submitted as part of a student thesis or dissertation? Yes No 5. Are all the data about people to be used in your study previously collected anonymised data which neither you nor anyone else involved in your study can trace back to the individuals who provided them (e.g. census data, administrative data, secondary analysis)? Please refer to the definition of *personal data* in the glossary and FAQ A3 for further guidance. Yes No If you have marked ‘X’ in any of the shaded boxes your study may not require CUREC review. Please check the CUREC website for more details at www.admin.ox.ac.uk/curec/apply/#d.en.165177. Please note that many academic journals now request proof of appropriate ethics review and approval when a submission for publication is made. If your study relates to audit in the NHS you may still need to seek approval of an NHS ethics committee. If you have not marked ‘X’ in any of the shaded boxes, please proceed to Section B. SECTION B: filter for NHS review (Please mark ‘X’ in the Yes/No column as appropriate to indicate your response.) 1. Will the research involve *human participants* recruited by means of their status as present or past *patients of the NHS* or their relatives or carers? Yes No 2. Will the research involve *personal data* of any of the people listed in question B 1 above? Yes No 3. Does the research involve administering any *unlicensed drug* to participants, or administration of any drug as part of a *clinical trial*, in the European Union (EU)? (Note: if the research involves administration of a *licensed drug* and is not a *clinical trial*, then the form CUREC/3 must be completed – please consult the associated guidelines) Yes No Does your research involve the taking of samples that consist of or include cells (considered to be *relevant material* by the Human Tissue Act) for non-genetic research which will be stored for more than seven days before being destroyed or rendered acellular? (Guidance on the collection of biological samples is available on the CUREC website) Yes No 5. Does the research involve use of organs or other bodily material of past and present NHS patients? Yes No 6. Does the research involve any other *invasive procedure (Class A)* not described above? Yes No 7. Does the research involve human participants aged 16 or over who do not have capacity to consent for themselves e.g. *people with a mental health or neurological condition* Yes No 4. If you have marked ‘X’ in any of the shaded boxes in Section B please stop work on this checklist as you will need to submit your proposal to the appropriate NHS ethics committee. Further details may be obtained from the HRA website http://www.hra.nhs.uk. If you have not marked ‘X’ in any of the shaded boxes so far, please proceed to Section C. CUREC 1 Checklist last revised and approved 19 Nov 2015 Page 2 of 10 SECTION C – filter for OXTREC review (Please mark ‘X’ in the Yes/No column as appropriate to indicate your response.) 1. 2. Is the study to be funded by the US National Institutes of Health or another US federal funding agency? Will you conduct your research wholly outside the EU? If ‘Yes’, will the research involve any of the following: Yes No Yes No (a) a medical, therapeutic, or pharmaceutical intervention of any kind? Yes No (b) participants recruited by virtue of being under the care of a healthcare professional? Yes No (c) identification of conditions which require the attention of a healthcare professional? Yes No (d) an *invasive procedure (Class A)* Yes No (e) use of CUREC approved procedure IDREC_19 for studies investigating experimentallyYes No induced pain in adult healthy volunteers. If you have marked ‘X’ in any of the shaded boxes in Section C please stop work on this checklist as you will need to submit your proposal to OXTREC which uses separate documentation. If you have not marked ‘X’ in any of the shaded boxes so far, please proceed to Section D. SECTION D: filter for CUREC 2 review (Please mark ‘X’ in the Yes/No column as appropriate to indicate your response. Refer to the CUREC glossary for terms typed with *asterisk and bold*) 1. Have you made arrangements to obtain appropriate *informed consent* from participants. Yes No 2. Have you made arrangements to ensure that *personal data* collected from participants will be held in compliance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 3a. Does your research involve any use of *personal data* obtained from a *third party*? 3b. If ‘yes’, have you checked to ensure that the third party has arrangements in place to permit disclosure? 4. Does the research involve as participants *people whose ability to give free and informed consent is in question*? Your attention is drawn to the University’s Safeguarding Code of Practice. (Note: participants aged under 16 are generally considered to require consent of a parent or guardian (only answer ‘no’ to this question if you can cite one of the approved procedures listed under ‘children’). For participants aged 16-17, consult FAQ C12. 5. Does the research involve any alteration of participants’ normal patterns of sleeping, eating, or drinking? 6. Does the research involve the administration of any drug or medicinal product including the administration of foodstuffs or food supplements outside of normal patterns of consumption? 7. Is there a significant risk that the research will expose participants to visual, auditory, or other environmental stimuli of a level or type that could have short- or long-term harmful physical effects? 8. Is there a significant risk that the research will induce anxiety, stress or other harmful psychological states in participants that might persist beyond the duration of the test/interview? 9. Does the research involve exposing participants to any physical or psychological hazard, beyond those of their usual everyday life, not covered by questions 7 and 8? 10. Does the research involve any *invasive procedures (class B)*? 11. Does the research involve magnetic resonance imaging in the EU outside the terms of the CUREC approved procedures for non-invasive magnetic resonance investigations in healthy volunteers, IDREC_17 and IDREC_19, or transcranial magnetic stimulation or transcranial current stimulation outside the terms of CUREC approved procedures IDREC_21 and IDREC_22? (Note that research within the terms of these approved procedures must cite them in Section E) 12. Will the research elicit information from participants that might render them liable to criminal proceedings (e.g. information on drug abuse or child abuse)? 13. Does the research involve the *deception* of participants? CUREC 1 Checklist last revised and approved 19 Nov 2015 Page 3 of 10 14. Will the research require a participant to spend more than 2 hours in any single session on activities designed by the researcher (NB this time restriction does not refer to situations where participants are observed going about activities not devised by the researchers e.g. observation of lessons in schools)? 15. Will the research involve a significant risk of any harm of any kind to any participant not covered above? 16a Does your application cite more than one CUREC approved procedure? Yes No Yes No Yes No 16b If ‘yes’, do the cited approved procedures explicitly state that they may be used in combination Yes No with the other cited approved procedure(s)? If you have marked ‘X’ in any of the shaded boxes in Section D, please consult the flowchart in Section E below and follow the guidance given for completion of a CUREC 2 application. No further completion of this checklist is required. CUREC 1 Checklist last revised and approved 19 Nov 2015 Page 4 of 10 SECTION E : Flow Chart START HERE Have you ticked any shaded box in Section D? NO YES YES Was the only shaded box ticked in Section D, question 1, concerning informed consent? Are you going to apply a standard set out in a Code of Practice*/ approved procedure** governing your research activity? YES NO NO Are all aspects of your project which caused you to tick a shaded box fully covered by a research approved procedure** which has received CUREC approval? YES Is your research covered by approved procedures on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Transcranial Current Stimulation, or experimentally Induced Pain? NO Did you answer YES to question D6 on drugs etc.? NO Enter name of Code of Practice in Box C below or approved procedure number in Box A below and ensure Section F indicates how the Code or approved procedure is applied Please complete form CUREC 2 and submit to the Medical Sciences Inter-divisional Research Ethics Committee Enter the relevant approved procedure number in Box A below and proceed to Section F YES YES Please complete forms CUREC 2 and CUREC 3 for submission to the Medical Sciences Inter-divisional Research Ethics Committee ** Enter the relevant approved procedure number(s) in Box A below NO Please complete CUREC 1 checklist Please complete form CUREC 2 and submit to the MS IDREC *** Your proposal needs to be checked by Clinical Trials and Research Governance (CTRG) for compliance with the University’s Indemnity Policy. Each department has a representative who can guide applicants through this procedure. When you have discussed your application with this representative, write their name in Box B below. Then send your application to CTRG prior to submission to MS IDREC A. Approved procedure number(s) (if required at ** above): B. Name of departmental representative consulted: (if required at *** above): C. Code of Practice and section applied (if required at * above): CUREC 1 Checklist last revised and approved 19 Nov 2015 Page 5 of 10 SECTION F: Application for CUREC 1 approval Contact details: 1. *Principal researcher*/supervisor (title and name): 2. Name of student (if student research): 3. Degree programme, e.g. DPhil, MPhil, BSc, MSc (if student research): 4. Status if you are NOT employed by the University of Oxford, nor a student registered for a degree at the University of Oxford [e.g. Visiting Researcher]. In such cases a member of the University associated with the project should be named. 5. Department or Institute name: 6. Address for correspondence (if different from 5 above): 7. University E-mail and telephone contact: Project description: 8. Title of research project: 9. List all *sites* where project will be conducted: 10. If your research involves overseas travel or fieldwork, have you completed and returned a travel risk assessment form? (Bear in mind that this may be necessary to ensure that the travel or fieldwork is covered by the University’s travel insurance – see www.admin.ox.ac.uk/finance/insurance/travel) Yes No N/A 11. Anticipated duration of project: 12. Anticipated start and end dates: months or years (maximum 5) From: (dd/mm/year) To: (dd/mm/year) 13. Name and status (e.g. third year undergraduate; postdoctoral research assistant) of others taking part in the project: 14. External organisation funding the research (if applicable – see also Section D): Does the funding body require some form of monitoring of the conduct of the research until completion (e.g. annual ethical re-approval of the study)? Yes No 15. Title and brief lay description of *research* (about 150 words), plus description (about 200 words) of the nature of participants. When describing the research, please include your criteria for inclusion/exclusion method of recruitment, duration of tasks/interviews, how professional guidelines are being applied (if applicable) and use to which the results/data will be put. When describing participants, please include the number you intend to recruit and the process of obtaining consent to participate. Cite the following documents which, if applicable, must be attached: recruitment and advertisement material participant information sheet (guidance is at https://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/curec/resources/informed-consent/) consent form (guidance is at https://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/curec/resources/informed-consent/) any additional documentation required by a cited approved procedure http://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/curec/resources/protocols/ /Section F, 15. (continued) CUREC 1 Checklist last revised and approved 19 Nov 2015 Page 6 of 10 SECTION F: Application for CUREC 1 approval (continued) Project description 15. (continued) Brief lay description of research (150 words): Description of participants and obtaining informed consent (200 words): 16. Please indicate what training on research ethics the researchers involved with this study have received, e.g. the title of the online or in-person course, and date completed (online training available at http://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/curec/training): SECTION G: NHS Trust Management approval (Please mark ‘X’ in the Yes/No column as appropriate to indicate your response.) Does your study involve: 1. Use of the NHS Trust e-mail domain to make contact with the potential participants (i.e. staff)? Yes No 2. Any study procedure (including interviews or focus groups) on NHS Trust premises? Yes No 3. Any study procedure (including interviews) using NHS Trust resources? Yes No 4. Any study procedure (including Interviews) during the working hours of the participant if they are an NHS Trust employee? Yes No 5. Use of NHS Trust data? Yes No If you have marked ‘X’ in any of the shaded boxes, please refer to the Clinical Trials and Research Governance Office (CTRG) BEFORE you submit your application to MS IDREC. You may need NHS Trust or NHS Trust R& D Office approval in addition to MS IDREC ethics approval. Please be aware that time taken to receive approvals noted above is in addition to MS IDREC review. CUREC 1 Checklist last revised and approved 19 Nov 2015 Page 7 of 10 SECTION H: Methods to be used in the study (Please mark ‘X’ against as many methods as apply: this information will help the committee understand the nature of your research and may be used for audit.) Please mark ‘X’ Method used: 1. Unstructured interview 2. Semi-structured interview. 3. Structured interview. 4. Questionnaire (in person) 5. Questionnaire ( online) 6. Use of social media 7. Use of NHS Trust data? 8. Analysis of existing records. 9. Participant performs verbal/paper and pencil/computer based task. 10. Measurement/recording of motor behaviour. 11. Audio recording of participant 12. Video recording or photography of participant. 13. Physiological recording from participant 14. Taking a sample of blood or other bodily fluid from participant. 15. Analysis of genetic material taken from a participant. 16. Ethnographic observation. 17. Systematic observation. 18. Observation of specific organisational practices 19. Other (please specify): SECTION I (Please mark ‘X’ in the Yes/No column as appropriate to indicate your response.) Does your research involve sensitive issues, such as illegal or sexual matters? Yes No If you have answered ‘Yes’ to the question in Section I, please provide a copy of the questionnaire raising the issues that will be used in your research, and proceed to Section J. Full committee review by the MS IDREC, on the basis of this checklist, the questionnaire and other supporting documentation that you provide, may be necessary. All checklists must be submitted by email to ethics@medsci.ox.ac.uk. Please ensure that the checklist, and any email from the head of department or nominee separately endorsing its submission, are sent from a University of Oxford email address. Please ensure that the sections below INCLUDING THE FINAL CHECKLIST are completed. CUREC 1 Checklist last revised and approved 19 Nov 2015 Page 8 of 10 SECTION J: Signatures Please ensure this checklist is signed by: For staff research: For student research: 1. *Principal researcher* 1. *Principal researcher* (project supervisor) 2. Head of Department (or nominee) 2. Head of Department (or nominee) 3. Student researcher 1. Principal researcher signature/supervisor signature (if student research) I understand my responsibilities as *principal researcher/supervisor* as outlined on in this form and in the CUREC glossary and guidance. I declare that the answers above accurately describe my research as presently designed and that I will submit a new checklist should the design of my research change in a way which would alter any of the above responses so as to require completion of CUREC 2 (involving full scrutiny by an IDREC). I will inform the relevant IDREC if I cease to be the principal researcher on this project and supply the name and contact details of my successor if appropriate. Signed by principal researcher/supervisor: ………………………………………………………………………………….. Print name (block capitals): …………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………………………... I understand the questions and answers that have been entered above describing the research, and I will ensure that my practice in this research complies with these answers. Signed by associate/other researcher:………………………………………………………………………………………. Print name (block capitals): …………………………………………………….. 2. Date: ……………………………………... Departmental endorsement signature I have read the research project application named above. On the basis of the information available to me, I: (i) consider the principal researcher to be aware of her/his ethical responsibilities in regard to this research; (ii) consider that any ethical issues raised have been satisfactorily resolved or are covered by CUREC approved procedures, and that it is appropriate for the research to proceed (noting the principal researcher’s obligation to report should the design of the research change in a way which would alter any of the above responses); (iii) I am satisfied that the proposed project has been/will be subject to appropriate *peer review* and is likely to contribute something useful to existing knowledge and/or to the education and training of the researcher(s) and that it is in the *public interest*. Signed by Head of Department or nominee, Director of Graduate Studies for postgraduate student projects; Director of Undergraduate Studies for undergraduate projects): Signature: …………………………………………………………………………. Print name (block capitals): …………………………….................................. 3. Date: ……………………………………... Student signature (if student research) I understand the questions and answers that have been entered above describing the research, and I will ensure that my practice in this research complies with these answers, subject to any modifications made by the principal researcher properly authorised by the CUREC system. Signed by student: ………………………………………………………………. Print name (block capitals): …………………………….................................. CUREC 1 Checklist last revised and approved 19 Nov 2015 Date: ……………………………………... Page 9 of 10 SECTION K: Final check Please use this section to check that you have completed the following tasks: Please mark ‘X’ Have you completed Section F and answered all relevant questions in Sections G-I? Have you defined all technical terms and abbreviations used? Have you included copies of any documentation produced in support of your application? If the appropriate supporting documentation is not included with your application, you will then be asked to provide this separately. This may well delay the ethical review process, and thus the start of your research. Have you included all relevant approvals and supporting letters? Have you declared conflicts of interest (if any)? Are all pages (including supporting document attachments) numbered? Have you signed as principal researcher and gathered signatures of the student (for student research) and department nominees as appropriate? HOW TO SUBMIT THE COMPLETED CHECKLIST Submit the checklist and supporting information to the MS IDREC (email ethics@medsci.ox.ac.uk). NB applications must be sent by email. Please do not send applications by post. Note on how to send signatures needed in Section E If you have obtained handwritten (wet-ink) signatures, please scan them plus the rest of the checklist pages to create a single PDF document and email through. Alternatively, we accept ‘electronic signatures’ sent as email confirmations from a University of Oxford email address. Separate emails should come from each of the relevant signatories as outlined in Section E, indicating acceptance of the relevant responsibilities. IDRECs and/or CUREC will review a sample of completed checklists and may ask for further details of any project. CUREC 1 Checklist last revised and approved 19 Nov 2015 Page 10 of 10