2015/16 Regional Service Plan Guidelines Amendments to the Regional Service Plan Guidelines Page Description 7 Enablers – Workforce - A new link has been provided to the Workforce Intelligence and Planning Framework to assist DHBs (the previous link did not work). 9 Regional Cancer Networks - The guidance has been updated to reflect that the Cancer Health Information Strategy will now not be released until March 2015. March 2015 Table of Contents Introduction to the Guidelines ................................................................................................ 3 Regional Collaboration ....................................................................................................................................3 Regional Service Plan .....................................................................................................................................3 Overview of Content Requirements ..............................................................................................................4 1: STRATEGIC POSITION ...................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Linkages ................................................................................................................................................5 2: RSP PRIORITIES ................................................................................................................ 6 2.1 Priorities.................................................................................................................................................6 2.2 Enablers ................................................................................................................................................6 2.3 Sub-regional Initiatives ........................................................................................................................7 3: REGIONAL GOVERNANCE and LEADERSHIP .............................................................. 8 3.1 Regional Governance and Decision Making ...................................................................................8 4: NETWORKS ........................................................................................................................ 9 4.1 Regional Cancer Networks.................................................................................................................9 4.2 Supporting Clinical Networks and Clinical Leadership ...................................................................9 5: HEALTH EQUITY ...............................................................................................................10 5.1 Priority Areas – Health Equity Focus ............................................................................................. 10 6: LINE OF SIGHT ..................................................................................................................11 6.1 The Planning Process Across Regional Service Plans and Annual Plans .............................. 11 7: NATIONAL ENTITIES ........................................................................................................12 7.1 Linkages ............................................................................................................................................. 12 2 Introduction to the Guidelines Regional Collaboration District health boards (DHBs) are expected to work together at a regional level to make the best use of available resources, strengthen clinical and financial sustainability and increase access to services. Improving regional collaboration between DHBs has been an evolving process over time. In the last few years, significant progress has been made in establishing the key foundations to assist regional working and DHBs are in a good position to continue implementing their regional and sub-regional priorities. Regional Service Plan The purpose of a Regional Service Plan (RSP) is to provide a mechanism for DHBs to document their regional collaboration efforts and align service and capacity planning in a deliberate way. The RSPs include national and local regional priorities, and outline how DHBs intend to plan, fund and implement these services at a regional or sub-regional level. The plans have a specific focus on reducing service vulnerability, reducing costs and improving the quality of care to patients. High-quality health care results from the simultaneous implementation of three quality dimensions: improved quality, safety and experience of care, improved health and equity for all populations and best value for public health system resources. High-quality health and disability services respond to the needs and aspirations of diverse population groups, and the health system must work to eliminate barriers to accessing high-quality health care. Therefore, the 2015/16 RSP guidance includes a focus on health equity, which is a cross-cutting dimension of quality. Further detail on expectations is set out in section 5: Health Equity. In 2015/16, there is also a continued focus on improving alignment between the DHB Annual Plans (APs) and the RSPs. The visibility of contributions by DHBs to achieve regional service priorities will be further strengthened by expanding on the Line of Sight framework provided for the 2014/15 plans. The Line of Sight framework is included in section 6.1 as a general guideline. A combined priorities document has also been released that clearly articulates what is required in both the RSPs and the APs for those planning priorities that cross both plans. For further information regarding these guidelines please contact: Stasha Mason National Health Board Ministry of Health Wellington 6145 stasha_mason@moh.govt.nz (04) 496 2265. 3 Overview of Content Requirements 1: STRATEGIC POSITION 1.1 Linkages 2: RSP PRIORITIES 2.1 Priorities 2.2 Enablers Regional and national information technology Regional workforce Capital 2.3 Sub-regional Initiatives 3: REGIONAL GOVERNANCE and LEADERSHIP 3.1 Regional Governance and Decision Making 4: NETWORKS 4.1 Regional Cancer Networks Key actions 4.2 Supporting Clinical Networks and Clinical Leadership 5: HEALTH EQUITY 5.1 Priority Areas – Health Equity Focus Health Equity Tools 6: LINE OF SIGHT 6.1 The Planning Process Across Regional and Annual Plans Guidance framework for RSP priorities 7: NATIONAL ENTITIES 7.1 Linkages Health Quality and Safety Commission 4 1: STRATEGIC POSITION In the development of the strategic section, regions should reflect on progress to date, identifying and explaining any significant changes from earlier years, and identifying the direction of travel for 2015/16 and future years. 1.1 Linkages The strategic section of the RSP should also be consistent with national strategic imperatives, as well as all trends and key outcomes outlined in: DHBs’ Statements of Intent (SOIs) that articulate the ability of each DHB in the region to deliver improved services into the future the Strategic Intentions section of DHBs’ APs, where each DHB examines how health services can be most effectively and efficiently co-ordinated and delivered. 5 2: RSP PRIORITIES 2.1 Priorities The 2015/16 RSP priorities are noted below. These are mostly a continuation from 2014/15, with the exception of Cancer Services, which has been removed as an RSP priority. However, necessary actions to support cancer services at a regional level are outlined in section 4: Networks. Elective Services Cardiac Services Mental Health and Addictions Stroke Services Health of Older People Major Trauma Information Technology Workforce. 2.2 Enablers The National Health IT Plan and Health Workforce Regional Work Plan outline the strategic focus for these areas, and include key priorities and programmes that are expected to be implemented regionally by DHBs. The regional priorities for 2015/16 for IT and Workforce are outlined in the combined priorities document. The requirements for enablers can be incorporated into specific service priorities where applicable. Further context on how these enablers link with regional objectives in RSPs is noted below. 2.2.1 Regional and national information technology IT provides the platform to support improved information sharing that enables new models of care and better decision making. Well-designed IT systems help us work smarter to reduce costs, support care pathways and give patients better, safer treatment. Greater reliance on technology requires effective management of IT investments, implementations and ongoing operations. Sustained investment in IT is one of the ways to manage increasing demand with limited resources. The regions making the greatest progress in IT enablement have identified that strong regional governance and decision making, collaboration between DHBs, involvement of consumers and clinicians in co-design and well-managed IT capacity and capability are essential elements for the successful delivery of IT initiatives. An additional part of the planning information requested requires these areas to be addressed (see the planning priorities document). Stronger information governance will be important to ensure that health information remains in a trusted environment as IT enables better information sharing. The development of the Health Information Governance Framework is under way and will be consulted on in 2015. Thereafter there is an expectation that it will be adopted by DHBs. In the 2015/16 RSPs regions must include: their prioritised three-year plan of all local, regional and national IT initiatives, including the applicable critical IT priorities that are outlined in the separate planning priorities document. The following level of information should be provided for each initiative (a, b and c are mandatory): a. name of the initiative b. budget allocation by DHB (capex and opex) c. the key deliverable that will be achieved in the 2015/16 year d. benefits, dependencies and milestones (where available). 6 strategies the region has put in place to address the following IT delivery challenges: a. regional governance, leadership and decision making b. regional funding and approval model(s) c. regional capacity and capability. 2.2.2 Regional workforce To enable a consistent approach to workforce planning, the national DHB General Managers Human Resources (GMsHR) group and Health Workforce New Zealand have collaborated in the development of a Workforce Intelligence and Planning Framework. The Framework aims to assist DHBs when undertaking workforce planning at the individual DHB, regional and national level for the immediate planning horizons – up to three years. The Framework can be accessed on the Connex website at the following link: http://www.dhbsharedservices.health.nz/Site/ER/Workforce-Intelligence-and-Planning-Framework/WFIPHome.aspx. The DHBs are encouraged to use the Framework, which is being tested as part of the 2015/16 DHB annual planning process. The GMsHR Group will seek DHB feedback to ensure a consistent and robust workforce planning process across DHBs. To enable and sustain our future health and disability workforce, Health Workforce New Zealand will work collaboratively with DHBs to: actively address and progress a co-ordinated approach to 'new models of care' thinking, planning and development clearly define and contribute to national workforce priorities that lead to, and/or support, interventions at a regional level provide leadership and commitment that supports the regional training hub to deliver solutions that deal with regional challenges actively address national/inter-regional/intra-regional co-ordinated approaches that support individual DHBs workforce needs, now and for the future. To achieve this, DHBs are expected to work in close collaboration with the Regional Workforce Development Director and the regional hub to: improve recruitment, retention and distribution of the health and disability workforce deliver on health and disability workforce priorities through increased collaboration, inter-sectoral partnerships and regional approaches that improve productivity and economies of scale align workforce development to meet service demand maximise the value derived from workforce resources and reduce duplication strengthen health workforce intelligence to provide high quality support and advice. 2.2.3 Capital Regional service planning remains an integral part of capital investment planning. Where it is appropriate, potential capital impacts should be identified. However, quarterly reporting on capital will not be required via RSPs. In 2015/16, the NHB will continue to collect the regional capital plans separately. The NHB considers this will reduce administrative workload for DHBs and focus DHBs on regional capital planning. 2.3 Sub-regional Initiatives Current and emerging sub-regional initiatives where DHBs are working together to provide improved value to their populations should be identified in the RSPs. Measurable and time-bound actions are required to be set out in the AP (Annual Plan Toolkit, Module 2: Delivering on Priorities and Targets). 7 3: REGIONAL GOVERNANCE and LEADERSHIP DHBs are expected to continue to provide effective regional governance, accountability and decision making. DHB Chairs and Chief Executives from each region will be required to agree and sign RSPs on behalf of their individual boards. 3.1 Regional Governance and Decision Making RSPs should provide information about how implementation will be governed, costed, funded and managed, including how DHBs will manage performance. Information may include: roles and responsibilities, an outline of arrangements to provide support and assistance to other DHBs to meet the regional and/or sub-regional performance expectations, and how barriers and issues will be resolved. Some regional (including sub-regional) work programmes may require specific governance and leadership approaches with tailored membership to appropriately represent the key stakeholders and to ensure the best outcome is achieved (eg, involvement and alignment with primary care, NGOs, patient representative groups). DHBs may also wish to include other examples of regional collaboration, for example, cross-appointed board members and clinicians and regular engagement between DHB boards in the region. DHBs are expected to assist their colleagues in finding and implementing solutions to financial or clinical issues that arise. This may include making staff with expertise available to work with the NHB to resolve the issue. An indication of how the region will arrange this should be included. 8 4: NETWORKS 4.1 Regional Cancer Networks Cancer networks bring together stakeholders from across the region who are working at different stages of the cancer care continuum including DHBs, NGOs, GPs and PHOs, cancer service providers, cancer treatment consumers and their family or whānau, hospices, and research organisations. Cancer networks work across boundaries to improve the outcomes for patients by: reducing the incidence and impact of cancer increasing equity with respect to cancer. Implementing the priorities of the National Cancer Programme remains the focus for regional planning for cancer services. In particular to improve: equity of access to cancer services timeliness of services across the whole cancer pathway the quality of cancer services delivered. 4.1.1 Key actions The region (in conjunction with the regional cancer network) needs to identify the actions it will undertake to improve access, timeliness and the quality of cancer services. For example: improve the functionality and coverage of multidisciplinary meetings (MDMs) by implementing the regionally agreed MDM priorities implement actions that support the region to deliver on the priorities for cancer as outlined for DHB APs in the combined planning priorities document where appropriate, identify workforce and IT programmes of work that support the actions the region is undertaking to improve cancer services. Identify and progress priorities that will support the implementation of the Cancer Health Information Strategy (to be released in March 2015). Please note that planning guidance on endoscopy/colonoscopy is provided in the 'Improved Access to Diagnostics' section of the AP guidance (which can be found in the planning priorities document available on the NSFL website). 4.2 Supporting Clinical Networks and Clinical Leadership In 2015/16, it is expected that clinical integration will continue to be visible in the development of service priorities. RSPs are to adopt a proactive approach to strengthening clinical integration by developing and supporting clinical networks. In particular, the RSPs are to: identify how the region can work with clinical leaders to make better use of clinical networks to support improved clinical and financial sustainability of services identify services within the region that may benefit from the development of a regional clinical network. 9 5: HEALTH EQUITY The World Health Organization defines equity as: the absence of avoidable or remediable differences among populations or groups defined socially, economically, demographically or geographically. Equity is not a single component, but rather a cross-cutting dimension across all elements of quality. Focus is not just on overall health but the gap in quality between different groups eg, ethnicity, deprivation, age, gender, disability and location. Strong regional collaboration is critical to achieving health equity for all New Zealanders. The Ministry expects that achieving health equity is a focus for all regional activity. The regions are asked to outline in their RSPs at least two activities to help improve health equity in each of the priority areas listed below. The Ministry is not prescriptive on appropriate activities for inclusion in the plans (with the exception of Major Trauma) as activities will vary between regions depending on their various needs. The Ministry will be looking for evidence that the regions have worked through a process of identifying the disparities evident in each priority area, and outlined relevant activities to reduce these disparities in order to achieve health equity. 5.1 Priority Areas – Health Equity Focus For 2015/16, the RSPs are expected to focus on reducing disparities and achieving health equity for all New Zealanders in the key priority areas below: Stroke Services Cardiac Services Mental Health and Addictions Health of Older People Elective Services Major Trauma (focus on data collection towards implementation of major trauma data registry). 5.1.1 Health Equity Tools Regions can use the following tools, or others at their disposal, to assess and identify regional disparities and outline activities for achieving health equity in the priority areas listed above. Equity of Health Care for Māori: A Framework (this was recently released in July 2014). Whānau Ora Health Impact Assessment 2007. The Health Equity Assessment Tool: A User's Guide 2008. 10 6: LINE OF SIGHT For 2015/16 focus remains on ensuring there is greater alignment between RSPs and APs. The RSPs are expected to set out the regional priorities and how DHBs intend to work as a region to achieve these. The requirements of IT, workforce and capital to implement service priorities are also expected to be incorporated where applicable. 6.1 The Planning Process across Regional Service Plans and Annual Plans The Line of Sight guidance framework is provided below for general use. It aims to improve linkages across RSPs and APs and to demonstrate how individual DHB actions contribute to achieving regional priorities. To expand further on this framework, a combined priorities document that clearly articulates what is required in both the RSPs and the APs for those planning priorities that cross both plans has been released. 6.1.1 Guidance framework for RSP priorities Line of sight across Regional and Annual Plans RSP - Common Priorities and Objectives Priorities and objectives that DHBs within a region want to achieve. RSP - Key Actions, Milestones and Measures Key actions to set out what the region will do to achieve its objectives (and where appropriate significant individual DHB contributions are identified). Key milestones required to reach regional objective. Measures the region will use to assess actions agreed to achieve milestones, including setting of baselines. RSP - Inputs / Resources The nature of inputs may vary and could include: costs to implement actions in order to achieve priority people / teams / and/or new roles required to progress actions. RSP - Responsibilities Accountable roles. Organisations and/or networks required to implement priority eg, PHOs. RSP – Requirements of Enablers to Achieve Regional Priorities Workforce, IT and capital requirements to deliver on regional services priorities should be explicitly identified where relevant to achieving a regional objective. AP – Individual DHB’s Contribution to Regional Priorities The planning priorities document sets out the DHB’s individual actions to deliver against regional priorities and targets. This includes: key individual DHB actions to deliver on regional milestones and priorities (links to regional actions) measures to demonstrate progress on regional milestones and priorities. Where appropriate, budget allocation by DHB To streamline reporting, the local actions of DHBs to deliver on regional objectives are reported quarterly within a consolidated regional report by Shared Services Agencies on behalf of DHBs. This is intended to streamline reporting as individual DHBs will not be required to report local actions to support regional priorities through their local DHB quarterly reports. 11 7: NATIONAL ENTITIES 7.1 Linkages Linkages with other work, in particular across the National Health IT Plan, Health Workforce New Zealand, Capital, and the Health Quality and Safety Commission need to be considered. 7.1.2 Health Quality and Safety Commission DHBs are required to incorporate Health Quality and Safety Commission programmes into their RSPs, as outlined in the Commission’s Statement of Intent 2014-18. In particular, DHBs are encouraged to demonstrate a structure and planned actions for regional implementation of the ‘Open for better care’ national patient safety campaign, including establishing a regional patient safety and quality improvement governance and working arrangements. Each region is expected to: involve consumers (patient and family) maintain and participate in regional governance approaches that ensure regional and local leadership of the campaign work with the Commission to design the topic-specific approaches to the campaign work with the Commission to implement the campaign regionally and locally develop networks to support the campaign and build capability for improvement. 12