Lectures: - Confluence

MECHENG 542 Vehicle Dynamics Winter 2010
Tu and Th 1:30-3:00pm, Chrysler Center #165
Office hours:
Th 3:00-5:00 pm, G052 Lay Auto Lab
Theory of Ground Vehicles by J.Y. Wong
Professor T. Gordon
Background and further reading: Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics, by Hans B. Pacejka.
 Motor Vehicle Dynamics, by G. Genta
 Race Car Vehicle Dynamics by Milliken and Milliken
 Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics by Tom Gillespie
Basic knowledge in Newtonian Dynamics (ME240 level) is essential, as well as Intermediate Level
Dynamics (ME440). Automotive Engineering (ME458) is helpful but not required. Prior familiarity with
MATLAB/Simulink is useful, since this is used extensively in lecture examples and homework
The overall aim is to provide a strong fundamental understanding of vehicle dynamics principles, coupled
with specific techniques in dynamics and modeling, sufficient to analyze vehicle dynamic performance
and associated chassis system design concepts and selected design details. After successful completion
of ME 542, students will be able to –
 Explain basic concepts and terminology of ride, handling, tires, suspension and steering
 Define concept-level models for ride and handling, and be able to explain their applicability and
 Use appropriate analytical and computational methods to investigate design concepts
 Interpret experimental vehicle dynamics data
5 Homeworks [40%]
1st Midterm Exam [20%] – 80 minute exam
2nd Midterm Exam [20%] – 80 minute exam
Case-Study [20%] – modeling and simulation based
For on-site students, the homework should be turned in at the end of class on the due date. Off-site
students should submit assignments via CTools.
Late homework will not be accepted. Homework solutions will be distributed over the internet via CTools.
All home work assignments are to be completed on your own.
Case Study:
Individual or small group investigation relating to vehicle ride or handling dynamics (up to 3 students in a
80-minute exams during regular class time
1st Midterm:
Feb. 18 (Thu) in class
2nd Midterm:
Apr. 20 (Tue) in class
Part 1: Introduction and Overview
Motivation and background [Review of dynamics fundamentals]
Part 2: Ride Dynamics and Modeling Fundamentals
Ride fundamentals, models of ride dynamics (quarter and half car), frequency response functions, random vibrations,
state variable models, analysis of modes, simulation in Matlab and Simulink, effects of non-linearity, wheelbase filtering.
Part 3: Steady-State Handling
Bicycle model, understeer and oversteer, tire mechanics, introductory tire modeling, suspension and roll effects: roll
center, lateral load transfer, roll-steer and compliance-steer, camber effects, objective handling tests.
Part 4: Transient Handling Dynamics
Linear handling models: 2 and 3 DOF cases, straight-line stability, parametric analysis based on analytical and numerical
methods. Development of non-linear models of low-order, introduction to driver modeling, emulation of objective handling
tests, influence of key suspension and tire parameters.
Part 5: Suspension and Steering Systems
Review of major suspension types, kinematic analysis in 2D and 3D, steering system kinematics in 2D and 3D, force
analysis via virtual work – anti dive and anti-roll effects, limitations of the roll center concept, case study relating
component design to handling dynamic performance