Mayfield Community Allotment Minute of Meeting – March 2013

Mayfield Primary Community Allotment Meeting
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Ms A. Cassells, Head Teacher
Mrs K. McGregor, Plot Holder
Mr T. Armstrong, Countryside Liaison Officer
Mrs S. Thomson, Plot Holder
Mrs M. Connor, Plot Holder
Mr and Mrs McDonald, Plot Holders
Mrs L. Millar, Plot Holder
Mr Milloy, Plot Holder
Mrs C. Boyd, Plot Holder
Mr Millar, Plot Holder
Mr Talbot, Plot Holder
Mrs Miller, Plot Holder
Mrs A. Elliot, Plot Holder
Mr Thomson, Plot Holder
1. Ms Cassells updated the group on the establishment of the compost area
for green waste from the plot including weeds.
2. Ms Cassells informed the group that she has found it very difficult to
obtain a quote for a water supply at the allotment area. The group are
aware that she has been trying since December 2012.
Action: Ms Cassells will continue to phone the relevant people this
week as she had been informed a quote should be available by now and
try to find out what the delay is. If there is no further progress, Ms
Cassells will contact the Head of Service for advice.
Ms Cassells updated the group about the erection of the polytunnel and
arranged to meet Mr Armstrong and Mrs Connor on Tuesday 19th March
(all plot holders welcome to attend) to decide on the following:
a. How could we could lay it out?
b. What materials are required for flooring?
c. How many boxes could be allocated within the polytunnel?
The polytunnel will be of great benefit to the group, thanks to the
Community Benefit Fund. In the longer term, we require funding for
another polytunnel to ensure all plot holders have access to an indoor
planting space.
3. At the current time, there is no funding left in our Allotment budget. Mr
Armstrong advised that we apply to the Community Benefit fund at the
beginning of the new financial year.
4. The contract was revised to include some amendments. This included
opening the rental of allotment plots up to the wider community within
Saltcoats and, as previously agreed, to ex-employees. A local person
has been asking about obtaining a plot as they can see the polytunnel
from their house and so will now be able to rent a plot.
5. The group agreed to establish a constitution to become an independent
association in order to access relevant funding and begin to look at selfsufficiency. Ms Cassells said she would be happy to be fully involved and
guide the group through this process as some members had not been
role bearers before.
Role Bearers
Mrs Connor was nominated by Ms Cassells as Chair of the Mayfield
Community Allotment Association and seconded by Mrs Millar.
Mrs Elliot was nominated as secretary by Mrs Connor and seconded by
Mrs Boyd.
Mrs Grant, Senior Clerical Assistant, was nominated as treasurer by Mr
Armstrong and seconded by Mrs Millar. Mrs Grant came to the meeting
and agreed to this role. It is anticipated that, during this year, Mrs Grant
and the Executive Committee will write out instructions/exemplars of,
for example, how to maintain accounts in order that this task can easily
be transferred to a plot holder next year.
Action: Ms Cassells to draft a constitution and put it out to all plot
holders for approval. Any plot holder can put forward any suggestions at
any time.
Action: Mrs Connor and Mrs Grant to open up a bank account for the
Mayfield Community Allotment Association.