DETERMINATION OF THE ACTIVE STATE CURVE OF SKELETAL MUSCLE Owino Okongo ABSTRACT The purpose of the present investigation was to measure the active state of skeletal muscle during an isometric twitch. The magnitude of the active state at any instant was defined as the force which the muscle would have developed at that instant had the contractile component remained at a constant length throughout the preceding duration of its mechanical activity. The three-element model of muscle (Hill, 1938) was assumed and the experiments were performed in frog sartorius muscle at the length of maximum contractility so as to exclude the effects of the parallel elastic component and minimize the effects of the equilibrium length tens ion relation. In each experiment, a family of force and shortening twitch records and their derivatives were made with springs of different compliances in series with the muscle. The force and shortening data so obtained were used to construct force shortening curves at intervals of 20 msec. These curves were best described by an empirical equation of the same form as Aubert's (1956) force -velocity equation from which the force at zero external shortening (the true isometric force) could be computed. At any sample point, this equation and the extension of the series elastic component corresponding to the true isometric force were used to compute the force at zero internal shortening: the active state force. The same equation was used to determine the corresponding contractile component shortening at zero load. Instantaneous force -velocity curves were computed at selected intervals from: 1) force and shortening records, 2)'the time derivatives of force and shortening, and 3) the derivative of the force extension curve of the series elastic component. The results showed that in a twitch the active state curve obtained by analytical elimination of the series elastic component rises gradually to a peak which is approximately equal to the maximum tetanic force and is attained earlier than the peak isometric twitch force. This curve has no plateau and is consistently greater than the isometric force throughout the duration of mechanical activity. The "active state" curve obtained by the force-velocity method is greater than the isometric myogram during contraction and is essentially identical with it during relaxation. This curve is, however, smaller than the isometric force in the zone of transition from contraction to relaxation. The active state curve obtained by analytical elimination of the series elastic component is considered the most reasonable active state curve to date. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to Dr. Norman R. Alpert for many useful and critical discussions of the ideas presented in this thesis and to Dr. William C. Ullrick for encouraging the initial development of the concept of analytical elimination of the series elastic component. Mr. Richard Becker, Mr. George Luhr and Mr. Joe Trono of the Instrumentation and Model Facilities of the University of Vermont were most helpful in the design and construction of custom-made equipment. Their assistance is gratefully acknowledged. I am especially grateful to Mrs. Clair Phillips for the generous donation of her time to help prepare the manuscript. This gift and her experience in the preparation of theses were invaluable. I am grateful to Mrs. Mary Anne Freedman for expeditious writing of the computer program used in the final analysis of the data and to Dr. Ronald Schnitzler for proof-reading the manuscript.