DIFFUSION & OSMOSIS WEBQUEST Directions: Write your name, date, and class period on a piece of white-lined paper*, ** titled DIFFUSION & OSMOSIS WEBQUEST. Answer the following questions for each particular link/animation. Use complete sentences and be sure to number your answers correctly. * or use a computer to word process. ** or print the worksheet form. Check out all the links below and answer the corresponding questions. Diffusion Animation http://lessons.harveyproject.org/development/general/diffusion/diffnomemb/diffnomemb.html Question 1. What TWO things do you notice about the movement of the particles? Diffusion thru Membrane – Click on “ Diffusion ”, then “ Diffusion with Arrows ” http://www.indiana.edu/~phys215/lecture/lecnotes/diff.html Question 2. At the beginning of the animation, How many particles are on each side of the membrane? Question 3. Are the particles moving in only one direction, or are they moving in both directions? Question 4 . Watch the animation for 2 minutes, or until it reads “NO NET FLOW”. Now how many particles are on each side of the membrane? Question 5 . What is meant by the website author when he states “”diffusion goes from the higher concentration side to the lower concentration side”? Osmosis Animation – Answer the questions found on the webpage, also written below… http://zoology.okstate.edu/zoo_lrc/biol1114/tutorials/Flash/Osmosis_Animation.htm Question 6 : “ What is happening to the water (blue) and the dissolved substances (green and red). What is the same? What is different? Osmosis Animation 2 Read the entire website, including the scroll bar under the animation. Read the scroll bar for each step of the animation. Click GO, then NEXT, then GO until you have seen all steps. RESET will start you over again. Fill the chart in under the columns marked with an asterisk*, in the boxes labeled with letters A, B, etc.. http://www.colorado.edu/eeb/web_resources/osmosis/ Question 7. STEP # 1. After the red particles are added. INSIDE CELL BLUE (H2O) particles INSIDE cell RED particles INSIDE cell * * A. OUTSIDE CELL BLUE (H2O) particles OUTSIDE cell B. RED particles OUTSIDE cell F. C. BLUE (H2O) particles OUTSIDE cell G. D. RED particles OUTSIDE cell H. E. CONCENTRATION of WATER MOLECULES BEFORE OSMOSIS (TO BE DONE TOGETHER IN CLASS) 2 . After OSMOSIS (movement of the blue water molecules) BLUE (H2O) particles INSIDE cell RED particles INSIDE cell CONCENTRATION of WATER MOLECULES AFTER OSMOSIS (TO BE DONE TOGETHER IN CLASS) Question 8. After performing the experiment, is there a greater concentration of particles INSIDE or OUTSIDE the cell. Osmosis & Membrane – Notice that the top of the animation, labeled CYTOPLASM, is the inside of the cell. http://www.cat.cc.md.us/courses/bio141/lecguide/unit1/prostruct/hypotonicanim.html Question 9. What are the holes in the membrane called? Question 10. At the beginning of the animation, are there more “Free Water Molecules” inside or outside the cell? Question 11. Which way do the “Free Water Molecules” move? Into or out-of the cell? Question 12. Why do the “Free Water Molecules” move in this direction?