Grade 8 students requesting Gr_9 elective courses

For current Grade 8 students, Selecting Gr.9 Course Electives
STUDENT NAME ___________________________
 Courses are 1 term (9 weeks) and 2 part courses which are 2 terms (18 weeks).
 Required Courses are required by State of Iowa and/or school board for graduation
These required courses will automatically be scheduled for freshmen students, so families do not
need to request these courses:
 English 9 (2 terms/80 minutes per day, will be assigned fall (Term 1&2) or spring (Term 3&4)
 Physical Science (2 terms/80 minutes per day, will be assigned fall (Term 1&2) or spring (Term 3&4)
 Business/Career Exploratory (1 term/80 minutes per day)
 Physical Education (2 terms, once in fall (Terms 1 or 2) & again in spring (Terms 3 or 4)
 Algebra I
o 2 terms at 80 minutes per day, will be assigned fall (Term 1&2) or spring (Term 3&4)
o 4 terms (all school year) at 40 minute per day “skinny”, Period 4 = same period as band
 If family would like student to be placed in the “skinny algebra” that runs all year at
40 minutes per day, please select course numbers 901 (Algebra I Fall) & 902
(Algebra 1 Spring), and reassign Algebra I numbers 031 & 032 as Alternates.
 Students who take Algebra as a skinny, will have 2 more course electives to request.
Soon to be Freshmen at Panorama High School,
Please select 7 terms of electives you want considered during course scheduling from the options
below, and 2 Alternate terms of class.
You may make these selections directly on your Infinite Campus page (Registration/course
search, course number/see list below) OR simply write your name on this paper, have a parent
sign it in the top margin, and return it to Mr.Webner with your course selections marked.
CORE Elective = college preparation designated courses
o 073 & 074/Spanish 1, Parts 1 & 2
o 075&076/Spanish 2, Parts 1 & 2 (Grade 9 or 10)
Mr. Geneser delivers 4-years (levels) of high school Spanish and 1 level of college Spanish, so in order to
complete all 5 levels a student must take two levels during a school year once.
o Students who want the option to attend a 4 year university after high school are encouraged to take at least 2
years (levels) of the same “world language” before graduating from high school. Roughly half of Iowa’s 4-year
colleges require 2 years of a world language for admission.
o If student earned an A or B in 8th Grade English, then likelihood is good they are ready for Spanish 1 in Grade
9. If English 8 grade was lower than a B, then they are encouraged to take more English in high school before
learning a second language.
o Spanish is fastest growing language in U.S. & 3 rd most used language in the world (Chinese is 1st & English 2nd)
009/Creative Writing A (poetry, Grades 9 – 12, with Mrs. Arganbright)
007Creative Communication (this English class gets you ready for speech class, Grades 9 or 10, Mrs. Boettcher)
151/Journalism (newspaper presentation; research, organization, persuasive & technical writing, Mrs. Boettcher)
033/Geometry, Parts 1&2 (required by end of Gr10, may be taken after Algebra I in Gr9, must be taken before
Algebra 2)
If wanting to take 6 years of math, to include college level math taught by Ms.Jarnagin, then by the end of Gr. 11 student must have
taken two years on math in one year.
o Option 1 = Gr9 Algebra 1 & Geometry, Gr10 Algebra 2, Gr 11 Trigonometry, Gr12 Elementary Functions & Calculus
o Option 2 = Gr9 Algebra 1, Gr10 Geometry & Algebra 2, Gr 11 Trigonometry, Gr12 Elementary Functions & Calculus
o Option 3 = Gr9 Algebra 1, Gr10 Geometry, Gr11 Algebra 2 & Trigonometry, Gr12 Elementary Functions & Calculus
071/Modern U.S. Problems (Events & news issues of U.S., Gr 9 – 12, Mr. Geadelman)
176/Modern U.S. History (U.S. history since World War II, Mr. Bahrenfuss)
214/World Geography (study people & places around the world; Gr 9 – 12, Mr. Geadelman)
179/Current World Issues (awareness of world news; Gr 9 – 12, Mr. Geadelman)
069/Sociology (study of why large groups of people behave as they do; typically taken in Gr10 -12, Mr. Geadelman)
070/Psychology (why individuals behave as they do; typically taken in Gr10 – 12, Mr. Geadelman)
122/Horticulture, Part 1 (this is a science course about plant life, Mr. Hameister)
119/Animal Science, Part 1 (this is a science course, Mr. Babcock)
ELECTIVES are courses for exploration and skill development, are not required to be taken for graduation, do earn
credit for graduation from high school
o 444/PLTW – EGT400/Intro to Engineering, Parts 1 & 2 (Grades 9 – 12)
Project Lead The Way offers this STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math), 3 college credits granted
by Des Moines Area Community College
o Students who score high enough on final exam can also be granted credit at universities of IOWA & ISU.
o Students with higher grades in Algebra and who also like solving problems in a team environment have done
the best in this challenging course with Mrs. Ploeger.
o Many students who have enjoyed IED have gone on to take additional engineering courses at DMACC’s Perry,
Iowa VanKirk Center their junior and/or senior years.
051/Health 1 (not a science course, covers how most people die and how we can avoid health problems)
052/Health 2 (different aspects of health than Health 1, can be taken without taking Health 1)
172&175/Fall Band & 602&603/Spring Band (Period 4, 40 minutes daily, year-long)
171/Fall Chorus & 612/Spring Chorus (Period 5, 40 minutes daily, year-long)
173/ Jazz Chorus (audition with Mr. Helm for this two term spring course)
182/Music Theory (Mr. Helm teaches history and composing)
170/Jazz Theory (Mr. Bauch teaches jazz scales and improvisation)
120/Beginning Agriculture (overview of agriculture areas and learning about FFA membership, Mr. Babcock)
121/Animal Science, Part 2 (this is an agriculture course with Mr. Babcock, usually taken after Anim.Sci.Part 1)
123/Horticulture, Part 2 (this is agriculture course with Mr. Hameister, usually taken after Horticulture Part 1)
124/Natural Resources Conservation (relationship between agriculture and our environment, Mr. Babcock)
131/Welding (basic welding techniques & safety with agriculture applications, Mr. Babcock)
760/Intro to Agri-Foods (Gr9-12, how food moves from farm to our meal table, Mr. Hameister)
761/Food Science 1 (food preparation & nutrition, not a science course, Gr9-12, Mr. Hameister)
762/Food Science 2 (Food Science 1 first; food preparation & nutrition, not a science course, Gr9-12, Mr. Hameister)
764/Food Product Processing (Gr9-12, hands on food preservation and consumption, Mr. Hameister)
766/Career Leadership (learn how to be a leader through your work, Mr. Hameister)
767/School 2 Work (learn about the world of work and how to find work meaningful to you, Mr. Hameister)
768/Single Survival (skills to prepare young adults to live on their own, Mr. Hameister)
156/Art Fundamentals (overview of art areas; Grades 9 -12, Mrs. Lindstrom)
161/World Arts (art methods and examples from around the world, Grades 9 -12, Mrs. Lindstrom)
155/Art History (new course in 2015-16, Grades 9 -12, Mrs. Lindstrom)
157/Drawing (taken after Art Fundamentals, take before Drawing 2 or College Drawing, all with Mrs. Lindstrom)
159/Painting (taken after Art Fundamentals, take before Painting 2 or College Painting, all with Mrs. Lindstrom)
162/Ceramics (clay work, pottery, sculpture, taken after Art Fundamentals, Mrs. Lindstrom)
100/Basic Industrial Tech (basic shop safety and overview of industrial technologies, Mr. Roberts)
101/Computer Aided Drafting & Design (CADD; learning common software of technology industry, Mr.Roberts)
104/Construction (building projects may take student to work site or be mock ups at PHS, Mr.Roberts)
098/Woods (basic cabinetry using hand and machine tools, Mr.Roberts)
095/Small Engines (understand an internal combustion engine and make minor repairs, Mr. Roberts)
111/Residential Wiring (light switches, lights, wall outlets, Mr.Roberts)
137/Personal Finance (money choices and responsibilities, Mr. Druivenga)
139/Accounting I (keeping track of money and capital values, Mr. Druivenga)
187/Marketing (selling and advertising strategies, Mr. Druivenga)
142/Investments (making money from money, Mr. Druivenga)
146/Business Law (legal rights of employers/ees, Mr. Druivenga)
141/Computer Applications (spreadsheets and other common business tools, Mr. Druivenga)
189/Economics (money system for U.S. and world, Mr. Druivenga)
Students who want to waive PE during their participation in a school athletic program can do so by requesting 635
(PE Sports Waived). Waiving PE then means 1 additional course request will be needed.