For current Grade 8 students, Selecting Gr.9 Course Electives STUDENT NAME ___________________________ Courses are 1 term (9 weeks) and 2 part courses which are 2 terms (18 weeks). Required Courses are required by State of Iowa and/or school board for graduation These required courses will automatically be scheduled for freshmen students, so families do not need to request these courses: English 9 (2 terms/80 minutes per day, will be assigned fall (Term 1&2) or spring (Term 3&4) Physical Science (2 terms/80 minutes per day, will be assigned fall (Term 1&2) or spring (Term 3&4) Business/Career Exploratory (1 term/80 minutes per day) Physical Education (2 terms, once in fall (Terms 1 or 2) & again in spring (Terms 3 or 4) Algebra I o 2 terms at 80 minutes per day, will be assigned fall (Term 1&2) or spring (Term 3&4) o 4 terms (all school year) at 40 minute per day “skinny”, Period 4 = same period as band If family would like student to be placed in the “skinny algebra” that runs all year at 40 minutes per day, please select course numbers 901 (Algebra I Fall) & 902 (Algebra 1 Spring), and reassign Algebra I numbers 031 & 032 as Alternates. Students who take Algebra as a skinny, will have 2 more course electives to request. Soon to be Freshmen at Panorama High School, Please select 7 terms of electives you want considered during course scheduling from the options below, and 2 Alternate terms of class. You may make these selections directly on your Infinite Campus page (Registration/course search, course number/see list below) OR simply write your name on this paper, have a parent sign it in the top margin, and return it to Mr.Webner with your course selections marked. CORE Elective = college preparation designated courses o 073 & 074/Spanish 1, Parts 1 & 2 o 075&076/Spanish 2, Parts 1 & 2 (Grade 9 or 10) Mr. Geneser delivers 4-years (levels) of high school Spanish and 1 level of college Spanish, so in order to complete all 5 levels a student must take two levels during a school year once. o Students who want the option to attend a 4 year university after high school are encouraged to take at least 2 years (levels) of the same “world language” before graduating from high school. Roughly half of Iowa’s 4-year colleges require 2 years of a world language for admission. o If student earned an A or B in 8th Grade English, then likelihood is good they are ready for Spanish 1 in Grade 9. If English 8 grade was lower than a B, then they are encouraged to take more English in high school before learning a second language. o Spanish is fastest growing language in U.S. & 3 rd most used language in the world (Chinese is 1st & English 2nd) 009/Creative Writing A (poetry, Grades 9 – 12, with Mrs. Arganbright) 007Creative Communication (this English class gets you ready for speech class, Grades 9 or 10, Mrs. Boettcher) 151/Journalism (newspaper presentation; research, organization, persuasive & technical writing, Mrs. Boettcher) 033/Geometry, Parts 1&2 (required by end of Gr10, may be taken after Algebra I in Gr9, must be taken before Algebra 2) o o o o o If wanting to take 6 years of math, to include college level math taught by Ms.Jarnagin, then by the end of Gr. 11 student must have taken two years on math in one year. o Option 1 = Gr9 Algebra 1 & Geometry, Gr10 Algebra 2, Gr 11 Trigonometry, Gr12 Elementary Functions & Calculus o Option 2 = Gr9 Algebra 1, Gr10 Geometry & Algebra 2, Gr 11 Trigonometry, Gr12 Elementary Functions & Calculus o Option 3 = Gr9 Algebra 1, Gr10 Geometry, Gr11 Algebra 2 & Trigonometry, Gr12 Elementary Functions & Calculus o o o o o o o o 071/Modern U.S. Problems (Events & news issues of U.S., Gr 9 – 12, Mr. Geadelman) 176/Modern U.S. History (U.S. history since World War II, Mr. Bahrenfuss) 214/World Geography (study people & places around the world; Gr 9 – 12, Mr. Geadelman) 179/Current World Issues (awareness of world news; Gr 9 – 12, Mr. Geadelman) 069/Sociology (study of why large groups of people behave as they do; typically taken in Gr10 -12, Mr. Geadelman) 070/Psychology (why individuals behave as they do; typically taken in Gr10 – 12, Mr. Geadelman) 122/Horticulture, Part 1 (this is a science course about plant life, Mr. Hameister) 119/Animal Science, Part 1 (this is a science course, Mr. Babcock) ELECTIVES are courses for exploration and skill development, are not required to be taken for graduation, do earn credit for graduation from high school o 444/PLTW – EGT400/Intro to Engineering, Parts 1 & 2 (Grades 9 – 12) Project Lead The Way offers this STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math), 3 college credits granted by Des Moines Area Community College o Students who score high enough on final exam can also be granted credit at universities of IOWA & ISU. o Students with higher grades in Algebra and who also like solving problems in a team environment have done the best in this challenging course with Mrs. Ploeger. o Many students who have enjoyed IED have gone on to take additional engineering courses at DMACC’s Perry, Iowa VanKirk Center their junior and/or senior years. 051/Health 1 (not a science course, covers how most people die and how we can avoid health problems) 052/Health 2 (different aspects of health than Health 1, can be taken without taking Health 1) 172&175/Fall Band & 602&603/Spring Band (Period 4, 40 minutes daily, year-long) 171/Fall Chorus & 612/Spring Chorus (Period 5, 40 minutes daily, year-long) 173/ Jazz Chorus (audition with Mr. Helm for this two term spring course) 182/Music Theory (Mr. Helm teaches history and composing) 170/Jazz Theory (Mr. Bauch teaches jazz scales and improvisation) 120/Beginning Agriculture (overview of agriculture areas and learning about FFA membership, Mr. Babcock) 121/Animal Science, Part 2 (this is an agriculture course with Mr. Babcock, usually taken after Anim.Sci.Part 1) 123/Horticulture, Part 2 (this is agriculture course with Mr. Hameister, usually taken after Horticulture Part 1) 124/Natural Resources Conservation (relationship between agriculture and our environment, Mr. Babcock) 131/Welding (basic welding techniques & safety with agriculture applications, Mr. Babcock) 760/Intro to Agri-Foods (Gr9-12, how food moves from farm to our meal table, Mr. Hameister) 761/Food Science 1 (food preparation & nutrition, not a science course, Gr9-12, Mr. Hameister) 762/Food Science 2 (Food Science 1 first; food preparation & nutrition, not a science course, Gr9-12, Mr. Hameister) 764/Food Product Processing (Gr9-12, hands on food preservation and consumption, Mr. Hameister) 766/Career Leadership (learn how to be a leader through your work, Mr. Hameister) 767/School 2 Work (learn about the world of work and how to find work meaningful to you, Mr. Hameister) 768/Single Survival (skills to prepare young adults to live on their own, Mr. Hameister) 156/Art Fundamentals (overview of art areas; Grades 9 -12, Mrs. Lindstrom) 161/World Arts (art methods and examples from around the world, Grades 9 -12, Mrs. Lindstrom) 155/Art History (new course in 2015-16, Grades 9 -12, Mrs. Lindstrom) 157/Drawing (taken after Art Fundamentals, take before Drawing 2 or College Drawing, all with Mrs. Lindstrom) 159/Painting (taken after Art Fundamentals, take before Painting 2 or College Painting, all with Mrs. Lindstrom) 162/Ceramics (clay work, pottery, sculpture, taken after Art Fundamentals, Mrs. Lindstrom) 100/Basic Industrial Tech (basic shop safety and overview of industrial technologies, Mr. Roberts) 101/Computer Aided Drafting & Design (CADD; learning common software of technology industry, Mr.Roberts) 104/Construction (building projects may take student to work site or be mock ups at PHS, Mr.Roberts) 098/Woods (basic cabinetry using hand and machine tools, Mr.Roberts) 095/Small Engines (understand an internal combustion engine and make minor repairs, Mr. Roberts) 111/Residential Wiring (light switches, lights, wall outlets, Mr.Roberts) 137/Personal Finance (money choices and responsibilities, Mr. Druivenga) 139/Accounting I (keeping track of money and capital values, Mr. Druivenga) 187/Marketing (selling and advertising strategies, Mr. Druivenga) 142/Investments (making money from money, Mr. Druivenga) 146/Business Law (legal rights of employers/ees, Mr. Druivenga) 141/Computer Applications (spreadsheets and other common business tools, Mr. Druivenga) 189/Economics (money system for U.S. and world, Mr. Druivenga) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Students who want to waive PE during their participation in a school athletic program can do so by requesting 635 (PE Sports Waived). Waiving PE then means 1 additional course request will be needed.