Instructions - Svenska institutet

Application Instructions
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The Swedish Institute (SI) offers financial support for SI Alumni (former scholarship and
grant holders) or SI Alumni Associations to arrange local events.
The grant should be considered a possibility for SI alumni who wish to stay active and
continue building professional networks after their scholarship time in Sweden.
The overall aim of the Swedish Institute in regard to alumni activities is to facilitate for longterm local, as well as global, networks to be developed, by the alumni themselves. SI, on the
other hand, may provide limited short-term financial support for certain events of keyimportance.
This call is meant to support local alumni events and gatherings. We recommend that events
hold a clear thematic approach. They could include several components, together forming a
program, which should be described in the application form under Section C: “EVENT
For example, the event could be an expert seminar on a certain topic, followed by an
interactive workshop and a small reception/fika afterwards. There could also be a series of
events, approaching a set of questions from different perspectives. The purpose of the events
is to strengthen platforms for professional networking, to start up mentorships, and to
highlight experiences of relevance for the topics discussed.
Seminars/workshops within the following thematic areas will have priority:
Swedish Institute
Svenska institutet
Slottsbacken 10
Box 7434
SE-10391 Stockholm
Green technology and/or Energy efficiency
Management skills and/or Leadership
Human Rights & Democracy
Innovation and/or Entrepreneurship
P +46 (0)8 453 78 00
The Swedish Institute (SI) is a public agency that promotes
interest and confidence in Sweden around the world. SI
seeks to establish cooperation and lasting relations with other
countries through strategic communication and exchange in
the fields of culture, education, science and business.
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CSR & Sustainable development (sustainability)
Civil Society
ICT and E-solutions
An alumni event could also have external partners (e.g. NGOs, universities, companies, the
Centre for Swedish Studies or other organisations)
This announcement targets individual SI Alumni (former scholarship holders financed by SI)
or alumni associations in cooperation with SI. The application must be completed by the
individual and/or the organisation which intends to manage the alumni event.
The alumni event should be managed by an organising team, led by the alumni event contact
person. In the application form under Section B the principal role of each team member
should be described in brief. The minimum requirement is a team of two, although additional
team members as well as partner organisations can be included in the project.
We recommend that the organising team makes contact with the Embassy of Sweden, or any
of its consulates, as they can be valuable partners when arranging events. They can also assist
in connecting to other alumni, and provide advice on how to approach Swedish organisations
and companies.
In order to apply for funding from SI within this call, use the Application form available for
download here.
The application must be completed, signed and sent back by e-mail to before the
deadline of the call. Remember that SI is a Swedish public agency, which means that any
document received is open to and can be requested by the general public.
Only one application per person may be submitted
For each event, a maximum of SEK 12,000 can be applied for
The application form must be completed electronically, printed, signed and scanned
as a PDF
A Budget and an Activity plan must be submitted along with the Application form
Completed Application form, Budget and Activity plan must be sent in by e-mail to no later than 10 May 2015. Remember to include the reference number
00026/2015 in the subject line of the e-mail. Please note that you do not need to
include this instruction with the application
The Swedish Institute does NOT require paper originals of any documents.
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The proposed alumni event must:
Take place in the applicant’s/association’s country of residence
Be carried out through the timeframe indicated in your event proposal and before 15
of December 2015.
Gather at least 10 SI alumni. An SI alumnus is a:
o Former Swedish Institute scholarship holder
o Recipient of the Global Swede award
o Previous participant of the Swedish Institute Summer University or
Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals
o Former student of the Swedish language at a university and/or Swedish
o Former participants of the Swedish institutes leadership programmes for
Northern Europe and former recipients of the Swedish institutes Baltic Sea
Unit grants
You may of course also invite other participants such as:
o Current and new SI scholarship holders
o Former participants, managers and/or associates of projects previously
arranged by SI
o Local experts in the spheres of thematic relevance for the event
o Distinguished guests of importance for the work of the alumni network
o Other Sweden Alumni
If you have received SI funding for either organising an alumni event, participating in an SI
Alumni Forum or been given a travel grant in the past year, your application may not be
In order to be taken into consideration, the application must include (1) an activity plan, and
(2) a budget.
1. The activity plan should include the following:
Background/description of the event
Target group(s)
Objectives and expected results
Planned activities
Preliminary program
Partner involvement (optional)
Event preparation timeline
Risk analysis
Plan for marketing
Important: Please keep in mind that the Swedish Institute staff reading your application may
not be experts in your field. It is therefor important that you describe your activity in a way
that can be understood and accessed by someone not necessarily familiar with theories,
technical terms etc. that may be obvious to you. Make sure to be specific and avoid vague
formulations. SI cannot grant an application that we do not fully understand.
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2. The Budget
Costs of organising the event must be specified in a budget. Budget lines could include the
Rent of event venues
Food, snacks & fika
Seminar & office props, supplies
Payment for key-note speaker, lecturer, expert
Small honorarium for event management staff (max 500 SEK/person in the
organising team)
It is possible for others to contribute financially to the arrangement of an alumni event. They
must be stated in SECTION F of the application form.
The event organisers are responsible for marketing and for attracting event participants. The
Swedish Institute can publish information on the Alumni blog and other communication
channels but will need promotional material from the organisers in good time before the
event in order to do so.
A preliminary program and list of participants must be sent to the Swedish Institute two
weeks prior to the alumni event.
After the event SI will require the organisers to submit a text and photos for publishing on the
Alumni blog. SI will also ask you to fill out an evaluation form and to submit a final program
and list of participants. The above must be done no later than three weeks after the event.
Feel free to contact SI with any inquiries related to the above, at