November 2010 - United Way of the Cape Fear Area

10 Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness & Reduce
Homelessness in the Cape Fear Region
Executive Board Minutes
NOVEMBER 9, 2010
9:00 AM
PRESIDING: Chairman Jason Thompson, Vice Chair
Catrecia Bowman-McCoy; Dr. David Cordle; Tom Dodson; Dr. Steven Greiner;
Katrina Knight; Dr. Eric McKeithan; Chris Nelson; Carla Ortiz; Karen Pleva
Michael J. Krause; Brunswick County Commissioner J. Martin Cooke; Pender County
Commissioner Jimmy Tate; Mayor Bill Saffo;
Dr. Spiro Macris; Angela Keith
Dan Ferrell (Strategic Director); Julia Steffen (Project Assistant)
Welcome & Introductions
Jason Thompson, Vice-Chair
Jason welcomed the board members and visitors present and noted the absentees.
Jason said Mike asked him to chair the November meeting because he would be out of
town on business.
Board Membership Update:
o Jason announced that Commissioner Marty Cooke has agreed to fill the vacant
Brunswick County seat on the 10 Year Plan Executive Board. Marty told Dan
he could not attend today’s meeting due to a prior out-of-town business
commitment but plans to attend the February meeting.
Approval of August Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Jason solicited a motion to approve the August 2010 meeting minutes. A motion to
approve was made and seconded and the minutes were approved unanimously.
o Dan introduced new project assistant Julia Steffen to the board. He called the
board’s attention to her position description and biographical sketch in the
handouts. Dan announced that Julia’s primary focus will be on expanding the
Circles of Support mentor teams from the current two successful teams to ten
by next July 1.
o Speaking on behalf of the Mission and Vision Statement review committee,
Katrina Knight said the group as not been able to meet to begin a discussion
due to time conflicts during the past three months. She stated the group
intends to report back at the February meeting.
Update on new Federal Homeless Policy –
Atlanta HUD Training
Dan Ferrell
Dan briefed the board members on what he learned at the September HUD training
session in Atlanta. He said the new HEARTH Act regulations are not yet finalized but
HUD is consistent in maintaining the Continuum of Care (CoC) is now the statutorily
based vehicle for implementation of the overall federal homeless policy locally.
Dan said there is very little money for NOFA contracts administration in the new
legislation, just 3% of the annual NOFA grant amount. In the Cape Fear area, he said
that is only about $22k per year. The new Unified Funding Agency (UFA) option
HUD will be rolling out appears to be far better suited for larger communities with
multi-million dollar NOFA finding and hundreds of HUD projects. Dan predicted it
would be very difficult to establish an economy of scale here as the Cape Fear CoC
would have to of replicate all HUD’s current functions on our 15 HUD grants for about
$44k per year.
Dan said HUD continues to urge integration of locally-based 10 Year Plans into
Continuum of Care operations. He said attending the conference with TRI-HIC CoC
NOFA Committee Chair Lee Anna Stoker provided an opportunity to discuss the
continuing integration of the two functions.
Dan said both he and Lee Anna view the 10 Year Plan is an extension of the serviceprovider-based Continuum of Care in that the 10 Year Plan is broader and involves
elected officials, mental health and medical providers, the housing authority and the
higher education and business communities. Dan said he and Lee Anna are in
agreement that the Cape Fear environment is already better integrated than many
other communities – some of which seem to be polarized between service providers
and other interests. Dan said that he and Catrecia (and ongoing Angela Keith)
provide official overlap between the two organizations.
Miami-Dade Community Partnership for Homeless
Dan reported on his recent orientation session at the Community Partnership for
Homelessness Chapman Center in Miami. Although the highly successful MiamiDade project is funded by a dedicated funding source (food and beverage taxes in
Dade County), that project is the only one in the country to establish that model to
date. Dan said he learned San Antonio has tried to replicate the funding scenario but
without success.
He said the mentoring relationship United Way of the Midlands established with the
CPH has paid dividends for Columbia, South Carolina in that they have received a $5
million grant from the Knight Foundation for a new Homeless Assistance Center in
Columbia that will be modeled loosely on the Chapman Center. Columbia matched
the Knight Foundation’s $5 million gift within six months and will open its new
center in April 2011. United Way is providing overall leadership for the Columbia
Overview of Cape Fear Homeless
Organizational Environment
Dan referenced the three page chart in the handouts and provided the board an
overview of the three key organizations dealing with homelessness and affordable
housing in the Cape Fear area. Those three groups are:
1. 10 Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness
2. Tri-County Homeless Interagency Council
3. Affordable Housing Coalition of Southeastern North Carolina
Executive Board Configuration: Alignment with Opening Doors
Dan provided a quick refresher on Opening Doors, the comprehensive new federal
homelessness policy issued in June by the US Interagency Council on Homelessness
(USICH), the 19-member agency under the auspices of HUD. Opening Doors
establishes federal leadership in the fight to end homelessness. It is the
implementation mechanism for the 2009 HEARTH Act, the legislation that renews
the McKinney-Vento Act.
Opening Doors re-orders the federal priorities for addressing homelessness to
include: Ending Chronic Homelessness in 5 years; Ending Veterans Homelessness in
5 Years; and Ending Youth and Family Homelessness in 10 Years.
Accordingly, Dan suggested the 10 Year Plan Executive Board consider broadening its
base to include a representative of the veterans leadership community, a
representative from a school district and an officer of the Affordable Housing
Coalition of Southeastern North Carolina.
Jason solicited a motion to broaden the membership to include a Veterans, school
district and AHCSENC representation. A motion to that effect was made and
seconded and passed unanimously.
Jason instructed Dan to send invitation letters to Ellis Pender of New Hanover County
Veterans Affairs, the New Hanover County School Superintendent/McKinney Vento
Act Coordinator and the chair of AHCSENC.
Board Member Standing Updates
Catrecia Bowman
Catrecia introduced SECMH Housing Specialist Angela Keith, the newly-elected
chair of the Tri-County Homeless Interagency Council, the local Continuum of
Care organization. Catrecia then announced she will be resigning from her
position at SECMH on December 1 and that Angela will be replacing her on the
executive board.
Jason duly noted the change and the board members and 10 Year Plan staff
thanked Catrecia for her service to the board.
Strategic Director’s Implementation Update
Dan Ferrell
Dan provided an update on the following projects and activities:
HPRP Progress
SOAR Progress and supplemental grant
Make A Change Meters
Greenville Trace Timeline
BRAC Agreement Other Projects
Discussion Items from the Members
Use of HMIS Data
Katrina Knight volunteered to work with Dan to arrange additional conversations
with CHIN’s Rob Tripp about identifying more meaningful ways to track homeless
data through HMIS reports.
Respite Care
Dan defined respite care as a way to temporarily care for sick or injured homeless
people who are too sick for shelters and not sick enough to be in hospitals. He and
Katrina had spoken earlier and that agree that there is a void of such services in the
Cape Fear area. Dan volunteered to do some research on how other communities
have addressed respite care and report back.
10:05 AM
Next Executive Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
9:00 – 10:00 AM
United Way of the Cape Fear Area