
Mrs. Croker’s ABC’s of Second Grade!
Attendance- Please help your scholar arrive to school on time each day. Scholars may report to the classroom at 8:20.
According to the school policy, if your scholar arrives after the 8:45 bell has rung, s/he is tardy and must check in at the office.
Absences- Anytime your scholar is absent from school (sickness, doctor’s appointment, death in the family, etc.), you must send in a
note to explain the absence. Without a note, your scholar’s absence will result in an UNEXCUSED absence.
Assessments: Your scholar will be assessed throughout the school year with formal tests, weekly tests, classwork, and observations.
Allergies- Please let the nurse and I know if your scholar has any allergies or any other health concerns.
AR- All scholars will participate in our school-wide Accelerated Reader program. Scholars will check out an AR book from the library
or the classroom. All scholars who meet their AR goal (85% or above) will receive a special Belgian treat from me.
Behavior- All scholars are expected to follow all school and classroom rules. All scholars have the right to learn in a safe and
stress-free environment. NO scholar has the right to interfere with another scholar’s right to learn. Any behavior that disrupts the
learning process or threatens a scholar’s safety will NOT be tolerated. Every effort will be made to positively reinforce appropriate
classroom behavior. In the classroom, we will keep track of behavior with colored cards. The behavior system is made up of 5 cards
in this order: green, yellow, pink, purple, and red. Each scholar has starts out the day on green. When a rule is broken your scholar
will move his/her card to the next color, in which s/he needs to think about his/her behavior. The next infraction will result in the
card moved to pink and if necessary on down to purple and red. The color codes are: Green= Excellent, Yellow= Warning Pink=Time
out, loss of privileges Purple= student conference then Red= parent conference Office Referrals may be written as the last resort
for extremely inappropriate behavior. Colors will be tracked and sent home each day on the weekly behavior sheet. Please sign your
child’s behavior chart in his/her folder everyday. I believe in positive reinforcement. Scholars who are behaving will be rewarded
with praise, stickers, treats, extra computer time, and/or being selected as the scholar of the week. If for any reason this discipline
plan does not meet your scholars’ needs, then we can sit down together and create an individual behavior plan that best meets your
child’s needs.
Birthdays-If you would like to bring cupcakes or a treat to celebrate your scholar’s birthday, please feel free to do so. All cupcakes or
treats MUST be store-bought and NOT contain peanut products. Please notify me in advance if you are bringing a treat. The best
time for us to celebrate is during our lunch time.
Bathroom- Because of the importance of limiting class disruptions, scholars are strongly encouraged to use the bathroom before
coming to the classroom in the mornings and during class restroom breaks.
Conferences- We will have a conference at the end of October to discuss first quarter grades. If at any time you would like to
set up a conference please let me know in advance.
Dismissal- School dismissal is at 3:45 p.m. If you need to pick up your scholar early, please check in at the office. No early
dismissals are allowed after 3pm.
Emergency- Please fill out the blue card to indicate telephone numbers in case of an emergency or illness. Please notify me
ASAP if your telephone number or address has changed.
Email: Email is the best way to contact me since I do not have access to the phone during the day. Please make sure I have your
most current email address. I will respond to emails within 1 day. My email address is:
Friendly Environment: Scholars need to respect each other and show great character traits. This will help us to be a fun,
friendly, inviting classroom to grow and learn.
Field Trips: Information about upcoming field trips will be sent home in Thursday Folders
Grades: Second graders do not receive letter grades. On their report card they follow the following rubric: 1-Does not yet
meet expectations 2-Inconsistently meets expectations 3-Consistently meets expectations. Grades on the report card will be
determined through assessments, observations, and teacher records. Scholars are graded in math, literacy, science, social studies,
and writing. Homework is checked on a daily basis.
Homework- Scholars will have homework M-TH, which will usually consist of reading, math, and spelling. Scholars will record
their homework assignments in their planner. Math homework will be sent home each night, Monday-Thursday. Spelling words are
sent home on Monday, and all spelling activities are due together on Friday. Math homework is checked daily and spelling activities
are checked weekly. All homework is due on time.
Involvement- Parent involvement is the key to the success of your scholar
Inspiring Quotes: Read the inspiring quotes on the last page of this packet; Remind your child to come to school with a beautiful
smile and great attitude. It’s amazing how far this will take your scholar…so much learning, growing, and so much fun will happen!!!
Independence is a goal for all scholars to build self-esteem and self-confidence. Scholars will learn to read independently, complete
tasks independently, as well as homework independently. All work needs to be completed in the scholar’s OWN handwriting and in
pencil. Please feel free to help, but let your scholar do their work.
Journals: Your scholar will use a journal (spiral notebook) to complete morning work activities each morning. Your scholar
will need at least 2 journals for this school year.
Keep Updated: Keep up-to-date on things happening in and out of the classroom through our wiki website, newsletter, and
important information in Thursday Folders. Please empty Thursday Folders each week and sign the parent log so I know you’ve seen
the contents of the folder.
Lunch- Our lunch time is 10:48-11:13
Library: If your scholar checks out a book(s), he/she is expected to take care of it and return it to the media center on time. Overdue
fines and/or damage fees may be assessed. If you have questions about lost or damaged books, please contact Ms. Clark in the
Media Center.
Money- Please place any money for school in a Ziploc bag or envelope with your scholar’s name, teacher, and the amount.
Please send exact money for field trips and school related items as we cannot make change.
Newsletter- Newsletters will be posted on my wiki page and sent by email to save on paper and computer ink. If you do not
have internet access, please let me know so that I can give you a paper copy. Please make sure you read these letters because you
can stay informed on what is being taught and learned, important dates, projects, etc
No Toys: Toys are NOT allowed in school. Your scholar may bring in an interesting object to show the class with prior teacher
approval/notification. If I take a toy during class time, the toy will be returned on the last day of school.
Open Communication: Communication is the key to a positive and successful school year. I will communicate with you
through your scholar’s planner, Thursday Folder, email, wiki website, written notes, and phone calls. Please contact me at any time if
you have a question or concern.
PTA- We encourage you to join the River Oaks PTA and attend the meetings. We have an awesome PTA!
Planners: Scholars will use planners each day to record their homework and reminders for upcoming events. You may purchase a
planner through PTA.
Questions- Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions. I am here to help your scholar succeed. After school I
can be reached at the school 980-344-1020 or through email:
Reading- Reading is a big part of our day. Your scholar will be involved in whole group, small group, and independent work
time during our reading/RTI block. Please read with your scholar every night for 30 minutes to build reading fluency and reading
comprehension. Reading nightly will GREATLY IMPROVE your scholar’s reading skills. Please ask your scholar questions as they read.
In 2nd grade, fluency and comprehension are our biggest goals! Look at the Reading Log (front cover) to have activity ideas when
reading together.
Room Parent-We will need two room parents for the classroom. They will be responsible for planning holiday parties and any other
school related celebrations for the classroom. Please contact me if you are interested.
Rules-Please review the all star rules with your scholar (see last page)
Star Student of the week: Each week I will pick a scholar of the week from our class. To be chosen for the student of the week
a student must follow the school and class rules. Every scholar will have the chance to be selected. He or she will be given a special
certificate on his/her seat in the classroom.
Spelling: Scholars are given a list of spelling words on Monday. Scholars will have 4 different activities to complete MondayThursday at home to learn the words. All 4 completed activities are due on Friday of each week. Weekly spelling words may also be
found on our wiki website.
Supplies- Most of the supplies are community supplies, which means we use them as a class (tissue, sanitizer, Ziploc bags). Items
such as folders, notebooks will be left with each individual scholar. I will send home a note if the classroom is in need of refills or any
other supplies throughout the year. Thanks for bringing in supplies. It is greatly appreciated.
Schedule-Our class schedule is listed on the last page
Tennis Shoes- Please make sure that your scholar wears tennis shoes for PE on Mondays.
Technology- Your scholar will be exposed to various types of technology each day
Transportation- It is very important that I know how your scholar is going to and from school. Should you wish to change how your
scholar is going home a written note will be required. Please do not email transportation changes since I do not check my email as
often during the school day.
Thursday Folders-Every Thursday your scholar will bring home a Thursday Folder from the school that will have important school
information and work from the week. Please take out all papers and return the folder to school the next day.
Treasure Box: Scholars will be rewarded for excellent behavior with items from the treasure box. We appreciate any and all
donations and you may send them in at any time. Acceptable items include: individually wrapped candy (NO gum), small toys,
pencils, and erasers.
Uniforms- Scholars will be required to wear navy or khaki pants, shorts, jumpers, skirts, or skorts and NAVY and WHITE
tops with collars. Girls may wear plaid pants, shorts, jumpers, skirts, or skorts (PLAID colors include: forest green, white, navy, and
yellow. Please refrain from colors that are not listed.)Tops must have sleeves, long or short and be in good repair. Shorts, skirts and
skorts and must be long enough to extend past the scholar’s fingertips when arms are held to the side. Pants must be worn so as to
rise above the hips and not drag the floor. Sagging pants will not be appropriate school attire.Navy or white sweaters or sweatshirts
may be worn on top of the shirt. Closed toe shoes, black or brown must be worn (tennis shoes may be worn and should be worn on
PE days). No sandals or flip flips will be permitted.The use of a belt will be encouraged. Jeans may NOT be worn as a part of the
uniform. T-shirts of any color may NOT be worn as a part of the uniform code with the exception of the River Oaks Academy spirit tshirts on designated days.
Volunteers- Parent Involvement is needed and appreciated. There are many different things that can be done. Anyone in the
family is encouraged to volunteer. Before coming to school and volunteering you need to go to CMS website and fill out an
application on line. Please look for more information on the Class
Volunteers’ Meeting
Visitors: Please begin your visit in the office. You will need to sign in and get a name badge before entering the hallways and
classrooms. You may visit our classroom during appropriate times (awards ceremonies, parties, special events). We want to keep
unannounced visits to a minimum so that all scholars can continue their learning. If you have questions for me during your visit, I will
ask that we set up a conference for a later time.
Weekly tests: Scholars will be assessed weekly in math, literacy, and spelling. Please help ensure your scholar is prepared by
helping/checking homework nightly and reading with your scholar.
Wiki page- Please check my Wiki page periodically, as this is where I will post information about the classroom.
Weekly Behavior- This will be kept in the homework folder. The behavior log will need to be signed each night.
Exit: Parents and visitors MUST enter and exit the school through the front office.
You- You can help to make your scholar feel successful this year by doing some of the following: Reading to your child is the
single most important thing you can do. It encourages them to become good readers. Another important way to help your child is
to discuss the school day with them. Ask questions like, “What did you learn today?”, “What did you work the hardest on?”, or
“What are you getting better at?” These questions cause children to reflect on their learning which in turn helps them remember
new information. Don’t let them tell you “nothing.” Ask your scholar about centers, special area classes, writing, reading, or math
ZZZZ’s- It is very important for your scholar to have plenty of rest when they come to school.
Mrs. Croker’s schedule
8:20-8:45 Morning Procedures/Morning Work
8:45-10:00 Math
10:00-10:45 Science/Social Studies (alternate each month)
10:48-11:13 lunch
1:15-11:45 physical activity
11:45-1:30 literacy
1:30-2:00 writing
2:00-2:45 Special:
Monday: PE
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Media
Friday: STEM (science/computer lab)
2:45-3:25 RTI (literacy centers/reading groups)
3:30-3:45 dismissal
Rules in Mrs. Croker’s classroom:
1. Demonstrate self control
2. Use time wisely
3. Pay attention
4. Refrain from talking
5. Respect others
6. Follow rules in hallway, bathroom, cafeteria
Inspiring Quotes:
1. Expect positive outcomes every day.
2. Always find the best in people.
3. Dare to aim high.
4. Keep your mind filled with thoughts of peace, hope, courage, and happiness.
5. Inspire others by your positive example.
6. Take pride in your work.
7. Conquer the negative; explore the positive.
8. Look for the sunshine behind every dark cloud.
9. Ability x Effort = Results
10. Believe in yourself and your abilities.
11. Of all things you wear, your smile is the most important.
12. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So . . . get on your way. – Dr. Seuss
13. The more you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go. –Dr. Seuss
Please hold onto the ABC’s of Second Grade in case you have any questions throughout the year.
Please detach and return to Mrs. Croker
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------------------------I have read the ABC’s of Second Grade and I am excited about the school year!
Students Name___________________________________________________________
Parent’s Signature_________________________________________________________