Water and Carbs Notes

Animal Nutrition
5 Basic Classes of Nutrients
Energy Nutrients
Most ______________________________ Nutrient
Needed in ______________________________ of all nutrients
65%-85% of body weight at birth
45% to 60% of body weight at maturity
90%-95% of blood is water
Functions of Water
______________________________ of other nutrients and waste products
Maintains shape of cells
Lubricates joints and organs in the body
Sources of Water
______________________________ Water
Water ______________________________the feed
______________________________ water
1. Drinking Water
Things That Affect Drinking Water Consumption
Dry Matter Consumption
Dietary Factors
Feeds high in water ______________________________
Feeds high in fiber, salt, and proteins ______________________________
Access to water
______________________________, length of water trough,
1. Drinking Water
Things That Affect Drinking Water Consumption
______________________________ of the animal (lactating cow vs. dry cow)
Dairy Cow 4-5 lbs of water= ______________________________
Dairy Cows allowed water twice a day milk production reduced by 15%
1. Drinking Water
How much water do mature, non-stressed animals need?
Swine= ______________________________
Sheep= _____________________________
Cattle= _____________________________
Horses= ______________________________
2. Water Within The Feed
Grains can range from ______________________________water
Forages can range from 5% in a ______________________________to more than 90% water in
3. Metabolic Water
Water produced by the body during ______________________________
5-10% of total water intake
Water Loss
How is water lost from the animal’s body?
Water Deficiencies
What happens if animals are deprived of water?
Reduces amount of feed eaten by 27%
Reduces feed efficiency by 33%
Reduces weight gain by 50%
4-5 days without water animal will drink up to 50% of body weight in ½ hour
All of these lead to a loss of what?___________________
5 Basic Classes of Nutrients
Energy Nutrients
There are 3 types of energy nutrients, what are they?
Energy Nutrients
Where do animals get energy nutrients?
Animal Fats
Energy Nutrients
What are the functions of energy nutrients?
Maintain body ______________________________
Muscle development
Development of fetus
Energy Nutrients
What happens if animals don’t get enough energy nutrients?
Delayed puberty
Decreased ______________________________ production
Weight Loss
Less resistance to ______________________________
Energy Nutrients
Animals need more energy nutrients when they are doing what?
---Energy needs double
----Energy needed for baby
Energy Nutrients
What is the most important energy nutrient?
Energy Nutrients -Carbs
What are the 4 things carbohydrates are made up of?
Energy Nutrients- Carbs
What are the functions of carbohydrates?
----Chemical reaction very much like burning
Provides energy for muscle movement
Produce heat to keep animal warm
Extra carbs are stored as ______________________________
Energy Nutrients- Carbs
There are 2 types of carbohydrates, what are they?
Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE’s)
Consist of sugars and starches
Supply ______________________________immediate energy
Come from cereal grains
Energy Nutrients- Carbs
There are 2 types of carbohydrates, what are they?
2. ______________________________
Known as ______________________________
Consist of cellulose and lignin
More ______________________________to digest than simple CHO’s
Fiber is found primarily and roughages such as ______________________________
Examples are alfalfa, brome grass, orchard grass, and bluegrass.
Energy Nutrients- Carbs
Fiber Content
______________________________- weight of a feed with the moisture content removed
The dry weight of most grains and roughages ranges from ______________________________
______________________________contain more fiber when harvested than those that are
The mature plant ______________________________easily digested
Ruminants can digest large amounts of fiber