3 April 2014, Version 26 8TH GCC MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE CONFERENCE THEMES: BEST PRACTICES AND MUNICIPAL PROJECTS: SUSTAINABLE URBAN PLANNING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT As major consumers of energy and natural resources, cities have a key role in dealing with the environmental challenges that face the world. New urban models are required to preserve and protect the environment from air to water and land resources and to ensure society and economies prosper. We have to rethink our built environments in order to achieve a sustainable future. SMART GOVERNMENT: INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY As technology continually advances at a rapid pace, there is a huge opportunity for municipalities to embrace Smart Government for improved efficiency in public services and enhancing the quality of life for its citizens. Harnessing new and innovative technologies in the municipal system has great potential for economic prosperity and establishing places to work, live and visit that are fit for the future. CUSTOMER SERVICES AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Achieving first class municipal capabilities and services requires community participation and meaningful engagement. By ensuring citizens have a voice in how services are provided and encouraging partnerships with the private sector, we will establish strong relationships with the public and business and move forward with shared visions for the future. CONFERENCE AGENDA: TUESDAY 8 APRIL 10:00 - 10:30 WELCOME OPENING CEREMONY LOCATION: CONFERENCE HALL A Sustainable Municipal Services To Enhance The Quality Of Life. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: H.E. Dr. Rashid Ahmed Bin Fahad, Minister of Environment and Water, UAE H.E. Saeed Eid AlGhafli, Chairman, The Department of Municipal Affairs of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (DMA), UAE 10:30 - 11:30 PLENARY SESSION 1 LOCATION: CONFERENCE HALL A MUNICIPALITY LEADERS DISCUSSION: LIVEABLE CITIES LOCATION: CONFERENCE HALL A As urban populations are increasing in the region and around the world, what strategies can we adopt to create sustainable urban areas whilst preserving heritage and achieving vibrant communities and liveable cities? Municipality leaders from GCC countries will meet to discuss, exchange ideas and share experiences for creating sustainable and liveable cities. PANELISTS: H.H. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, General Manager, Municipality of Bahrain H.E. Dr. Eng. Habib Ben Mustfa Zainal Al Abideen, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Municipalities and Rural Affairs, Saudi Arabia H.E. Ahmed Al Sherif, Undersecretary, The Department of Municipal Affairs of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (DMA), UAE H.E. Mohammed Abdulkarim Julfar, Assistant Director General of Institutional Support, Dubai Municipality, UAE 11:30 - 12:00 OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONY OF THE EXHIBITION LOCATION: EXHIBITION AREA 12:00 - 12:30 MEDIA ROUNDTABLE LOCATION: MEDIA CENTRE, EXHIBITION AREA 12:30 - 13:30 LUNCH LOCATION: EXHIBITION AREA Delegates can attend one of the following concurrent breakout sessions: 13:30 - 15:00 BREAKOUT SESSION 2 BEST PRACTICES AND MUNICIPAL PROJECTS: SUSTAINABLE URBAN PLANNING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT LOCATION: CONFERENCE HALL A URBAN SUSTAINABILITY We need to rethink cities and develop the built environment with sustainability criteria. Transforming urban spaces, integrating green spaces and protecting the environment are ranked high on the agenda for municipalities and local governments and will be explored in this session. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Best Practices And Municipal Projects Under The Title: Planning, Implementation And Operation Of Hadi And Sacrifice Projects At Holy Place Of Makkah Al Mukkarama H.E. Dr Eng. Habib Ben Mustfa Zainal Al Abideen, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Municipalities and Rural Affairs, Saudi Arabia SPEAKERS: Municipal Practices For Improving Life Quality: Rebuilding Ancient Houses Project Eng. Wael Nasser Al Mubarak, Director of Planning and Municipal Council Affairs Dep., Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning, Kingdom of Bahrain 2 Sustainable Infrastructure Initiatives In Abu Dhabi City Ahmed Saif Mohammed Hamad al-Saadi, Internal Road & Infrastructure Directorate, Section Head – Road Maintenance, Municipality of Abu Dhabi City, UAE Landscape Master Plan And Irrigation Master Plan Dr. Ammar Jarar, Abu Dhabi City Municipality, UAE 13:30 - 15:00 BREAKOUT SESSION 3 SMART GOVERNMENT: INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY LOCATION: CAPITAL SUITE 7 SMART SERVICES FOR SOCIETY This session will explore the solutions to create Smart Cities and smart citizens. SPEAKERS: Smart Cities Need Smart Citizens Jarmo Eskelinen, CEO, Forum Virium, Finland Smart Applications Approach to Environmental Strategy Saif Ali Hattawi, Head of E-Services, Information Technology, Ministry of Environment and Water, UAE Eng. Yasmeen Sami Saada, Division Director, Municipal Regulations, The Department of Municipal Affairs of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (DMA), UAE Technical And Institutional Challenges In The Development Of Smart Services Salama Darwish Obaid AlDhaheri, Head - IT Planning, Municipality of Al Ain City, UAE 13:30 - 15:00 BREAKOUT SESSION 4 CUSTOMER SERVICES AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP LOCATION: CAPITAL SUITE 5 CIVIC PARTICIPATION AND ENGAGEMENT Deepening citizen and resident engagement is a key objective of governments worldwide. What are some of the new successful initiatives and strategies for fostering civic participation? SPEAKERS: Community Partnership Initiatives Ali Hasan Al Salam, Head of Development and Coordination Department, North Area Municipality, Bahrain Community Involvement In The Decision-Making Process: The Case Of Al Ain City Ahmed Abdullah Al Jabri, Director of Strategic Planning, Department of Municipal Affairs - Al Ain Municipality, UAE 15:00 - 15:15 TEA AND COFFEE BREAK LOCATION: EXHIBITION AREA Delegates can attend one of the following concurrent breakout sessions: 15:15 - 16:30 BREAKOUT SESSION 5 3 BEST PRACTICES AND MUNICIPAL PROJECTS: SUSTAINABLE URBAN PLANNING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT LOCATION: CONFERENCE HALL A IMPROVING WASTE MANAGEMENT Waste management is a major challenge for urban areas. How can we minimize waste production as well as increase re-use and recycling whilst making the whole system sustainable and more efficient? SPEAKERS: Zero Waste: Reality in the Making Mohammed Al Hosani, Director - Waste Transfer and Disposal, Bee’ah, UAE Cleanliness Indicator Monitoring System Ali Hasan Al Salam, Head of Development and Coordination Department, North Area Municipality, Bahrain A Day Without Plastic Bags Eng. Hamid Abdullah Al Mualla, Director of Public Health and Environment Department, Municipalities and Planning Department – Ajman, UAE 15:15 - 16:30 BREAKOUT SESSION 6 SMART GOVERNMENT: INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY LOCATION: CAPITAL SUITE 7 BECOMING A SMART CITY Municipalities are faced with the challenge of developing Smart Cities. How can technology be integrated into existing physical infrastructure? Why should municipalities embrace the ‘smart’ concept? SPEAKERS: Becoming A Smart City: From Policy To Action Volker Buscher, Director of Technology Innovation, Arup Group, UK A Comprehensive Project Management Information System For A More Efficient Municipal System Abdul Hameed Al Besher, General Superintendent, PMO, The Department of Municipal Affairs of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (DMA), UAE Electronic Automation For Planning Legislations And Conditions: Dubai’s Experience Dr. Eng. Ahmad Mansour Hamadah, Urban Planner, Planning Research Section, Planning Department, Dubai Municipality, UAE Importance Of Arabic Research And Innovation For Sustainable Municipal Development And City Management Dr. Abdullah Abdulaziz Al Najar, President , Arab Science and Technology Foundation ( ASTF ) 15:15 - 16:30 BREAKOUT SESSION 7 CUSTOMER SERVICES AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP LOCATION: CAPITAL SUITE 5 SMART CUSTOMER SERVICES As today’s citizens and companies are more demanding and expect more efficient and better services, local governments and municipalities are driven to optimize policies and procedures to ensure customer satisfaction as well as competiveness. 4 SPEAKERS: The New Unified Addressing and Wayfinding System for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Badriya Bin Faisal Al Shehhi, The Department of Municipal Affairs of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (DMA), UAE The Development Of An Electronic Bid Award System: The Case Of Dubai Sara Ibrahim Al Awadi, Dubai Municipality, UAE Abu Dhabi School Safety Zone Project: An Overview Eng. Majed Abed Alkathiri, Head of Traffic Services Section; Abu Dhabi City Municipality, UAE 16:30 - 17:30 PLENARY SESSION 8 PUBLIC PRIVATE COLLABORATION LOCATION: CONFERENCE HALL A How can the private sector collaborate with municipalities to enable new or more efficient services? What are the key ingredients to managing a successful public-private partnership? What mechanisms exist to ensure that the public interest is enhanced when services are contracted out to the private sector? SPEAKERS: Andy Akrouche, President and Founding Partner, Strategic Relationships Solutions Inc. (SRS), Canada John Matheson, Principal, Strategy Corp, Canada Catherine Staite, Director, Institute of Local Government Studies, UK Evaluation of the effect of PIC program on knowledge and attitudinal change of food handlers in Dubai Asia Murad, Food Control Department, Municipality of Dubai, UAE WEDNESDAY 9 APRIL 10:00 - 10:30 KEYNOTE ADDRESS QUALITY OF LIFE AND DESIGN ISSUES IN MAJOR CITIES LOCATION: CONFERENCE HALL A KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Professor Tony Travers, Director of British Government, London School of Economics and Co-Director of LSE London, UK 5 Delegates can attend one of the following concurrent breakout sessions: 10:30 - 12:00 BREAKOUT SESSION 9 SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION LOCATION: CONFERENCE HALL A What are best strategies for enhancing safety and improving mobility and greening public transport? An examination of intelligent transport systems, specialized lanes, density, integration schemes. This session will review the key components that define sustainable public transportation systems. MODERATOR: Simon Labbett, Director, TRL, UAE PANELISTS: Dr. Ayad Muhsen Altaai, The Department of Municipal Affairs of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (DMA), UAE Mohinder Singh, Dean, LTA Academy, Land Transport Authority, Singapore Ashish Rao Ghorpade, Regional Executive Manager, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, South Asia, India Jason Zhou, Head of Transport Modelling, AECOM, UAE 10:30 - 12:00 BREAKOUT SESSION 10 BEST PRACTICES AND MUNICIPAL PROJECTS: SUSTAINABLE URBAN PLANNING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT LOCATION: CAPITAL SUITE 7 SPEAKERS: Environmental Strategy of Abu Dhabi City Municipality 2014 - 2020 Abdulaziz Zarub, Abu Dhabi City Municipality, UAE Placemaking- A New Perspective On Liveability Nadine Bitar, Founder, Placemaking, UAE Arad Bay Project: Development Of The Protectorate Area In Muharraq, Bahrain Falah Al-Kubaisy, Ph.D, Architect and Urban Planner, Development Advisor, Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Management And Development Of Abu Dhabi Coastal Areas Asma Al Zarouni, Khaled E. AlHammadi, Hamid AlMarri and Dr. Saman Samarawickrama , Spatial Data Division, Town Planning Sector, Municipality of Abu Dhabi, UAE 10:30 - 11:00 MEDIA ROUNDTABLE LOCATION: MEDIA CENTRE, EXHIBITION AREA 12:00 - 13:30 LUNCH LOCATION: EXHIBITION AREA Delegates can attend one of the following concurrent breakout sessions: 6 13:30 - 15:00 BREAKOUT SESSION 11 BEST PRACTICES AND MUNICIPAL PROJECTS: SUSTAINABLE URBAN PLANNING AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT LOCATION: CONFERENCE HALL A SMART PLANNING AND GROWTH Planning for urban growth in a sustainable, smarter manner. This session will look at the best examples of smart growth success from around the world and financing for smart infrastructure. SPEAKERS: Sustainable Sydney 2030 Vision Monica Barone, Chief Executive Officer, City of Sydney Council, Australia Asset Management To Enhance And Improve Community And Customer Outcomes: Abu Dhabi Municipal System Abdulhameed Almarzouqi, Director of Asset Management and Infrastructure and Nicholas Wellwood, Integrated Infrastructure Planning Advisor, The Department of Municipal Affairs of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (DMA), UAE Public Private Partnership Towards Municipal Capacity Building and Local Economic Development Muhammad Kadhim, PhD, Lead Consultant in urban, regional planning and capacity building; Industrial Professor of Spatial Planning at the German-Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan 13:30 - 15:00 BREAKOUT SESSION 12 SMART GOVERNMENT: INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY LOCATION: CAPITAL SUITE 7 THE POTENTIAL OF DATA Sensors and devices in today’s cities mean that an increasing amount of information is being generated. This session will look at how municipalities can manage this data and find the meaning and value in it , particularly with the help of maps and graphics. SPEAKERS: Smart Cities: The Potential Of Data Peter Dodds, Head of Intelligent Transportation Systems, AECOM, UAE Geosmart Cities For Sustainable Development Mark Sorensen, General Manager, GPC Group, UAE Geosmart Abu Dhabi – Municipal SDI For Government Transformation Omar Al Shaiba, Director of Spatial Data & Property Division, The Department of Municipal Affairs of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (DMA), UAE 13:30 - 15:00 BREAKOUT SESSION 13 CUSTOMER SERVICES AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP LOCATION: CAPITAL SUITE 5 BUILDING COMMUNITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY To grow smart and sustainable cities and societies, we need to develop smart citizens with environmental awareness. This session will explore best practices in fostering creativity, innovation and collaboration from 7 the perspective of training staff as well as links within communities. SPEAKERS: The Comprehensive Employee: An Initiative Of Abu Dhabi City Municipality Mariam Jalal Al Balushi, Abu Dhabi Municipality, UAE Principles Of The Human Integrated Management Approach (HIMA): Towards Sustainable Development Walid Saleh, Ph.D, PENG, Sustainable Development Consultant, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Study Of The Level Of Food Safety Awareness Among Consumer In The Emirate Of Dubai 2012 Asia Abdul Wahab, Principal, Dubai Municipality - Food Control Department, UAE 15:00 - 17:30 TECHNICAL TOURS Delegates will have the opportunity to sign up for a range of technical tours. Please visit the registration desk. *Please note this programme is subject to change. 8