english lab scooby

Olivia Ness
Ms. Iezzi
English lab-4
March 4, 2012
What’s New Scooby-Doo?
“What’s new Scooby-Doo/ I’m coming after you/ you’re gonna solve that mystery/ I see
you Scooby-Doo the trail leads back to you/ what’s new Scooby-Doo?” For all of you out there
who love Scooby-Doo this essay is for you. This song sung by the band Simple Plan describes
the nature of the classic and remodeled Scooby-Doo. When deciding between the two shows, the
older and the newer, it behooves you to know the similarities and differences between them.
Categories such as characters, animation, and mysteries can make or break the Scooby-Doo
experience. Both shows have similarities and differences that keep them exciting and interesting
for all ages.
To start, the personalities and the unique styles given to characters are important to every
television show. Main characters, Fred Jones, Velma Dinkley, Shaggy Rodger, Daphne Blake
and the famous Scooby-Doo are all present and accounted for in both shows. Not only are all the
same characters present, but the gang’s signature outfits have survived the decades as well. The
mystery machine is the official ride of the Scooby-Doo crew in the original series and has been
carried into the newer version as a window to the past. However, not everything is the same
between these two shows. For example, in the original Scooby show all five characters lived on
their own, except Scooby and Shaggy who lived together. Also the characters appeared to be in
their early to mid-twenties. This cannot be said for the remake. In the newer version the main
characters are still in high school and, therefore, live with their parents. Since the kids attend
high school their ages can be put around sixteen to eighteen. The classic Scooby-Doo had no one
dating anyone, they were all single, but in the remake all four of the human characters are dating.
Fred Jones and Daphne Blake make up one couple and Shaggy Rodgers and Velma Dinkley
make up the other. Both versions have some common and different ground when it comes to the
characterization portion of their show.
Secondly, before making a show choice it is important to look at the animation styles of
both choices to pick the one that is better suited for a person’s needs. To start both television
series are animations. Though both are animations they differ in their shape and style. The newer
Scooby was created in a time of technical advances and therefore has a more sophisticated look
about its animated people and objects, in contrast, as the original Scooby-Doo was created in
years past, when compared to the newer one it lacks some of the advanced style the other show
possess. When looking at the animated characters, classic Scooby has a clear-cut and moderately
realistic appearance; alternatively, the newer show has a boxier look to it. Graphics are important
when dealing with any good mystery show especially Scooby-Doo, but both shows graphic
styles are not the same. The newer Scooby’s graphics are advanced and greatly improved thanks
to modern day technology. The older Scooby-Doo may have been advanced for its time, but
pales in comparison to our graphics today. Depending on certain peoples style the new advanced
Scooby-Doo might be better for them, or for people who like to kick it old school, the classic
Scooby may be a better fit.
Scooby-Doo is a show based on mysteries, so it is important to consider each of the
shows unique mystery ideas. All of the five major characters are involved in the adventures
within both shows. Furthermore, in every show the gang prevails and catches their monsters.
Additionally, in every episode the gang splits up with Scooby and Shaggy going one way and
Velma, Freddie, and Daphne going the other. When it comes to the location of the mysteries both
shows have their own placement. In the classic Scooby-Doo the gang investigated haunted areas
all around the globe, but the remade version has the teens in one specific location, Crystal Cove.
Single, unrelated mysteries are what the original gang faced, but as the times changed so did the
mystery style, for in the new Scooby all the mysteries relate back to one bigger mystery that the
gang must unravel. Another difference between the two is the type of creatures the gangs face. In
Scooby the original they deal mainly with phantoms and ghost, on the contrary, the new Scooby
focuses particularly on monsters or creatures. Both mystery styles are interesting and will keep
the audience on the edge of their seat, but one may be more exciting than the other to certain
people so choose wisely.
Both the original Scooby-Doo and the remade one bring something new to the table, but
they also keep some similarities in areas such as characters, animation, and mysteries to help
connect the shows for their viewers. In all three topics discussed the differences outweigh the
similarities. It is important to examine these categories for you might find that one show offers
something you like more than the other. Also, if you realize that one show has included an aspect
you do not enjoy it may benefit you to watch the other one so you will enjoy the episode more.
Scooby-Doo, both the original and remodeled version, are adventurous shows that are full of
suspense that can be enjoyed by all ages. As Simple Plan sings Scooby-Doo has a job to do and
that is solving mysteries and enchanting viewers with their jokes and interesting journeys to
solve mysteries.