Dickinson Poem & Allegory of the Cave Analysis Worksheet

Dickinson Poetry Analysis and Connection to “Allegory of the Cave”:
Tell all the Truth but tell it slant—
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth’s superb surprise
As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind—
-- Emily Dickinson
Group Assignment: (Answer questions 4-10 on a separate sheet of paper.)
1. Show each other’s illustrations and choose one or two that best depict what your group
envisions as the picture portrayed in the allegory. (≈ 2 minutes)
2. Together, reread page 4 of Plato’s allegory. (≈ 3 minutes)
3. Discuss the meaning of “Allegory of the Cave” by sharing and debating your responses to the
homework questions. (≈ 10 minutes)
4. Read and annotate Dickinson’s poem “Tell all the Truth but tell it slant”.
Be sure to list and define any words you do not know.
5. Paraphrase the poem. (Convert it from poetry to prose and from figurative to literal
language, while preserving all of Dickinson’s meaning.)
6. Identify one literary element (figurative language, diction, imagery, etc.) and explain how it
impacts Dickinson’s meaning.
7. What is the message/theme of the poem?
8. How does Dickinson’s theme relate to the ideas in Plato’s allegory?
9. Think of a specific event/example in Fahrenheit 451 that connects to Plato’s and/or
Dickinson’s messages. Explain the connection.
10. Think of a specific modern-day example that connects to Plato’s and/or Dickinson’s
messages. Explain the connection. [This could be a current event, a recent movie, or your
own personal experience or observation.]