Baker Institute for Animal Health/Cornell Feline Health Center

Advisory Council Nomination Form
Baker Institute for Animal Health
Cornell Feline Health Center
Nominee Information:
Work Title:
Provide the reason(s) for this nominee meeting the guidelines (see below):
Please feel free to attach vitae, press clippings or other supporting documents.
The principal purpose of the Advisory Council is to serve as an external advisory group to the director and associate
director. Members are selected because of their passion for the missions of the Baker Institute for Animal Health
and/or the Cornell Feline Health Center, an appreciation for advancing animal health through science and education,
and their ability to support the institute and center through:
Advice and Advocacy: The institute and center are strengthened and increases in stature and relevance
when they seek the general guidance of those council members with specific knowledge in areas pertaining
to program scope, focus and management of resources. The Council, while recognizing the limitations of
its influence on program priority and operational issues, is nonetheless best able to advance the institute and
center as familiarity with programs and priorities are shared in a forum of mutual respect and
Access: Council members are willing to open doors and extend the knowledge of the institute and center to
others within their sphere of influence.
Support: Council members are expected to support the institute or center financially through annual giving
and to further consider the institute or center in their own philanthropic endeavors. Other forms of
assistance may include the identification and cultivation of prospective donors, hosting events, and
encouraging support from others.
Appointment and Terms of Service: Members will normally serve a three-year term with the possibility of two
consecutive reappointments (total nine consecutive years). Members will be eligible for reappointment to the
Advisory Council two years after serving the maximum consecutive length of appointment (nine years).
Council members are requested to provide for their own travel and lodging expenses related to attending two
meetings per year.
Name of Nominator:
Date Submitted:
Email or phone number of nominator: _____________________________________________________
Return to: Danielle Diaz Hartman – – Fax: 607-253-3419 – Phone: 607-253-3443