15_document - University System of Georgia

Kennesaw State University, under the leadership of Dr. Dan Papp, is focused on student success and
service in the community. Over the last year, our University was challenged and rose to the occasion
with outstanding academic and community service. Here are a few of our accomplishments and
descriptions of how KSU goes above and beyond our mission to provide exceptional service in
scholarship, student support, and community service:
Kennesaw State University is Respectful:
As part of our strategic goal “to enhance the collegiate experience and foster a welcoming, diverse and
inclusive environment.” we have established a cabinet level officer of Diversity and Inclusion. In 2014,
the Ignite initiative was launched to determine a baseline for campus culture. Some of the findings
 A majority of faculty and staff hold positive attitudes about work-life balance issues such as
support for taking necessary leave (65 percent) and flexible work schedules (75 percent).
 A majority of students feel positive about their academic experience, including the extent of
their intellectual development (81 percent); an increased interest in ideas and intellectual
matters (79 percent); and satisfaction with their overall academic experience (79 percent).
While these numbers are encouraging, they also reveal work that still needs to be done. To address
diversity and respect issues, Kennesaw State University continues to engage in research, education, and
initiatives to make all students welcome and help them thrive, including campus-wide bystander
intervention training, crime reporting programs, and programs for international and minority students.
In addition, Kennesaw State is the first University System of Georgia institution to hire a victim services
advocate, who will be housed in the campus police department’s new Office of Victim Services.
Kennesaw State University minority enrollment has risen steadily from a small percentage in the 1980’s
to approximately 1/3 of the student body in 2014. This is a reflection of the welcoming environment for
all students at our institution.
Kennesaw State University is Accessible:
We have expanded our majors and with them opportunities for more students. Kennesaw State
University is now one of the 50 largest public universities with 33,000 students from 130 different
countries enrolled for fall 2015.
In his opening of the university address, Dr. Papp noted: As a newly designated comprehensive
university “KSU will focus on undergraduate and master’s degrees, while at the same time, in measured
ways, adding doctoral and Ph.D. programs at both the Kennesaw and Marietta campuses,” he said. “This
is exactly what we have been doing and what we will continue to do.” -Dr. Papp
Dr. Papp noted that today, Kennesaw State offers 99 bachelor’s degrees, 44 master’s degrees and 12
doctoral programs. The doctoral degrees include:
Eight doctorates in education;
Two professional doctorates – one in nursing and one in business; and
Two Ph.D.s – one in international conflict management and one in data analytics.
Our tuition and fees remain one of the lowest in the state and the nation for a four year degree, making
academic success reachable for more of our states citizens and our students from around the nation and
We have a new international presence with the opening of the new education abroad facility in
Montepulciano, Italy. This new international campus is a welcome addition to our other five campuses
and satellite locations, bringing quality higher education to more students nationally and internationally.
Kennesaw State University is Informed:
While our focus is undergraduate education, Kennesaw State and Southern Polytechnic each had “welldeserved reputations as excellent teaching and educational institutions”. The newly consolidated
Kennesaw State will maintain that same standard while adding a new emphasis on basic and applied
research. KSU has had an increase of 550% in research grants over the last 12 years, now totaling
$11million in 2014.
Kennesaw State University continues to graduate informed citizens ready for the workplace. KSU leads
the state in the number of Teachers and Nurses graduated. In the last decade, according to
the American Society for Engineering Education, Southern Polytechnic State University was ranked #5
for the most engineering technology degrees awarded in the United States and was #4 in the number
awarded to female graduates in that same time.
In order to unify both campuses and provide exceptional service, a new course highlighting our shared
history and the USG service standards was created. The Owl Way, introduced in 2014, has been
completed by over 300 full time employees and continues to be a popular course.
Kennesaw State University is Supportive:
In 2014, the consolidation of KSU with nearby Southern Polytechnic University created the “New KSU”
and with it opportunities to raise the already excellent level of service, research, and scholarship that
both universities are known for.
Consolidation, while saving taxpayer and tuition funds, and creating a more comprehensive university,
comes with challenges. The “New U” achieved remarkable results in consolidating the two campuses
while maintaining standards of service. Increased enrollment for the combined institutions in 2015 is
evidence of that outstanding support and service.
Internal service was key to the success of consolidation. Employees from both campuses were
supported with a dedicated web site http://www.ksuspsuconsolidation.com/ , training on how to thrive
during change http://www.ksulearning.com/uploads/1/4/7/6/14767780/new_thriving_during_change__pdf.pdf , a herculean and successful IT transition program, HR and payroll consolidation, constant
communication and leadership from the President and cabinet, dedicated work teams made up of
faculty and staff, and many other support activities. Student and employee volunteer efforts were
carried out in support of the Marietta Campus in the sometimes difficult transition.
Going forward, administrative funds saved will be spent on one-time needs and capital improvements
like new signage, IT upgrades, new roofs, and building and laboratory renovations, and in succeeding
years put directly towards students’ academic success and research, scholarship, and creative activity.
In his opening of the university address, President Papp said “As a consolidated university, we can look
at what we do and ask, ‘Is this needed, and if so, is there a better way to do it?’ If the answer is ‘yes,’
most of the time, we can then do it.”
Kennesaw State University is Responsive:
Kennesaw State University is responsive to each other as internal customers, as well as our community.
We recognize the needs of our students and community beyond the classroom. We have an
international reach with over 2000 international students and 800 of our students studying abroad.
Our community service efforts are huge, including service projects incorporated into employee
development programs and student curricula. Volunteer KSU http://vksu.kennesaw.edu/ and our
Community Engagement office coordinate tens of thousands of volunteer hours for local organizations,
a community food bank, an annual KSU day of service, pet shelters, counselling centers, and much more.
In 2014 Kennesaw State was recognized by the Carnegie Foundation with its Community Engagement
Classification. Receiving this designation is a prestigious honor and places KSU as part of a select group
of institutions that are considered national leaders in community engagement. Kennesaw State was
recognized for numerous initiatives including:
 The Office of Community Engagement within the Division of Academic Affairs
 Museums, exhibits, and more than 3,000 arts and educational events open to the public
 Nearly a dozen institutional and academic college-level honors and awards programs to
recognize students, faculty, staff and community volunteers
 A Volunteer KSU (VKSU) office, which actively recruits, trains and provides transportation for
students who volunteer to work at some 300 local service organizations and agencies;
 Active engagement with Corporate Partners, to identify opportunities to expand connections
with Kennesaw and the larger community.
You can view details of the application here:
It would be impossible to list all of the awards for service received by KSU faculty, staff and students.
But here is a selection of university wide recognition recently received:
 “Up-and-Coming” Regional Universities in the South (4th) — U.S. News & World Report
 One of nation’s best first-year programs for 11 consecutive years — U.S. News & World Report
 “Great Colleges to Work For” 5 Consecutive Years – Chronicle of Higher Education
 Top 40 part-time MBA programs — Michael J. Coles College of Business — U.S. News & World
 One of the nation’s top schools for veterans — Military Times
 One of the most environmentally responsible colleges in the U.S. and Canada — Princeton
 Innovator of the Year for our “Farm to Campus” program and LEED certified Commons dining
facility — National Restaurant Association
 Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization — NAFSA: The Association for
International Educators
 Andrew Heiskell Award for Innovation in International Education — Institute for International
Despite the challenges of consolidation, the New Kennesaw State University has not paused in its
commitment to provide exceptional service to all of our constituents, students, employees, community
and world.