(requires update) Transfer Articulation for Finger Lakes Community College and Cornell University’s College of Human Ecology The following courses represent the preferred foundation for a transfer student. Transfers need not take every class listed here, but the closer they come to this list the better prepared they will be for work at Cornell, and the better their chances will be for acceptance. All students must take English composition, math, lab sciences, and core courses related to their intended major. Students will note that although A.A.S. degrees can provide the proper course work, A.S. and A.A. degrees generally provide a more ideal transfer foundation. Human Ecology does accept transfers without associate degrees, but they must still have an appropriate academic preparation. Should a student be accepted to Cornell, the majority of the courses listed below will count as requirement credit. Courses taken at Finger Lakes Community College other than those listed will be evaluated on a course by course basis. In most cases credit for academic subjects will be applied as distribution requirement or electives. Cornell’s College of Human Ecology will usually accept the maximum 60 credits from an A.A. or A.S. degree towards the 120 required for the bachelor’s degree, however some (particularly the design) majors may require more than 60 credits to be taken at Cornell. Note: * Transfer students must have completed 4 units of English, 3 units of math, biology, plus either chemistry or physics, while in high school or college. These courses cannot count for both college credit AND high school graduation requirements. Taking additional courses with "writing intensive" designations (as found in the Finger Lakes CC catalogue) will better prepare students for Cornell. Nutritional Sciences * Liberal Arts Requirements Biology with Lab (8 cr.) Chemistry with Lab (8 cr.) Organic Chemistry with Lab (8 cr.) Choose two from the following areas: Micro or Macro Economics (3 cr.) Sociology (3 cr.) Intro to Psychology (3 cr.) Written Communication (6 cr.) Calculus (4 cr.) Suggested Courses: Humanities - ethics (3cr.) Statistics (3 cr.) For:Dietetics Microbiology (4 cr.) BIO 121 - 122 CHM 121 - 122 CHM 211 - 212 ECO 211 or 210 SOC 100 PSY 100 ENG 101-102, (ENG 104-105 preferred) MAT 271 recommend PHL 103 or 170 MAT 121 BIO 230 Human Biology, Health and Society * Liberal Arts Requirements Biology with Lab (8 cr.) Chemistry with Lab (8 cr.) Organic Chemistry with Lab (8 cr.) Choose two from the following areas: Micro or Macro Economics (3 cr.) Sociology (3 cr.) Psychology (3 cr.) Written Communication (6 cr.) Calculus (4 cr.) BIO121 - 122 CHM 121- 122 CHM 211- 212 ECO 211 or 210 SOC 100 PSY 100 ENG 101-102, (ENG 104-105 preferred) MAT 271 Suggested Courses: Statistics (3 cr.) Humanities - philosophy (3cr.) Upper Level Biology (4 cr.) MAT 121 recommend PHL 103 or 170 BIO 222, 230, or 240/241 Human Development * Liberal Arts Requirements Biology with Lab (3 or 4 cr.) Select 4 additional lab science credits from: Biology with Lab General Chemistry Introduction to Physics Psychology (3 cr.) Sociology or Anthropology (3 cr.) Written Communication (6 cr.) Pre calculus or Calculus (3-4 cr.) •Calculus (MAT 271) recommended for pre-meds Suggested Course Child Development (3cr.) Humanities (3cr.) BIO 111 or 121 BIO 112 or 122 CHM 121 PHY 118 or 151 PSY 100 SOC 100 or ANT 111 ENG 101-102, (ENG 104-105 preferred) MAT 152 or 271 PSY 130 recommend PHL 101 or 103 Policy Analysis and Management * Liberal Arts Requirements Select 6-8 credits of lab science from: Introduction to Biology General Chemistry Introduction to Physics Micro Economics (3 cr.) U.S. Government (3 cr.) Intro to Psychology (3 cr.) Intro to Sociology (3 cr.) Ethics (3 cr.) Written Communication (6 cr.) Calculus (3-4 cr.) Statistics (3 cr.) BIO 111-112, or BIO 121-122 CHM 121-122 PHY 118-119, or PHY 151-152 ECO 211 POL 100 PSY 100 SOC 100 PHL 103 or 170 ENG 101-102, (ENG 104-105 preferred) MAT 271 MAT 121 FLCC2 Design & Environmental Analysis Option I: Interior Design * Liberal Arts Requirement Select 6-8 credits of lab science from: Introduction to Biology General Chemistry Introduction to Physics Micro or Macro Economics (3 cr.) Introduction to Psychology (3 cr.) Written Communication (6 cr.) Pre calculus (3cr.) Design Drawing (3 cr.) BIO 111-112, or BIO 121-122 CHM 121-122 PHY 118-119, or PHY 151-152 ECO 211 or 210 PSY 100 ENG 101-102, (ENG 104-105 preferred) MAT 152 ART 104 and 105 together = DEA101 ART 102 and 115 together = DEA115 Suggested Courses Advanced Drawing Humanities (3cr.) -Art History ART 215 or 216 AND 222 = DEA203 ART 100 or 101 NOTE: Studio placement will be determined by evaluating previous coursework and the portfolio. In most cases the Interior Design program will require at least 3 years at Cornell. If no specific Interior Design courses are taken, it would take 4 additional years to graduate from this particular program. For this major option we therefore suggest that students apply to Cornell as early in their academic career as possible. Design & Environmental Analysis Option II: Facility Planning & Management * Liberal Arts Requirements Select 6-8 credits of lab science from: Introduction to Biology General Chemistry Introduction to Physics Introduction to Psychology (3 cr.) Micro or Macro Economics (3 cr.) Sociology or Anthropology (3 cr.) Written Communication (6 cr.) Pre calculus or calculus (3-4 cr.) Statistics (3 cr.) Principles of Management (3 cr.) Suggested Courses Design (3 cr.) BIO 111-112, or BIO 121-122 CHM 121-122 PHY 118-119, or PHY 151-152 ECO 211 or 210 SOC 100 or ANT 111 ENG 101-102, (ENG 104-105 preferred) MAT 152 or 271 MAT 121 BUS 221 ART 104 or 105 FLCC3 Design & Environmental Analysis Option III: Human Factors / Ergonomics * Liberal Arts Requirements Select 6-8 credits of lab science from: Introduction to Biology General Chemistry Introduction to Physics Introduction to Psychology (3 cr.) Micro or Macro Economics (3 cr.) Sociology or Anthropology (3 cr.) Written Communication (6 cr.) Pre calculus or calculus (3-4 cr.) Statistics (3 cr.) BIO 111-112, or BIO 121-122 CHM 121-122 PHY 118-119, or PHY 151-152 ECO 211 or 210 SOC 100 or ANT 111 ENG 101-102, (ENG 104-105 preferred) MAT 152 or 271 MAT 121 Suggested Courses Design (3 cr.) Organizational Behavior Developmental Psychology (3 cr.) Humanities (philos, history, art/music hist) (3cr.) ART 104 or 105 BUS 124 PSY 130 or 200 Art History Fiber Science & Apparel Design Option I: Apparel Design * Liberal Arts Requirements Select 6-8 credits of lab science from: Introduction to Biology General Chemistry Introduction to Physics Micro or macro economics (3 cr.) Intro to Psychology Sociology or Anthropology (3 cr.) Written Communication (6 cr.) Pre calculus (3 cr.) Design (3 cr.) Drawing (3 cr.) Suggested Courses Statistics (3 cr.) Computing Graphics – Autocad Humanities (philos, history, art/music hist) (3cr.) BIO 111-112, or BIO 121-122 CHM 121-122 PHY 118-119, or PHY 151-152 ECO 211 or ECO 210 SOC 100 or ANT 111 ENG 101-102, (ENG 104-105 preferred) MAT 152 ART 104 and 105 ART 102 and 103 MAT 121 ?? Art History NOTE: Studio placement will be determined by evaluating previous coursework and the portfolio. In most cases the Apparel Design program will require at least 3 years at Cornell. For this major option we therefore suggest that students apply to Cornell as early in their academic career as possible. FLCC4 Fiber Science & Apparel Design Option II: Fashion Design Management Liberal Arts Requirements Select 6-8 credits of lab science from: Introduction to Biology General Chemistry Introduction to Physics (suggest chemistry) Microeconomics (3 cr.) Macroeconomics (3 cr.) Intro to Psychology Written Communication (6 cr.) Calculus (4 cr.) Principles of Management (3 cr.) Suggested Courses Statistics (3 cr.) Design (3 cr.) Drawing (3 cr.) Humanities (philos, history, art/music hist) (3cr.) BIO 111-112, or BIO 121-122 CHM 121-122 PHY 118-119, or PHY 151-152 ECO 211 ECO 210 ENG 101-102, (ENG 104-105 preferred) MAT 271 BUS 221 MAT 121 ART 104 and 105 ART 102 and 103 Art History NOTE: Due to the sequencing of courses, we strongly recommend that students applying for the Fashion Design Management option apply after 2 or 3 semesters FLCC. Fiber Science & Apparel Design Option III: Fiber Science * Liberal Arts Requirements Chemistry with Lab (8 cr.) Organic Chemistry with Lab (8 cr.) Intro to Physics (8 cr.) Microeconomics (3 cr.) Intro to Psychology Written Communication (6 cr.) Calculus (4 cr.) Statistics (3 cr.) CHM 121 - 122 CHM 211 - 212 PHY 151 - 152 ECO 211 PSY 100 ENG 101-102, (ENG 104-105 preferred) MAT 271 MAT 121 Suggested Courses Calculus II Humanities (3cr.) MAT272 Art History Note: *Transfer students must have completed 4 units of English, 3 units of math, biology, plus either chemistry or physics, while in high school or college. These courses cannot count for both college credit AND high school graduation requirements. Taking additional courses with "writing intensive" designations will better prepare students for Cornell. This articulation agreement will be in effect for 5 years of its signing, or until significant curricular changes are made – whichever occurs first. FLCC5