Theories / Explanations of Immgration

Lecture Outline--Immigration Theories and Explanations
4 types of Theories of Intl. Mign.-- on different topics (All from P&R , Ch. 2)
1. Origins of Migration Theories
1A. Push-Pull theories (economic) –Types of Push Factors in Home/Sending Country, Types of pull
factors in Receiving Country (esp. Labor demand), wage gap, etc. – & example of Reyna’s family
1B. World System Theory --Global capitalist economy links all nations / there are not separate
national economies. Increasing capitalist development & penetration of less developed
(periphery) countries key cause of immigration for a variety of reasons [should know some]. – &
example of Reyna’s family
1C. New Economic of Migration –Key role of family and household in decision to migrate – as a
response to economic uncertainties & relative deprivation in less developed countries—esp. in
context noted in 1B.– & example of Reyna’s family of key parts of this theory
2. Theories of Stability & Direction of Intl. Mign
2A. Strict / Orthodox Economic View
E.G., “Guest Worker” progs.-- & changes in directionality of migration
2B. Social Networks key & Transnational Migrants (keep close tie to home country) – & example of
Reyna’s family
3. Uses of Labor Migration theories
3A. Orthodox Econ. View —Mig. Labor supplements
3B. Colonized Minorities – Use of force
3C. Split Labor Market [Divide & Conquer] – Racism used to Split Wkg. Class., which helps employers
3D. Dual Economy / Dual Labor Market —Primary Sector & 2nd-dary Sector – divided along R/E &
migrant lines – & example of Reyna’s family (what type of work does her father do?)
3E. Entrepreneurial Path – Why taken and key factors needed
4. Immigrant Adaptation Theories
4A. Assimilation / Acculturation—in general and 3 types / tendencies (Anglo Conformity , Melting
Pot, Cultural Pluralism) – & example of Reyna’s family (mom & new sibling born in US, name,
4B. Ethnic Resilience / Selective Acculturation – racism as cause, this is reaction to that; ethic
networks support & resources.
Video (The Other Side of Immigration” in Mexico-- – illustrated some of theory points above —Push part
of Push-Pull theory, of World System Theory (role of US-Mexico trade agreements in causing /
increasing push conditions in Mexico), New Economic of Migration Thry. (role of HH & families in
migration as response to econ. uncertainty) & importance of Social Networks in facilitating immgn.
Border Security Industrial Complex -- (Miller –Ch. 2) The Complex Builders—Industry contracting with
DHS for border security, lots of military hardware, & role of U a AZ. to nurture industry-DHS
relationship as economic opportunity and supply technical expertise / white collar work (engineers,
etc.), view of border and border crosser promoted in this field – as problem and threat. Blurring
lines between industry (contractors) and govt. (DHS/ Customs & Border Protection / Border Patrol)
Grande – In addition to illustrating some of theories above, also note human face of immigrant families
and difficulties of those separated from parents for long periods of time (in transnational migrant
families) & how so much of their lives are linked to immigration process & its circularity (back&
& See Group Discussion Questions for list of some of key issues in readings (many discussed in class).