Biology 11 intro – Speciation Postzygotic Isolating Mechanism A form of Prezygotic Isolation 1 species does not recognize a call, dance or pheromone signal Slow and steady change from one species to another Habitat Isolation Barriers are in place after fertilization Prezygotic Isolating Mechanism Temporal Isolation Behavioral Isolation Mechanical Isolation Gamete Isolation A form of Prezygotic Isolation 2 species are reproductive at different times of the year Geographic barriers divide a population. This prevent gene flow between the population. Overtime the 2 populations evolve into different species. A form of Postzygotic Isolation Sperm of one species doesn’t reach the egg of another. Phyletic Gradualism Cannot identify Reproductive isolation in the fossil record Punctuated Equilibrium New species evolved quickly leaving only a few individuals in the transition phase Zygotic Isolation Barriers are in place before fertilization Hybrid Sterility A form of Postzygotic Isolation Hybrid can reproduce but its offspring cannot F2 Fitness Speciation Allopatric Speciation Sympatric Speciation Phyletic Gradualism Punctuated Equlibrium Phyletic Gradualism versus Punctuated Equilibrium when explaining the lack of transition fossils Natural Selection 4 thing needed for natural selection to occur Fitness A new species is created within a population without any physical barriers A form of Prezygotic Isolation 2 species in same location but in different habitats Long periods of no new species followed by short periods of rapid speciation One species evolves into two species A form of Postzygotic Isolation Fertilization between two different species occurs but the zygote does not survive A form of Prezygotic Isolation Two species are not capable of breeding A form of Postzygotic Isolation Hybrid survives but is not able to produce any offspring A measure of the number of fertile individuals produced over an organisms life time Sexual Reproduction: - mutations only Asexual Reproduction: - mutations only - mixing of genes Individuals with better survival traits produce more offspring then others Variation via sexual and asexual reproduction Bell Curve Stabilizing Selection Directional Selection When the average or normal phenotype is favored One extreme is favored. Bell curve moves to the right or the left Both extremes are favored. Average individuals are selected against 1) Individual Variation: members of a population are different from each other 2) Inheritance: Traits are passed down to the next generation 3) Overproduction: More offspring are produced then the environment can sustain 4) Differential Reproductive Success: Better adapted individuals produce more offspring Disruptive Selection Requirements for creation of small molecules Purpose: Tried to create small molecules using earth’s early atmosphere Results: Fluid contained traces of amino acids and organic acids Miller and Urey’s Experiment RNA molecules were the only molecules needed to form the first cells Evidence: RNA acts as genetic blue print and an enzyme Macromolecules and how they formed Proteins and Nucleic acids arrived at the same time Evidence: Clay attracts particles like amino acids and nucleic acids. Once they build up around the clay they form long chains of proteins and RNA or DNA Miller and Urey’s Apparatus 3 Hypothesis Explaining Macromolecules 1) RNA – first Hypothesis Large chains of molecules Formed when initial small molecules (amino acids, nucleic acids) joined to create large chains. Eg. DNA, Proteins 1)Energy: early earth had high temperature 3 Hypothesis Explaining Macromolecules Heat = Energy 2) Protein – first Hypothesis 2)Elements needed for building molecules Microspheres C Methane Gas N Ammonia Gas O Water H Hydrogen Gas 1) Silent Mutation: change in DNA 3 Hypothesis Explaining Macromolecules (genotype) but not appearance 3) Graham Cairns-Smith’s Hypothesis (phenotype) 2) Expressed Mutation: Change in genotype and phenotype Protocells versus True Cells Transition Fossils 5 Agents of Evolutionary Change 2 types of mutations Genetic Drift Gene Flow Nonrandom Mating An organism travels to a new population and carries its genes with them. These genes are then moved into the population via sexual reproduction Individuals pair up based on their phenotype. Problems: Inbreeding: Lose genetic diversity. Build up of harmful recessive genes. Protein molecules were the only molecules needed to form the first cells Evidence: Amino acids form long chains of protein on their own Microspheres: Globules of protein are collected in drying pools. When returned to water the have properties of cells Protocell: Lipid True Cells: Lipid protein membrane bound membrane. structures Capable of energy capable of protein metabolism synthesis Show a link between 2 groups of organisms Eg. Archaeopteryx shows a link between reptiles and birds. 1) Mutations 2) Genetic Drift 3) Gene Flow 4) Nonrandom Mating 5) Natural Selection Change in how often a particular allele is seen in a population Eg. The allele for brown eyes 4 Pieces of evidence used to determine the phylogenetic tree Also used as evidence for evolution Biochemical relationships Homologous versus Vestigial and Analogous structures Binomial Name Systematics Seven Characteristics of Living Things Different species use identical molecules for cell functions Eg. DNA = Genetic Blue print Protein = Build cell structures ATP = Energy The name of the genus followed by the species name. Only genus name is capitalized Eg. Canis lupus 1) they are organized 2) They acquire materials and energy 3) They reproduce 4) They respond to stimuli 5) They are homeostatic 6) They grow and develop 7) They adapt to their environment Systematics: The act of identifying species then classifying them according to a set of rules. Taxonomy: 1) Evolutionary relationships (fossil record) 2) Biochemical relationships 3) Homologous Structures 4) Embryonic Relationships Analogous Structures: Structures have similar functions but different anatomy = no similar ancestor Vestigial Structures: Structures that are found in related species but are reduced in one (vestigial) Homologous Structures: Anatomy and function of a structure are similar in 2 species because they have a similar ancestor