APWA/AZ Date: November 19, 2013 CITY ENGINEER The purpose of the City Engineer Forum is to provide an opportunity for City Engineers and their senior engineering assistants to: identify topics of mutual interest; discuss these topics amongst their peers; share and learn best practices; build stronger relationships with their counterparts. Minutes: 1. Opening 1.1. Introduced Sheila Hamilton, APWA Executive Director 1.2. Noted that City Engineers Forum is now an official APWA/AZ Committee (officially known as the Municipal Engineers Committee) 2. Reports from officers, standing sub-committees 2.1. None 3. Unfinished business 3.1.1.Discussed the format of meetings. Considered: option of breaking into “sub-committees to discuss topics or to discuss items as a committee of the whole. The consensus was to discuss issues as a group. 3.2. Follow-up on items from prior meeting: 3.2.1.Construction Cost Data Sharing: The consensus was that for the majority of communities this was not a high priority item. Several smaller communities did express interest in following up on this. A subcommittee of Woody Scoutten (Litchfield Park), Andrew Goh (Tempe), and Greg Smith (Casa Grande) will follow up on this off-line and will report back to the larger group. 3.2.2.Web based information exchange: Sheila indicated that APWA national is updating their website and it will likely have options that will facilitate data exchange and “member only” discussions. This is still several months out. 3.2.3.CIP Benchmarking: Rob Kidder (Mesa) noted that he/Mesa had found a report prepared in around 2008 that had a number of BMP’s for CIP management with benchmark data. He noted that Mesa had found this info to be of value in evaluating their performance of their CIP project delivery. Rod suggested it would be advantageous to update this data. Wylie (Phoenix) noted that he thought folks in the Tucson area had taken point on this initially. Rob will follow up with the original folks if possible to get an update. He will try to get a copy of the report to the others so they can review prior to the next meeting. 3.2.4.Capital Project Management Software Systems Varies per community: Mesa uses CIP Planner: Purchased after extensive research. So far working well; pricey. Peoria uses an in-house system based on MS Access. Andy will look into the possibility of sharing w/ other communities. Phoenix has in-house system No others use a full system. (CCG uses McClain as a means of entering CIP requests. The program does not provide, or used for, more PM activities.) 3.2.5.Cooperative purchasing agreement (supplies, services, equipment) Page 1 APWA/AZ Date: November 19, 2013 CITY ENGINEER Communities add the cooperative use clause intermittently. Several of the smaller communities noted that they like to be able to piggy-back on these so they are very glad when other communities add that provision. 3.2.6.Legislative Issues: Issues in this area should be coordinated through APWA’s Legislative Committee. 3.2.7.Coordination with Utilities & other non-local agencies: There was significant discussion on this topic. There is concern about an inconsistent approach between the communities that the utilities are able to take advantage to the disadvantage of the municipalities. Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Tempe agreed to bring in staff from their organizations who regularly deal with the utilities to participant in a panel discussion on some BMP’s and lessons learned. Wylie Bearup (Phoenix), Andy Granger (Peoria), and Andy Goh (Tempe) will take point in getting their teams represented at the next meeting. 3.2.8.Bonding: No discussion. 3.2.9.City Engineer Metrics: Limited discussion and no action item. 4. New business 4.1. Organization of committee: 4.1.1.Chair / Vice-Chair: Rob Kidder of Mesa agreed to serve as Vice-Chair, Greg Smith of Casa Grande will serve as Chair. 4.1.2.Other positions: None established at this time. 4.1.3. Sub-committees: Small groups will address specific topics in greater detail and report back to full group 4.2. Coordination with AACE (Arizona Association of County Engineers: Would be interested in coordinating but not at their winter conference. Would prefer to integrate into annual conference, at which both groups would have participants. 5. Establish date and time for next forum: Tentatively set for February, 2014; date to be confirmed. 6. Adjourn Location: Maricopa Association of Governments’ Saguaro Room, 302 N. 1st Ave., 2nd floor, Phoenix, AZ 85003. Parking will be validated. Page 2 APWA/AZ Date: November 19, 2013 CITY ENGINEER Participants: Attenda nce Name Andrew H. Y Goh, P.E. Andy Granger, PE Beth Huning PE Bill Fay, Charles Andrews Dan Cook Dan Nissen Dave Lipinski David Ramirez Debra Albert Derek Earle Duane Eitel, PE Edgar Medina Giao Pham, PE Greg Rodzenko, PE Greg Smith, PE/PS Agency Title City of Tempe Deputy PW Director / City Engineer City of Peoria Engineering Director City of Mesa City Engineer Town of Maricopa City Engineer City of Avondale City Engineer City of Chandler Asst. PW Director, Transp & Ops City of Peoria Assistant City Engineer City of Scottsdale Principal Project Manager City of Goodyear City Engineer City of Glendale Transportation Director City of Scottsdale City Engineer City of Casa Grande Traffic Engineer Town of Gilbert Assistant Town Engineer City of Apache Junction Public Works Director / City Engineer City of Glendale Assistant City Engineer - Land Development City of Casa Grande City Engineer / Deputy Public Works Director Office Phone Cell Phone Email 480-350-8896 andy_goh@tempe.gov 623-773-7215 andy.granger@peoriaaz.go v 480-644-2512 beth.huning@mesaaz.gov 520-316-6944 bill.fay@maricopa-az.gov 623-333-4216 candrews@avondale.org 480-782-3426 Dan.Cook@chandleraz.gov 623-773-7214 dan.nissen@peoriaaz.gov 480-312-2641 dlipinski@scottsdaleaz.gov 623-882-7954 david.ramirez@goodyearaz .gov 623.930.2939 dalbert@glendaleaz.com 480-312-2776 dearle@scottsdaleaz.gov 480-503-6754 DEitel@ci.casagrande.az.us edgar.medina@gilbertaz.go v 480-474-8513 gpham@ajcity.net (623) 930-3623 grodzenko@glendaleaz.co m 520.421.8625 GSmith@ci.casagrande.az.us Page 3 APWA/AZ Date: November 19, 2013 Attenda nce Agency Title Town of Paradise Valley James Shano Town Engineer Town of Florence John Mitchell, PE Utilities Director City of El Mirage Jorge Gastelum Assistant City Engineer City of Goodyear Keith Brown Assistant City Engineer City of Mesa Kelly Jensen Assistant City Engineer City of Peoria Maher M Hazine, Deputy Public Works - Utilities P.E., PWLF Director City of Chandler R.J. Zeder Transportation and Development Manager Town of Fountain Hills Randy Harrel Town Engineer City of Phoenix Ray Dovalina Assistant Street Transportation Director City of Mesa Rob Kidder, P.E. Assistant City Engineer City of Prescott Scott Tkach City Engineer Town of Buckeye Scott Zipprich, PE Town Engineer City of El Mirage Sue McDermott, Deputy City Manager/City PE Engineer City of Coolidge Susanna Struble, PE Public Works Director/City Engineer Town of Florence Wayne Costa, PE Public Works Director Woody Scoutten, City of Litchfield Park PE City Engineer City of Phoenix Wylie Bearup, PE Street Transportation Director / City Engineer Name CITY ENGINEER Office Phone Cell Phone 480-348-3573 (520) 868-7695 (623) 876-2971 623.882.7956 Email jshano@paradisevalleyaz.g ov john.mitchell@florenceaz.g ov jgastelum@cityofelmirage. org keith.brown@goodyearaz.g ov 480.644.4254 kelly.jensen@mesaaz.gov 623-773-7502 maher.hazine@peoriaaz.go v 480-782-3400 TD.Director@chandleraz.go v 480-816-5112 rharrel@fh.az.gov (602) 256-4341 ray.dovalina@phoenix.gov 480-644-5467 rob.kidder@mesaaz.gov (928) 777-1140 scott.tkach@cityofprescott. net (623) 349-6211 623-876-2971 smcdermott@cityofelmirag e.org 520-723-4882 sstruble@coolidgeaz.com 520-868-7617 wayne.costa@florenceaz.g ov 623-349-6222 602.262.6136 wylie.bearup@phoenix.gov Page 4 APWA/AZ Date: November 19, 2013 Attenda nce Name Agency Title CITY ENGINEER Office Phone Cell Phone Email Page 5