“Volunteer Solutions” Volunteer Registration Policy

Volunteer Solutions Volunteer Registration Policy
Effective: February 1, 2012 for ADHC and July 1, 2012 for Senior Centers.
To centralize and standardize Department of Family Services, Health Department, and the Department of Neighborhood
and Community Services’ functions of volunteer management.
To demonstrate the value of volunteer contributions by maintaining accurate records of every volunteer who
contributes to the success of programs serving older adults and adults with disabilities.
The following guidelines apply to Adult & Aging, Adult Day Health Care and Senior Center volunteers.
Volunteer Registration Process:
1. Volunteers complete the Volunteer Solutions online application.
2. Volunteers attend orientation, complete background check and training requirements according to position
level described in Table 1.0. Generally, volunteers recruited through Volunteer Solutions will go through the
Level II process, which provides the person with the clearance to volunteer in most positions.
3. Volunteers complete job specific training.
a. Adult Day Health Care and Senior Center orientation includes:
i. Interview volunteer to determine appropriate placement and review volunteer job
ii. Notify Volunteer Solutions regional volunteer manager if volunteer is not a good fit for the
iii. Establish the volunteer’s schedule.
iv. Tour of facility (if they haven’t had one) and introduce the volunteer to staff.
v. Review relevant program policies and procedures and licensing regulations.
vi. Review fire drill policies and procedures, identify emergency exits and fire extinguishers and
explain to the volunteer their role in an emergency or drill.
Volunteer Record Keeping:
Volunteer Solutions keeps a paper file for each volunteer that includes: background and driving record results, signed
code of ethics and confidentiality statements, and paperwork completed during orientation. (Some forms will be signed
electronically and stored in the Volunteer Enterprise System). ADHC Recreation Therapist and Senior Center staff keeps
volunteer contact information onsite until the Volunteer Management System is operational, ADHC also keeps
background check results onsite.
Volunteer Recruitment:
Volunteer Solutions recruits volunteers to fill needs identified by center staff and will be the contact for all recruitment
activities, including online postings (Ex. Volunteer Fairfax). Request volunteers by completing a volunteer request form.
Volunteer Hours: (Volunteer Management System integration will change hour reporting procedures.)
Volunteer hours will be tracked for each volunteer in the Volunteer System.
1. Center staff emails volunteer hours to Michelle Miller by the 5th of each month.
Senior Center staff please note: volunteer data for FY 13 will no longer be captured in Harmony. June 2012 data
should be entered into Harmony to complete fiscal year data requirements.
2. Michelle Miller sends partner update report, including hours, monthly.
Table 1.0 All volunteers in unsupervised contact with participants are considered to be level II or III volunteers.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Online application
No background checks
Check references
Job specific orientation/training
Online application
Volunteer Solutions orientation
Criminal Background check
Driving Record Check
Reference checks
Job specific orientation/training
Online application
Volunteer Solutions orientation
Criminal Background Check
Driving Record Check
Reference checks
TB Test
8 hours training yearly
Job specific orientation/training
Health Department Adult Day Health Care Initial tuberculosis examination and report is required for
volunteers that come in contact with participants.
Staff volunteers are counted in the
Resident volunteers
Meals assistants
staff-to-participant ratio if both of
Entertainment groups
Frequent entertainers (more
the following criteria are met:
than once a month)
High School students
1. These volunteers meet the
Special events entertainers
Program facilitators
qualifications and training
Volunteers under 18
Special events planners
requirements for compensated
Office assistants
employees; and
2. For each volunteer, there shall
be at least one compensated
employee also counted in the
staff-to-participant ratio.
NCS’ Senior Centers Participant volunteers will be limited to Level I tasks.
Advisory Council members
Unpaid Instructors (Ex. Exercise)
Aesthetics enhancers
Field trip assistants
Meal assistants
Tax volunteers
Participant volunteers
Program facilitators (Ex. blood
pressure checks)
Plant caretaker
Special events planners
Resident volunteers
Volunteer Building Directors
High School students & under 18
Department of Family Services’ Adult and Aging
Commission on Aging
Caregiver Respite
Fairfax Pets on Wheels
General Transportation
Household Services
Insurance Counseling
Medical Transportation
Social Visits
Money Manager
Nutritional Supplement Delivery
Meals on Wheels Volunteers
Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Office Assistants
Recruiter Assistant
Regional Office Assistants