Approval process for courses and course modifications

Critical Friend Review Template
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Thank you for agreeing to act as critical friend to colleagues who are currently in the process of taking
a programme/major through the formal approvals process. The Critical Friend stage is designed to
provide constructive feedback to a subject team in advance of the final draft documentation being
submitted for consideration by the Panel, and allows for further refinement of the submission.
As a Critical Friend, you are expected to be familiar with the Programme Approvals Process and the
criteria for approval. These can be found on the Programme Design and Approvals section of the
website1. In considering the proposed new provision, the Approval Panel will need to be satisfied that:
1. The curriculum, as presented for approval:
Articulates an educational rationale, aims and intended learning outcomes and is appropriately
aligned to the level of the award (reference the FHEQ), subject benchmarks (as applicable) as
well as wider qualifications descriptors and credit frameworks. Please note the alignment of
Learning Outcomes to the relevant level within the FHEQ is critical and you are asked to pay
particular attention to this.
Is designed in accordance with the University’s frameworks for undergraduate and
postgraduate programmes.
Is designed so as to fulfil the stated aims and enable the students to meet the learning
Demonstrates coherence, rigour and intellectual integrity. This is particularly important in terms
of progression through the Levels within undergraduate programmes and the overall coherence
of structure / design at PGT level.
Demonstrates a commitment to inclusive practice/s.
Is designed to ensure depth, breadth and balance of subject, intellectual, practical and personal
skills and relevant progression (as applicable) in terms of the demands placed upon students as
the programme advances.
Incorporates the requirements of relevant PSRBs and of the University’s regulatory framework.
Is being taught by a team of staff with appropriate experience and expertise, and is informed by
relevant research and scholarship and/or current developments in professional practice.
Has been informed by the use of external expertise.
2. The admissions criteria are consistent with the stated aims, learning outcomes and level, taking
account of the University’s admissions requirements, target market and the requirements of any PSRB
or wider requirements.
3. The subject team’s strategy for learning, teaching and assessment:
 Is consistent with the stated aims, and appropriate learning opportunities will be provided to
enable students to meet the learning outcomes.
 Validly and reliably assesses the achievement of all the stated intended learning outcomes.
 Reflects good practice in teaching and learning, with arrangements in place to assure and
enhance the quality of teaching.
 Demonstrates a commitment to the provision of an excellent learning experience, as set out in
the University’s Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy and Enhancement Strategy.
 Provides accessible opportunities for all students, including those with additional needs, to meet
the learning outcomes.
 Sufficient resources (including teaching staff) are in place, or are planned, so that the subject
team will be able to provide appropriate learning opportunities for students to achieve the
programme learning outcomes. Systems should also be in place, or planned, to provide
reasonable adjustments for students with additional needs.
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4. Programme management structures, including those concerned with academic and pastoral support
for students, will meet the needs of the expected students, including the provision of support for
students with disabilities. In the case of programmes delivered by two or more Faculties, or with a
partner institution, the arrangements for programme management should be clearly articulated and
understood by all involved in delivering the programme. The Panel should also be assured that
appropriate quality management arrangements are in place for assuring the academic standards and
enhancing the quality of the provision, including systems for seeking and responding to feedback from
students (for example, SSLCs, routine reviews etc).
The following template has been provided to assist in the critical friend process. If you have any
queries please liaise with your FEO in the first instance. If you are new to the Critical Friend Process,
1:1 advice can be provided – please email Dr Katherine Birch (SAQA) on
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Suggested questions/prompts have been included but these may not always be relevant or applicable.
Similarly, these are not intended as restraints and we would welcome any other comments that you
deem pertinent.
Please note the boxes will expand to show all of your comments.
Contact email
Title of provision being considered
What are your views on the validity of the rationale for the programme(s)?
 Is there a clear rationale for the introduction of this provision (if new)
 How relevant is the programme within the current educational and business market?
 From the evidence presented within the draft documentation, is there a market, both in the
UK/EU and internationally, for the programme?
Would you endorse the appropriateness of the aims and learning outcomes? Do you have any
suggestions for enhancements and, if so, are these a) necessary or b) desirable?
 Is the programme commensurable with HE requirements including the level/s at which it
is offered within the national Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and any
relevant QAA Subject Benchmark statements?
 Are all Learning Outcomes appropriately aligned to the relevant level of the FHEQ?
 Do the aims and learning outcomes suggest an appropriate level of intellectual rigour?
 Are the Learning Outcomes demonstrable?
Would you endorse the programme design / content? Do you have any suggestions for enhancements
and, if so, are these a) necessary or b) desirable?
 Does the programme (recognising that critical friend may not be subject experts) appear
coherent and current, with relevance to both professional and employment practices and
current developments in academic research?
 Does the content provide the potential to achieve the programme’s stated aims and
learning outcomes?
 Does the programme design offer a coherent experience for students? Consider the
relationship between the individual stages of the programme and the 60 credit blocks /
modules and whether the progression is appropriately designed within the programme
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Does the provision reflect the University’s framework for UG / PGT provision, as
applicable? (Lectures, seminars, tutorials, contact time, assessment etc).
Would you endorse the learning, teaching and assessment methods planned for delivery of the
programme? Do you have any suggestions for enhancements and, if so, are these a) necessary or b)
 Is there a range of learning and teaching and assessment methods and a balance
between open and closed assessment and is this appropriate given the nature of the
 How appropriate are the strategies employed to enable demonstration and achievement
of the programme and module learning outcomes through the assessment?
 Are the mechanisms suggested likely to be robust enough to provide adequate checks
on the quality and standards?
 Does the provision reflect Hope’s Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy?
Please comment on any other aspects of the programme that have not been covered elsewhere on this
This may include:
 Opportunities for student personal development
 Inclusivity
 Relevant PSRB requirements/benchmarks and possible exemptions or accreditations.
 Employment potential of the programme, links with business, industry or the
 Arrangements for the management of placements or any other forms of external learning
opportunities where these form part of the programme
 The key strengths and weaknesses of the programme overall
 The student experience and student support
 The appropriateness of the programme and any other general matters
 Any other points you feel it would be useful for the subject team to consider
Thank you for your input.
Please email your completed form to the relevant FEO
Draft v1.0 July 15
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