Name______________________________ Hour_______ Date___________ Marathon Reading Test/Pit Stop 2 (200 Pages) Title _______________________________ Author _______________ Pages_____ R1Eb Context Clues I Can use context clues to make meaning of words by asking the following questions: What is the whole text about? What is the sentence containing the unfamiliar word about? Does the word have a good or bad connotation? Is it a noun, making it a person place, thing, or idea, that goes with the action of the sentence? Is it the action word of a noun from the sentence that you are familiar with? Is it a describer of a noun or verb you know in the sentence? Directions: Copy a sentence from the text below. Underline the word you are unsure of. The whole sentence is about: Does the word have a good or bad connotation? Is the word a noun (making it a person, place, thing, or idea that goes with the action of the sentence), a verb (action word), or a descriptor of the noun or verb in the sentence? I now think the word means: Name______________________________ Hour_______ Date___________ 7th Grade Tri 1 Assess # R1Eb Context Clues R1Eb Context Clues I Can use context clues to make meaning of words. What is the sentence that it is in talking about? What is the story talking about? Do you think the word has a good or bad connotation? Is it a noun, making it a person place, thing, or idea that goes with the action of the sentence? Is it the action word of a noun that you are familiar with in the sentence? Is it a describer of the noun or verb you know in the sentence? Copy a sentence from the text below. Underline the word you are unsure of. She tasted the porridge from the first bowl. The whole sentence is about: Goldilocks is eating from the bear’s bowl. Does the word have a good or bad connotation? Why? The word has a good connotation, because Goldilocks is so hungry that she is eating from the bears’ bowls. Is the word a noun (making it a person, place, thing, or idea that goes with the action of the sentence), a verb (action word), or a describer of the noun or verb in the sentence? The word is a noun (a thing). I now think the word means: I think porridge is a warm type of food that is served in a bowl.