Elementary Surveying [Opens in New Window]


Purdue University Calumet

School of Technology

Course Syllabus

CET 10400 - Elementary Surveying

Credits and Contact Hours:

5 contact hours, 3 credit hours

Instructor’s or Course Coordinator’s Name:

Anthony Gregory

Text Book, Title, Author and Year:

Title: Construction Surveying & Layout , 3 rd

edition, 2003

Introduction to the Course:

Author: Crawford a. Catalog Description

Measurement of distances, directions and angles using tape, level, theodolite & total station. Computation of areas and traverses, lines and grades. Also, topographic surveys, an introduction to construction surveys, and an introduction to GPS measurement. b. Prerequisites: MA 14700 or equivalent, or consent of instructor c. Required Course

Specific Goals to the Course: a. Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

Define surveying, and describe its function in the field of construction. (b)

Demonstrate an understanding of the units of measurement associated with surveying. (f)

• Demonstrate an understanding of levels of accuracy associated with various surveying measurements. (a)

Identify and account for errors in measurements. (a, f)

• Demonstrate proficiency in the use of basic surveying field equipment, including tape, level, theodolite and total station. (a, e)

Demonstrate the ability to keep accurate, complete, and neat field notes. (a, e, g)

• Demonstrate proficiency in performing basic surveying computations, including the following:

Basic differential leveling computations (f)

Horizontal distance correction computations (f)

• Computations involving angles, bearings, and azimuths (f)

Traverse computations, including latitudes and departures, error of closure precision, and compass rule adjustment (f)

• Rectangular coordinate computation (f)

Area computation (f)

Demonstrate proficiency in the ability to collect and interpret topographic information.

(a, e)

Demonstrate an understanding of introductory topics in GPS measurement. (a, b)

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CET 10400 b. Student Outcomes

This course satisfies ABET criteria a, b, d, f, g

Course Delivery Methods (check all that apply): x Lecture x Laboratory

□ Online

□ Discussion groups

□ Projects x Other (explain) field book

Factors Used to Determine the Course Grade (check all that apply):

□ Quizzes x Exams – 4 tests – 30 pts.; final exam – 30 pts. x Homework – 3 problems – 15 pts.

□ Papers x Lab Reports – field book 10 pts; final lab – 15 pts. x Class participation – attendance – 2 possible pts. if you miss 1 class or less (including labs)

□ How final grade is determined

Brief List of Topics to be Covered:

Introduction, History, definitions

Theory of Measurements

Surveying Field Notes

Distance Measurement – Taping, Error


Leveling, Stadia, 3-wire, Dbl-Rod, Error

Angles, the Compass, Traverses

Theodolite Operations, Cont. Angles

Traversing – Errors, Total Station

Traverses, Bearings, Orientation

Height Determination

Topographic Surveys

Latitudes and Departures, Adjustments, Errors, Latitude & Longitude

Topographic Surveying, Mapping, Coordinates

Construction Surveys, Area, Introduction to GPS Measurement

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