Biome Project Information

Biome Project Information
Below is a list of the major topics to include in your groups biome project. The group list and research assignments are
to be followed. The majority of the grade will be based on individual, with a much smaller portion based on overall
group. Individuals will be graded on their designated research topic (therefore if one member does not complete the
designated details about their topic then they will lose the 75 points, not the rest of the group).
Good sources of information:
(DO NOT use Wikipedia)
Biome, plants, animal, etc. books in the library (you must use at least 1 book source) for you MLA or APA sources
http:/ (for map of cities/countries) (for climates – annual rain and temperature for cities) (Heritagewebsite/Library Media Center/Online Databases/Science Reference Center)
The Earth Science Link here has info on Desert, Threatened and Endangered Species, Forests, Rain Forests, Tundra)
The Life Science Link here has info on Ecology and Ecosystems which has many of the biomes.
You can also search key terms here for resources.
**Group needs to make a powerpoint and a handout for students to use while you are presenting.
You will work simultaneously using Google Docs. (Send Ms. Shockley your handout – she can make
copies for you to give to class). Each student is assigned to a specific topic that they must research
(see below). Then all members will come together to make their powerpoint and handout.**
Powerpoint must include all the information listed below and on the rubric. If you find some
information difficult to include in the powerpoint, then you may make a small poster to display and
present to the class with powerpoint (for example hand drawn climatogram or food web/pyramid).
Handout – make a handout for the students to complete while you are presenting your biome in class.
This could be a few questions to find answers to while listening to your presentation, a review activity,
puzzle, exit ticket, etc. You decide. But it needs to be about the key components of your biome –
something I would include on a quiz. (Shouldn’t take more than 10-15 minutes to complete), then you
will go over the answers with the class.)
The goal here is to give enough information to your class that they could be tested on your biome and
know the information. (And you will be tested on the material presented from all groups).
Individual Topics to research and make powerpoint on:
Location & Climate (abiotic factors in your biome):
Include the (specific) locations of your biome (continents, countries, latitudes, altitudes, general area, etc) and
what is the size of you biome (square footage, in comparison to other biomes, etc)
Describe in detail the climate in your biome. (Include amount of precipitation and Temperature – Range and
Make your own climatogram (hand drawn is fine or you can use excel if you are familiar) – you may need to pick
a specific area for this if it changes throughout different areas of biome.
Something interesting about climate in your biome
Include pictures that represent the climate in your biome and its location.
Sources in MLA or APA format
Plants (Biotic factors in your biome):
Include type of plants that are found in your biome
Include at least 5 different types of examples (specific plants)
Explain adaptations of plants in general that are found in your biome and adaptations of your example plants
Something interesting about plants in your biome
Include pictures that represent the plants in your biome
Sources in MLA or APA format
Animals (biotic factors in your biome):
Include type of animals that are found in your biome
Include at least 5 different types of examples (specific animals)
Explain adaptations of animals in general that are found in your biome and specific adaptations of your example
Something interesting about animals in your biome
Include pictures that represent the animals in your biome
Sources in MLA or APA format
Describe in detail the threats to your biome (and who, what, and how it is affecting your biome) and include
what is being threatened (habitats, specific organisms, resources, etc)
Describe what could be done to avoid/stop this threat
Include 2 endangered plants and 2 endangered animals in your biome and describe them and why they are
endangered (cannot be the same as any of the other plants or animals used for the project). What are the
approximate numbers alive now? Why are they going extinct? What is being done to halt this problem?
Something interesting about the threats in your biome
Include pictures that represent the threats in your biome
Sources in MLA or APA format
Food Web and Other:
Include a food web from your biome (containing more than 7 organisms, they can be ones previously discussed
in the project) and describe where this food web would occur (along the river, in the mountains, on the forest
Choose one chain from your web and display it, showing you know the difference between a web and a chain.
Make a pyramid showing where all organisms in your food web fall in the trophic levels, making sure to label
each trophic level appropriately (producers, decomposers, consumers - 1st consumer, 2nd consumer, etc. and
which are the herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, etc.).
Name and describe one item we get from your biome and how we use it.
Include pictures that depict your food web/chain and item we use from your biome.
Sources in MLA or APA format
Information to Include: (use the info/questions listed in each bullet above to make
sure you have included everything that needs to be included)
Name of each member of the group, rubric for each member, and block #
Detailed facts about your topic included (based on bullets above)
EACH PERSON NEEDS Bibliography/resources (you need a minimum of 1 book
source and 2 online sources) – in MLA or APA format
Pictures (at least 2 – feel free to put more) – make sure to cite webpage.
In-class participation (you must be signed off at the end of each day to receive your
points). You will present these to the class.
Spelling, your OWN words, grammar, etc.
Appearance of overall final project and presentation (not to exceed 10 min)
Handout for class (review of your biome/quiz questions)
Total Points
In order to receive points for each section, you must do your OWN work.
Review of Group Members:
1. How would you rate the overall work experience with members of your group?
2. Who did you not work well with and who did you work really well with?
3. Rate the following members on their work/participation during the project timeframe.
1 is the lowest (member did not participate well with the group and did not complete their assigned tasks) up to 10
being the highest grade (member participated well with group and completed all their assigned tasks).
And explain why you gave them that grade.
a. Location & Climate
b. Plants
c. Animals
d. Threats
e. Food Web and Other
Sign off for working in class (Up to 5 pts per day):
______________ Mon. 3/3 or Tues. 3/4 (in library)
______________ Wed. 3/5 or Thurs. 3/6 (in computer lab)
______________ Fri. 3/7 or Mon. 3/10 (in computer lab)