PHILOSOPHY We believe that knowledge of God can never be derived by human reason alone, but that God has communicated His nature, purposes, and plans through divine relation and His Law. The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God and contain the revelation of His will to men. We accept this divine revelation as the guiding principle in our philosophy of education. God also presents to us an unfailing source of instruction and delight through the wonders and beauty of nature. True education is based on love. Our teachers are servants of God and our students are children of God. The Seventh-day Adventist Church believes in the optimum development of the whole child for both this life and the life to come. Therefore, the church operates a school system to ensure that its youth receive a balanced physical, mental, moral, and social education. A true knowledge of God, fellowship and companionship with Him in study and service, and likeness to Him in character development, these are the objectives of our educational program. MISSION The primary aim of Seventh-day Adventist education is to provide the opportunity for students to accept Christ as their Savior, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and to fulfill the commission of spreading the gospel to all the world. A solid and balanced academic curriculum forms the environment for this. The educational program at West Covina Hills Adventist School is predicated on the belief that each student is unique and of inestimable value. The importance of developing the whole person is emphasized. Students are educated to be sensitive to the needs of others; to accept service to others as a way of life; and to become contributing members in their homes, churches, and society. ADMISSION INFORMATION Who Should Apply: Seventh-day Adventist schools are established primarily for Adventist families; however, the school welcomes all those who are in harmony with the philosophy and objectives of Christian education and who will cheerfully live according to these principles. Statement of Non-Discrimination: West Covina Hills Adventist School does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, or national ethnic origin in the administration of its educational and admissions policies, or scholarship, athletic and other school programs. Statement of Compliance: By registering for attendance at this school, both the student and parent or guardian agree to abide by and uphold all the provisions of this bulletin and all other written or verbal presentations of the rules and regulations or any changes made during the school year. It is also expected that each student and parent or guardian will make themselves aware of the content of any item published or given verbally. Failure to become familiar with the rules, regulations and procedures of the school will not relieve any person of the responsibility of functioning within the intent of these guidelines. Admission Procedures: All students must apply for admission using either a new or returning student application form. The following factors come into play when an application is considered: the desire of the parents and student for the kind of program offered here, the likelihood of the parents and student supporting the program, the ability of the school to meet the student's needs, and the number of students already accepted. All new students will be admitted on a probationary status for a period of forty-five (45) days. This period will give the various school officers and faculty the necessary opportunity to determine placement, citizenship status, financial status, and other data upon which to grant or deny permanent acceptance. As it deems necessary, the school may extend the probationary time for any individual. Registration is a separate process, although it is possible to register and apply at the same time. In this case, registration (and therefor attendance) is dependent upon formal approval of the application. Obtain information about registration times, procedures, and required documents through the school office. Age Requirements: Kindergarten students are required to be five (5) years of age by November 2. First graders are required to be six (6) by November 1. A birth certificate or passport must be presented the first time registering. Academic Placement: Grade and class placement will be determined by test results and/or transcript of records from previous schools attended. When more than one room of a grade exists, classroom placement will be made by the principal. Special Education/Special Programs: West Covina Hills Adventist School does not have the facilities or personnel to offer special education. Students with special developmental or academic needs should apply to schools prepared to deal with these needs. Desire to enroll or remain enrolled at West Covina Hills Adventist School even when special education might be beneficial to the student indicates willingness to accept whatever progress is managed within this conventional curriculum and class room structure. SCHOOL HOURS K-4 5-8 Mon. - Thurs. Fri. Mon-Thurs. Fri. 8:15 - 3:00 p.m. 8:15 - 12:30 p.m. 8:15 - 3:20 p.m. 8:15 - 12:30 p.m. The office is open for business 8:00 - 4:00 (3:00 on Friday) although someone is usually available beyond these times. ACADEMIC INFORMATION Curriculum: The curriculum in grades K-8 has been developed in harmony with the policies of the General Conference, the Offices of Education of the North Divisions, The style is traditional text-based and teacher-directed. Teachers are able to utilize a variety of teaching styles in order to meet the diverse learning styles and needs of each class. The curriculum meets all the basic requirements for promotion and/or graduation. Bible classes are an integral part of the total curriculum making Bible study a daily experience. Grade Reports: Each school year is divided into four grading periods, or quarters, of approximately nine weeks each. At the end of these grading periods, a progress report is provided for the parents. Teachers also provide some form of interim report, at least once between grade reports and sometimes as often as weekly, to help keep parents abreast of their child=s progress. Teachers expect and welcome parental response to these reports. Music: On-campus private music lessons with teachers made available by the school may be scheduled during the school day by arrangement with the classroom teacher. Students must assume responsibility for making up work missed during the lessons. Choir and/or classroom music is part of the regular curriculum. There is an additional fee for Band. Combination Classrooms: As a small school, there are a number of advantages this school affords its students, parents, and staff. Some do not realize that multi-grade classrooms are not just a convenience inherent in school size but an actual advantage to the student. Research has shown students in multi-grade settings tend to score better on standardized academic testing. In fact, some schools large enough to have only one grade per room have established several classrooms with combined grades just to reap that same advantage. Combination classrooms at West Covina Hills are not always possible. Classrooms are planned based on projected enrollment but these plans may be modified if actual enrollment after school starts changes earlier plans. FINANCIAL POLICY A financial policy document is published separately from this Handbook in order to be up-dated annually. Request the current document from the school office. EXTENDED DAY CARE Extended day care services are available for the convenience of those who need it. The schedule, fees, and other related information are published separately from this Handbook. See also potential EDC charges under ASign Out@ in this Handbook. CONDUCT The faculty, along with the school board, want West Covina Hills Adventist School to be a school where a positive spiritual and academic atmosphere prevails. On or off campus, when involved in school activities, students are expected to show the same respect for order, morality, personal and school honor, and the rights of others as is expected of any good citizen. The administration and faculty believe in being redemptive with students on an individual basis. Still, the academic, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being of all students and the good of the school must be considered. Suspension or expulsion of a student may be necessary. This will be done based upon the rules and procedures outlined below. Discipline System: Each teacher maintains their individual system of discipline. Each system is compatible with all the others to ensure a consistent approach and alleviate confusion. Tardiness: Students entering the classroom after the opening bell at 8:15 are marked tardy. Students accumulating ten tardies within one quarter will be required to serve a one hour detention period. Grievance: Every effort will be made to resolve disagreements. Any disagreement must be addressed as taught by Jesus in Matthew 5: go directly to the person with whom you have a concern. This usually solves a problem in the best way. If an issue needs further attention, one would only then go to the next higher level of organization. A spirit of criticism and complaining by students or parents which endangers the atmosphere, influence, and effectiveness of the school cannot be allowed. UNIFORM DRESS CODE Christians, made in the image of God, should take pride in themselves and endeavor to maintain a natural and pleasing appearance. This can be accomplished by careful attention to cleanliness and good grooming. School Uniforms are mandatory attire for all school days with the exception of designated free dress days. Uniforms must be purchased through the school and not at any other store unless arranged by the school. The uniform is composed of the following: Girls: Navy or Khaki pants Navy or Khaki shorts Navy, Khaki or Plaid skorts Navy, Khaki or Plaid jumper Burgundy, Green or Light Blue short sleeved or long sleeved polo shirt Navy T-Shirt with school logo Navy Blue cardigan (optional) Navy or Grey sweatshirt with school logo (optional) Boys: Navy or Khaki pants Navy or Khaki shorts Burgundy, Green or Light Blue short sleeved or long sleeved polo shirt Navy Blue cardigan (optional) Navy or Grey sweatshirt with school logo (optional) Students of West Covina Hills Adventist School will want to dress in harmony with the basic principles of health, modesty, appropriateness, and attractiveness. On free dress days or where appropriate in regard to the uniform, the following needs to be applied. 1. Sheer, low-cut, tight-fitting clothes or immodest hemlines are not to be worn. 2. Clothing with objectionable wording or pictures are not to be worn. (Avoid characters known for, or depictions of, violence; or any person, group, or products that would represent a lifestyle questionable for a conservative Christian.) 3. Jewelry (such as bracelets, rings, earrings, or necklaces) is not permitted. Exceptions may be made for utility purposes such as Medic Alert or I.D. when necessary. 4. Clothing and hair must be neat, clean, and not extreme in style. 5. All clothes should be in good condition--clean and without unrepaired holes. 6. Noticeable makeup is not to be worn. Nail polish should be in natural/neutral colors. 7. Tank tops, spaghetti straps, sleeveless blouses, or tops showing a bare midriff are not appropriate. 8. When dresses are worn, it is suggested that shorts be worn underneath during recreational activities. 9. For safety reasons, students are not to wear open-toe shoes or to go without shoes. 10. Shorts may not be excessively short. Judging appropriateness in appearance will often be somewhat subjective. Teachers will use their judgment on the above items of dress with the principal, if needed, making the final judgment on appropriateness. Depending on the circumstances, parents of students who come to school out of uniform may be asked to bring a uniform for their child to change into or students may be asked to wear a uniform provided at the school for such occasions. The principal will schedule a meeting with the parents of students who repeatedly come out of uniform. FAMILY VOLUNTEER HOURS/CONTRIBUTION To provide valuable assistance to the school in maintaining its program while keeping costs to a minimum, each family is required to volunteer 20 hours per school year. These volunteer hours can be tailored to fit family schedules and can be completed at school or at home, depending on the task. Hours will be coordinated through the teachers and the office. Tasks such as Work Bees, Fundraisers, Recess Supervision, Serving Lunches, Class Parties, etc. will count toward these hours. Parents need to keep track of any time that can be counted to receive appropriate credit. Hours short of 20 will be charged at the rate of $25/hour. Instead of volunteering, families may choose to pay a contribution of $500 to the school, payable by the end of the year. SIGN OUT The school has a sign-out system for students leaving after school. Parents needing to take students out of school during session may sign them out either at the office, if someone is present, or in the classroom. Procedure: Parents or other authorized persons should sign students out on the form monitored by a staff member or volunteer posted outside near the front of the school. Space for name and time is provided. Purpose: The system is designed to 1) help make people transporting children from the school more obvious to school personnel and thus create more difficulty for anyone desiring to pick up a student under less than proper circumstances; 2) create a record for parents trying to trace a student’s departure, 3) provide documentation for Extended Day Care charges where applicable. Limitations: The school cannot verify the identity of every person picking up children or even know if every person leaving with a child has, in fact, signed the child out properly. Personnel checking students out become accustomed to particular names and faces and will challenge those with whom they are not familiar to see that they are authorized. Unusual circumstances are less likely to be noticed for children who are picked up irregularly by a variety of persons. Parents must instruct children carefully as to whom they should or should not be expecting to pick them up. Families who may face a known danger of improper persons trying to pick up their child from the school should make this information known to the school so that personnel can be particularly alert for that situation. Failure to properly sign out a student minimizes the safety and benefits of the system as designed and may jeopardize the student’s privilege to remain enrolled if failure is consistent. Furthermore, Extended Day Care charges will reflect the full amount if not properly signed out earlier. Organized After School Activity: Activities that take place after school hours need special attention. Examples include extracurricular classes (such as music group rehearsal), and official club activity (such as soccer club practice, drama, etc.). If an activity officially goes into EDC time and charges are to be avoided, the student must be taken immediately from campus. Stated another way, having been in an official activity is not an excuse for being in EDC even a short time without charges. GENERAL INFORMATION Accidents and illnesses: Students going to the office for assistance must first check with their teacher or grounds supervisor. All students who exhibit symptoms of a contagious illness will be referred to the school office where appropriateness to remain at school will be determined. Parents may be required to remove the student from the school and/or obtain medical evaluation and/or written medical clearance to return to school. Visitors: Classroom visits by parents or friends should be arranged through the office or with the classroom teacher prior to the visit. Telephone: The office will take messages for students or staff but cannot call them to the phone during school except in a real emergency. Personal calls out by students may or may not be allowed depending on personnel and equipment availability and the situation. Emergency protection: Current address, phone numbers (home, business, and emergency), medical and other pertinent information are kept by the school office. Changes should be reported immediately to provide adequate protection in the event of an emergency. Field Trips: Students must return a written permission form in order to participate in field-trip activities. Absences: Absences are excusable if the student is ill, has a medical appointment, or there is a death in the immediate family. Generally, school work may be made up for such absences. If an absence for another reason is anticipated, proper arrangements should be made for prior to the absence. Teachers will cooperate as much as possible with students and parents to make up school work, but teachers will be limited in assuming additional burdens in curricular management for absences that occur for elective reasons. HARASSMENT POLICY This school is committed to providing a learning environment that is free from harassment in any form. While a charge of harassment or an investigation of alleged harassment shall not, in and of itself, create the presumption of wrongdoing, all allegations of harassment will be seriously reviewed and investigated in a prompt, confidential, and thorough manner. Any student who harasses another student is subject to discipline up to and including dismissal. Harassment may be defined in several ways, such as: Physical: Unwanted physical contact, deliberate impeding or blocking of movements or any intimidating interference with normal work or movement. Sexual: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, comments or material to embarrass or intimidate, and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature which creates a hostile or offensive school environment. Verbal: Derogatory comments, ethnic comments, jokes, propositions, or degrading words used to describe an individual. Making reprisals, threats of reprisals or implied threats of reprisals following a report of harassment will not be tolerated. Visual: Leering; displaying of any; derogatory, demeaning or inflammatory posters, cartoons, written words, drawings, photographs and gestures that embarrass or intimidate. School's Responsibility: In order to maintain a harassment-free environment, the school's responsibility is to: - implement this policy through meetings with the school board, faculty and staff, ensuring that they understand the policy and its importance; - make all parents and students aware of this policy and the commitment of the school to its strict enforcement; - monitor the school environment, noting conditions that may be hostile or offensive; - establish programs designed to create a school environment free from any form of harassment; - notify parents immediately if their child becomes involved in a harassment incident; - inform parents of their responsibilities if their child is involved in the harassment of another student; - implement this policy according to guidelines set up by the Southern California Conference Board of Education. Parents' Responsibility: To assist the school in maintaining a harassment-free environment, the parents' responsibility is to: - teach their child(ren) to accept, appreciate, and respect the person, space and privacy of others; - instill within their child(ren) the concept that derogatory comments or conduct should not be tolerated and must be reported; - inform the school administration of any alleged incidents of harassment; - recognize their responsibility if their child is the perpetrator of the harassment of another student. Student's Responsibility: To assist the school in maintaining a harassment-free environment, the student's responsibility is to: - behave in a way which contributes to a positive school environment; - avoid any activity that may be considered harassment; - tell the individual who is doing the harassing that the behavior is unacceptable and must stop immediately; - report all incidents of harassment to a teacher, the principal or a trusted adult.