Scholarship Information:
1. Scholarships are for study abroad, an academic study tour for credit, or international service learning.
2. Recipients will be required to provide a public presentation or written report of their international experience during the semester following their trip.
3. Evidence of or potential for academic merit, campus/community involvement and financial need will be the primary selection criteria.
4. If the international study tour, study abroad or service learning experience does NOT occur for any reason, the scholarship funds will be forfeited by the student and returned to CHE.
Scholarship Eligibility:
1. The applicant must be enrolled (or intending to enroll, for prospective KSU students) in any degree program offered in the College of Human Ecology (Note: Scholarship can be paid only if student is enrolled at K-State).
2. The applicant must have a valid passport/visa or be able to obtain one in time for international travel.
3. Undergraduate Students must be full-time students (enrolled in at least 12 credit hours at Kansas State University in the regular academic semesters (Fall and Spring) during the academic semester prior to their travel).
4. Graduate Students must be full-time (enrolled in at least 6 credit hours at Kansas State
University in the regular academic semesters (Fall and Spring) during the academic semester prior to their travel).
Please submit the following information t o the College of Human Ecology Dean’s
Office, Justin 119:
Typed application for CHE International Study/Service Scholarship
(handwritten applications will not be considered)
Current resume
Complete applications must be submitted by:
1. November 1 at 5:00 pm for Study the following Spring
2. February 1 at 5:00 pm for Study the following Summer
3. July 1 at 5pm for Study the following Fall Semester
November 1 at 5:00 pm for Study the following Spring Semester
February 1 at 5:00 pm for Study the following Summer Semester
July 1 at 5pm for Study the following Fall Semester
Please type or print clearly.
Local Address ___________________________________
Email Address ______________________________
Wildcat Identification # _______________________
___FR ___SO ___JU ___SR ___Masters Student ___Doctoral Student
Check the type of international experience you are planning:
Study Abroad Semester ___
Faculty Led Study Tour ____ o Please provide faculty leader’s name: ____________
International Service Learning ____
Current K-State Students:
Planned Graduation Date____________
K-State Credit Hours Completed____________
K-State Cumulative GPA____________
List other scholarships you are receiving this academic year ______________________
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1) Dates and Location of International Experience:
2) List all courses/credits you will be enrolled in during your international experience, including any international courses and K-State courses related to your travel:
Course Credit Hours Name of College/University granting the credit
3) Total Anticipated Cost of This Experience:
For what percentage of this total cost will you need financial assistance?
___90-100% ____70-80% ____50-60% _____30-40% ____10-20% ____Less than 10%
4) List any other sources of funding for this trip.
5) Please attach the itinerary and the course syllabus associated with this Faculty Led Study Tour.
6) Please share a brief essay (200 words) on what you expect to gain from your international experience: You may attach a separate document.
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Rev 11/2013