Dear Members and Leaders: Register today for the phenomenal

Dear Members and Leaders:
Register today for the phenomenal MSEA Minority Leadership Training Program, scheduled for
December 7 and 8 beginning at 6p.m. for dinner and ending by 3:45 p.m. on Saturday, December 8,
2012, at Harbourtowne Resort and Conference Center in beautiful St. Michaels, Maryland.
The conference theme is “Defining Moments: Forging Equity, Diversity and Success” and you or your
fellow members want to be in the number for another exceptional program, featuring renowned civil
rights leader Reverend Douglas Sands, representatives from the Office of Civil Rights Department of
Justice, facilitators from the Maryland Multicultural Coalition, MSDE Equity Office, and NEA Human
and Civil Rights to address the related themes of race, law and democracy.
Presenters will address what is possible for schools as we continue the battle to integrate our schools
and society. Be prepared to learn about the key issues in the areas of education integration, equitable
discipline, and rights issues facing people of color and actions that can be taken to support
ameliorating inequities. With the Fisher –v- UT Austin case and other challenges, it is critical for our
members to be aware of what can be done and how they can be empowered as better advocates to
help insure equity in their schools, districts and associations. From beginning to end the program is
power packed and relevant for our multicultural membership.
The program will begin on Friday, December 7 with leadership activities that focus on defining
moments in the lives of the multicultural participants with civil rights leader Reverend Douglas Sands,
Debra Nixon and Hugo Jackson moderating the group activities. Come prepared to be engaged,
informed and prepared to face the leadership challenges of our defining moments.
The Saturday morning segment will incorporate the new NEA Human and Civil Rights” Cultural
Competence” training presented by the National Education Association cadre from Maryland. Lunch
will be a Chat & Chew format luncheon with varied topics presented in hour long venues linked to the
“Defining Moments” theme. Luncheon Chat and Chew sessions include:
A. “Equity Rubrics and ETMA Assessment Tools for Change”
B. “Minority Educators of NEA Understanding 3-1 (g) & Linking to Supports to Overcome
C. “Defining Moments a Journey through Historic Perspective”
Register today and do not delay as spaces will be limited. The registration fee is $40 with checks or
money orders payable to MSEA. The fee includes three meals and breaks, workshops and the
afternoon Equity panel. Send registration to MSEA, Attn: Marilynn Taylor, 140 Main Street, Annapolis,
MD 21401. Email Lodging for MSEA members is based on MSEA practice and
double occupancy so those meeting the mileage requirement should denote roommate or one will be
assigned. Single room accommodations are available at the participant’s expense. Attached is the
registration form for your convenience. It can be emailed to hold your space as long as the fee is
received by November 21, 2012. Check with your local presidents to see if teams of participants are
being funded. Equity Officers, Minority Affairs , Women’s Concerns Committees and Human and
Civil Rights, Minority Caucus members and educators interested in building awareness of the defining
moments facing minority educators and students should register and learn about leading as an equity
advocate. WLTP changed their meeting date so their participants could participate in the MLTP
without having to choose between two phenomenal training programs. Do not miss the December 7-8
MLTP sessions, “Defining Moments.”
Contact Debra Nixon with any questions at
City, State, Zip:
Local Association/School District:
First time participant in a MLTP: Yes _______ No ________
MSEA Member_____ Non-member______
Lodging Preference ____ Share Roommate:
Single Occupancy at cost to participant ____
Chat and Chew Session preference: Indicate 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice preference as spaces are limited
A______ B_______ C_______
Registration Amount $40 enclosed: _____ Check number/Money Order:
___________________________Number of participants funded: _____________
If funded by a local association, denote leader who approved funding and their number: