Department/School: Linguistics

Department/School: Linguistics
June, 2013
NAME: rank, status (tenured, contract, Member of FGPS, Graduate Faculty, core member, etc.)
SABOURIN, Laura, assistant professor (member of FGPS)
DEGREES: designation, institution, department, year
Ph.D. Neurolinguistics, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 2003
M.Sc., Psycholinguistics, University of Alberta, Canada, 1998
B.A., Linguistics, McGill University, Canada, 1995
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: dates, rank/position, department, institution/firm, current full-time position
2008-present Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Ottawa
2008-present Director, Brain and Language Laboratory, University of Ottawa
2009-present Adjunct Research Professor, Institute of Cognitive Science, Carleton U.
2007-08 Replacement Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Ottawa
2005-07 Research Associate, Department of Psychology, University of Oregon
2002-05 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Psychology, University of British Columbia
SCHOLARLY AND PROFESSIONAL ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES: past 7 years only (eg. executive and
editorial positions but not memberships in societies; invited presentations at national or international conferences. Please do not list manuscript and
grant application reviews)
May 2011
Scientific Committee member: Neurobilingualism Conference,
Groningen, The Netherlands
Program Committee Member: Canadian Linguistics Association
Co-organizer of a parasession at LSRL 2011 (Linguistic Symposium on
Romance Linguistics)
Organizer of Psycholinguistic Shorts (Annual conference at the
Department of Linguistics, U Ottawa)
Guest Editor, Issue: Neuroimaging and Second Language Research,
Journal: Second Language Research, Publication date: January 2009
GRADUATE SUPERVISIONS: (career numbers): master=s/ doctoral/postdoctoral, completed/in progress. Please distinguish
between supervisor, or co-supervisor.
Completed: 3 MA, 2 PhD
In Progress: 1 MA, 4 PhD
Names of Students: MA
-Santa Vinerte (MA), Sept. 2012 –
-Cassandra Chapman (MA), Evidence of clitic doubling in Laurentian French:
Consequences for grammaticalization, Sept 2011-August 2012 (Co-supervised with Dr.
Eric Mathieu), Sept 2011-August 2012
-Michele Burkholder (MA), The effect of L2 proficiency on the organization of the
bilingual mental lexicon, Sept 2010-August 2011
-Rebecca Gaulin (MA), Examination of copula omission with the data of Spanish-English
twin infants, Leo and Simon: The effects
of transfer, Sept 2007-August 2008.
Names of Students: PhD
-Michele Burkholder (PhD), Sept 2011 –
-Christie Brien (PhD), Neurophysiological evidence of a second language influencing
lexical ambiguity resolution in the first language.Sept 2009-June 2013
-Leonardo Alves-Soares (PhD), Sept 2008-Nataliya Chabanyuk (PhD), Sept 2006-Marie Claude Tremblay (PhD), Comparing the perceptual abilities of monolinguals,
bilinguals and multilinguals: A combined behavioural and event-related potential
experiment, Fall 2004-July 2010 (Co-supervised with Dr. Ian Mackay)
-Sarra Ghazel (PhD), Cognitive architectures in morphological processing: Acquisition and
attrition, Fall 2003-January 2013 (Carleton University, Co-supervised with Dr. Jo-Anne
GRADUATE COURSES: past 7 years, by year
Seminars: at the U. of Ottawa
2010 Second Language Acquisition II
2009/2011/2013 Statistics
2008 Topics in Linguistics (A comparison of first, second and bilingual acquisition)
2007/2008 Psycholinguistics
EXTERNAL RESEARCH FUNDING: past 7 years only, by year, indicating source (granting councils, industry, government,
foundations, other); amount; principal investigator; purpose (operating, travel, publications, equipment,etc...) (Include information on principal- or coinvestigator)
Amount per year
*Type: C-Granting councils; G-Government; F-Foundations; O-Other
** Purpose: research, travel, publication, etc.
INTERNAL RESEARCH FUNDING: past 7 years only, by year (university funds, SSHRC minor grants
awarded through the university, etc.)
2013 U. of Ottawa, Policy 94: Pro-Active Recruitment of Women Professors $7,500
2009-10 University of Ottawa, Faculty of Arts Seed Funding $10,316
The Publications should be listed in the categories shown below and include the following
information: books authored, books edited (a list of the chapters contributed by the editor must follow each title),
chapters in books (other than those listed in the above category), papers in refereed journals, papers in refereed
conference proceedings, major invited contributions and/or technical reports, abstracts and/or papers read, and
others. Please give full citation, including page numbers for books, chapters and journal articles and names of
authors in the order in which they appear on the publication. Publications submitted, but not yet accepted, must be
listed separately within the various categories.
1) Life-time summary (count) according to the following categories:
- Books authored ........................................................................................................................................... 0
- Books edited ................................................................................................................................................ 0
- Refereed chapters in books....................................................................................................................... 2
- Non-refereed chapters in books .............................................................................................................. 3
- Papers in refereed journal.......................................................................................................................... 8
- Papers in refereed conference proceedings. ........................................................................................... 4
- Major invited contributions and/or technical reports ...........................................................................0
-Abstracts and/or papers read ................................................................................................................. 42
-Others (invited lectures)........................................................................................................................... 13
-Others (working papers) .............................................................................................................................1
-Others (unpublished and submitted manuscripts) .................................................................................3
2) Details for past eight (8) years same categories as above:
Co-authors that are single underlined are graduate student co-authors and those that are
double underlined are undergraduate co-authors.
Papers in refereed Journals:
Tremblay, M-C., & Sabourin, L. (2012). Comparing the behavioural discrimination abilities
of monolinguals, bilinguals and multilinguals. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
132(5), 3465-3474.
Sabourin, L. (2009). Neuroimaging and second language research. Second Language
Research, 25(1), 5-11.
Sabourin, L. Stowe, L. (2008). Second language processing: When are L1 and L2 processed
similarly. Second Language Research, 24(3): 397-430.
Sabourin, L. (2006). Does the “Shallow-Structures” proposal account for qualitative
differences in L1 and L2 processing. Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics. 27(1): 81-84.
Sabourin, L., Stowe, L.A., de Haan, G.J. (2006). Transfer Effects in Learning an L2
Grammatical Gender System. Second Language Research. 22(1):1-29.
Stowe, L.A., Sabourin, L. (2005). Imaging the Processing of a Second Language: Effects of
Maturation and Proficiency on the Neural Processes Involved. International Review of
Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. 43(4):329-353.
Papers submitted to refereed Journals:
Tremblay, M-C., & Sabourin, L. (Resubmitted May 15, 2013). Neurophysiological evidence
for enhanced perceptual abilities in more experienced language learners. Submitted to the
International Journal of Multilingualism. 40 pages.
Sabourin, L., Brien, C., & Burkholder, M. (3rd resubmission, June 2013). The effect of age of
L2 acquisition on the organization of the bilingual lexicon: Evidence from masked priming.
Submitted to the Journal Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 43 pages.
Refereed chapters in Books:
Sabourin, L., Brien, C., Tremblay, M-C. (2013). Electrophysiology of Second Language
Processing: The Past, Present and Future. In María del Pilar García Mayo, M. Junkal
Gutierrez-Mangado & María Martínez Adrián (Eds.) Multiple Perspectives on Second
Language Acquisition.
Non-refereed chapters in Books:
Neville, H., Andersson, A., Bagdade, O., Bell, T., Currin, J., Fanning, J., Heidenreich, L.,
Klein, S., Lauinger, B., Pakula, E., Paulsen, D., Sabourin, L., Stevens, C., Sundborg, S., &
Yamada, Y. (2009). How can musical training improve cognition. In S. Dehaene and C.
Petit (eds.).The Origins of human dialog: Speech and music, Odile Jacob, Paris, 277-290.
Neville, H., Andersson, A., Bagdade, O., Bell, T. Currin, J., Fanning, J., Klein, S., Lauinger,
B., Pakulak, E., Paulsen, D., Sabourin, L., Stevens, C., Sundborg. S., and Yamada, Y.
(2008). Effects of music training on brain and cognitive development in under-privileged
3- to 5-year-old children: Preliminary results. In C. Asbury and B. Rich (Eds.). Learning,
arts, and the brain. Organized by M. Gazzaniga. Dana Press; New York, 105-116.
Sabourin, L., Stowe, L.A. (2008). Neurobiology of Language Learning. In B. Spolsky and
F.M. Hult (eds), Handbook of Educational Linguistics, 27-37.
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
Brien, C., & Sabourin, L. (2012). Second language effects on ambiguity resolution in the
first language. EUROSLA Yearbook 12, 191-217.
Pons, F., Sabourin, L., Cady, J., Werker, J.F. (2006). Distributional Learning in Vowel
Distinctions by 8-Month-Old English Infants. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the
Cognitive Science Socieity, Vancouver, Canada, p.2588.
Abstracts and/or papers read
42. Sabourin, L., Burkholder, M., & Brien, C. (August 2013). The bilingual mental lexicon: A
behavioural and ERP investigation. To be presented at the Workshop on Neurobilingualism,
Groningen, The Netherlands.
Vinerte, S., & Sabourin, L. (May 2013). Effects of bilingualism on cognitive control in
Stroop and ANT tasks. Poster presented at the International Workshop on Bilingualism and
Cognitive Control, Krakow, Poland. Poster won 3rd place in the poster contest.
Sabourin, L., Burkholder, M., & Brien, C. (March 2013). The effect of age of L2 acquisition
on the organization of the bilingual lexicon: Evidence from masked priming. Presented at
the International Symposium on Psycholinguistics, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.
Brien, C. & Sabourin, L. (March 2013). Neuro-imaging evidence of L2 Effects on L1
Ambiguity Resolution. Poster presented at the International Symposium on
Psycholinguistics, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.
Vinerte, S. & Sabourin, L. (March 2013). Effects of cognitive control on second language
processing. Poster presented at the International Symposium on Psycholinguistics, Tenerife,
Canary Islands, Spain.
37. Awad, T., Breau-Godwin, S., Lagacé, J., Jutras, B., Sharma, M., & Sabourin, L. (October
2012). Exploratory electrophysiological measures with the Test de Phrases dans le Bruit
(TPB). Poster presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Canadian Academy of
Audiology, Ottawa, Canada.
36. Burkholder, M., Brien, C., & Sabourin, L. (September 2011). Proficiency effects on the
organization of the bilingual lexicon. Poster presented at the Workshop on Bilingualism,
Aix-en Provence, France.
35. Brien, C. & Sabourin, L. (September 2011). Second language effects on ambiguity
resolution in the first language. Paper presented at the European Second Language
Acquisition Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
34. Tremblay, M-C. & Sabourin, L. (September 2011). The effect of age and context of L2
acquisition on perceptual abilities: Evidence from behavioural and neurophysiological
discrimination of a foreign contrast. Paper presented at the European Second Language
Acquisition Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
33. Sabourin, L. & Brien, C. (October 2010). The bilingual mental lexicon: Masked priming
evidence for shared lexicons. Poster presented at the Donostia Workshop on
Neurobilingualism, San Sebastian, Spain.
32. Brien, C. & Sabourin, L. (October 2010). The effects of age of L2 acquisition on ambiguity
resolution. Poster presented at the Donostia Workshop on Neurobilingualism, San Sebastian,
31. Tremblay, M-C. & Sabourin, L. (September 2010). Behavioural and electrophysiological
discrimination of non-native contrasts by more and less experienced language learners.
Paper presented at the European Second Language Acquisition Conference, Reggio Emilia,
30. Tremblay, M-C. & Sabourin, L. (May 2010). More is more: Behavioural and
neurophysiological discrimination of non-native contrasts by monolinguals, bilinguals, and
multilinguals. Paper presented at the Canadian Linguistics Association, Montreal.
29. Mah, R., Tremblay, M-C., & Sabourin, L. (May 2010). Multilingualism and speech
perception advantages: Effects of language learning experience on processing native
contrasts. Poster presented at the Canadian Linguistics Association, Montreal.
28. Sabourin, L. & Brien, C. (April 2010). Lexical processing in bilingual brains: Translation
equivalents. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting,
Montreal, Canada.
27. Tremblay, M-C. & Sabourin, L. (September 2009). Comparing the Perceptual Abilities of
Monolinguals, Bilinguals and Multilinguals: Methodological Issues. Paper presented at the
3rd Language Conference, Bolzano, Italy.
26. Sabourin, L., Brien, C., Lamontagne, J., & Sagae, S. (September 2009). Lexical Processing
in Bilinguals: The Case of Priming Translation Equivalents. Poster presented at the
European Second Language Acquisition Conference, Cork, Ireland.
25. Sabourin, L., Werker, J.F., Bosch, L. & Sebastian-Galles, N. (May 2009). The effect of
vowel similarity on speech perception: Evidence from monolingual infants. Paper presented
at the Canadian Linguistics Association annual meeting, Ottawa, Canada.
24. Yamada, Y., Stevens, C., Sabourin, L., Klein, S., Dow, M. & Neville, H.J. (May 2008).
Changes in cortical activations during visual letter processing during a kindergarten year: an
fMRI study. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society,
San Francisco, CA.
23. Sabourin, L. & Stowe, L.A. (May 2007). L2 Processing of Dutch Grammatical Gender:
When does L1 help L2? Paper presented at ISB6 (International Symposium on
Bilingualism), Hamburg, Germany.
22. Yamada, Y., Sabourin, L., Klein, S., Dow, M. & Neville, H.J. (May 2007). Differential
Cortical Activations During Visual Letter Processing in Five-Year-Old Children and Adults:
An fMRI Study. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience
Society, New York, NY.
21. Sabourin, L., Pakulak, E., Paulsen, D.J., Fanning, J.L. & Neville, H.J. (May 2007). The
Effects of Age, Language Proficiency and SES on ERP Indices of Syntactic Processing in
Children. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society,
New York, NY.
20. Sabourin, L. & Stowe, L.A. (April 2006). Second language processing: A systematic
comparison of two construction types. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the
Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.
19. Sabourin, L. & Werker, J.F. (April 2005). Using the MMN to investigate vowel
discrimination abilities in 8-month old infants. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the
Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, N.Y.
Others: Papers read as invited speaker
13. Sabourin, L. (December 2010). Testing the bilingual mental lexicon: Methodological
considerations. Keynote Presentation, Ottawa Conference for Linguistic Undergraduates.
12. Sabourin, L. (November 2010). Using masked priming to investigate the organization of the
bilingual mental lexicon. Colloquium Series Presentation, Linguistics Department, Carleton
11. Sabourin, L. (March 2010). Intelligence and the language learning process. Discovery
Lecture Series, Faculty of Arts, University of Ottawa.
10. Sabourin, L. (February 2010). Lexical processing in monolinguals, bilinguals and second
language learners. ILOB, University of Ottawa.
9. Sabourin, L. (January 2010). Theoretical and empirical issues in L2 research. Workshop on
Laboratory Techniques in Language Attrition Research, Groningen, The Netherlands.
8. Sabourin, L. (April 2009). L1 and L2 sentence processing: Similarities and differences.
Presented at the Workshop on First-Language Transfer in Second-Language Processing,
Gainesville, Florida.
7. Sabourin, L. (January 2008). Sentence processing in first and second language acquisition:
What can ERPs tell us? Linguistics Colloquium University of Ottawa.
6. Sabourin, L. (February 2006). Understanding L2 processing: What we can learn from ERPs?
Presented at the Linguistics colloquium University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon.
Others: Unpublished Manuscripts
Sabourin, L. (in preparation). FMRI research on the bilingual brain. Invited submission for
the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics.
Tremblay, M-C., & Sabourin, L. (in preparation). The effect of age and context of L2
acquisition on speech perception and learning abilities: younger is not always better. 32
Sabourin, L., Werker, J.F., Bosch, L. & Sebastián-Gallés, N. (in preparation). The effect of
vowel similarity on speech perception: Evidence from monolingual infants. 38 pages.