My E-Books in Statistics No Title Author/s Book Description Publisher 1. Alternative Methods of Regression David Birkes, Dr. Yadolah Dodge This unique book brings together most of the available results on applications of mathematical programming in statistics, and also develops the necessary statistical and programming theory and methods. (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) Wiley-Interscience | ISBN: 0471568813 | 1993-06 | djvu (ocr) | 240 pages | 1.82 Mb 2. Multiple Regression: A Primer Paul.D.Allison This extremely well-written, straightforward book gives you the flexibility to cover regression more thoroughly than do most statistics texts, without financially taxing your students. It is written at a level that undergraduate students can easily comprehend. Sage Publications | Dec, 1998 | ISBN: 9780761985334 | Pages 221 | 25 Mb | PDF 3. Standard Probability and Statistics Tables and Formulae William H. Beyer CRC Standard Probability and Statistics Tables and Formulae" provides useful information emphasizing data and key formulae important to statisticians in all fields. Topics include probability, probability distribution tests and confidence intervals, ANOVA tables, the general linear model, experiment design plans, normal, binomial, poisson, hypergeometric, and negative binomial distributions, t-distribution, fdistribution, and order statistics. RC Press Inc | 1990 | ISBN: 0849306809 | 520 pages | PDF | 3,7 MB Cover No 4. 5 6. Title Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (8th Edition, International) Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists solution (8th Edition, International) Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed) Author/s Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers Book Description Publisher With its unique balance of theory and methodology, this classic text provides a rigorous introduction to basic probability theory and statistical inference, motivated by interesting, relevant applications. Offers extensively updated coverage, new problem sets, and chapter-ending material to enhance the book’s relevance to today’s engineers and scientists. Includes new problem sets demonstrating updated applications to engineering as well as biological, physical, and computer science….. Pearson; 8th edition | 2007 | ISBN: 0132047675 | 816 pages | PDF | 30,7 MB This readable text is informed throughout by the application of Multiple Regression/Correlation (MRC) to the study of causality. MRC is seen here as a scientific rather than a technological tool--for understanding rather than blind "prediction." The presentation is non-mathematical and easy to grasp, with emphasis on concrete examples that are worked out in detail. The stress is on applications--not only to demonstrate the principles, but also to provide working models and show what kinds of applications are possible. Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum | ISBN: 0898592682 | edition 1984 | PDF | 545 pages | 3,5 mb Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers Cover No 7. Title Author/s Book Description Publisher All of Nonparametric Statistics Larry Wasserman The goal of this text is to provide the reader with a single book where they can find a brief account of many, modern topics in nonparametric inference. The book is aimed at Master's level or Ph.D. level students in statistics, computer science, and engineering. It is also suitable for researchers who want to get up to speed quickly on modern nonparametric methods. This text covers a wide range of topics including: the bootstrap, the nonparametric delta method, nonparametric regression, density estimation, orthogonal function methods, minimax estimation, nonparametric confidence sets, and wavelets. Springer | 2007 | ISBN: 0387251456 | 268 pages | PDF | 2,3 MB 8. Intermediate Statistics For Dummies Marc Need to know how to build and test models based on data? Intermediate Statistics For Dummies gives you the knowledge to estimate, investigate, correlate, and congregate certain variables based on the information at hand. The techniques you’ll learn in this book are the same techniques used by professionals in medical and scientific fields. Picking up right where Statistics For Dummies left off, this straightforward, easy-to-follow book guides you beyond Central Limit Theorem and hypothesis tests and immerses you in flavors of regression, ANOVA, and nonparametric procedures. ……. For Dummies | 2007 | ISBN: 0470045205 | 384 pages | PDF | 6,8 MB 9. Nonparametric Statistics Jean D. Gibbons Nonparametric Statistics is a short and sweet Sage Publications | October 7, introduction to the five most familiar 1992 | ISBN: 0803939515 | 96 nonparametric location tests and associated pages | PDF | 1 mb confidence intervals and multiple comparisons. . . . Cover No Title Author/s Book Description CRC | 2003-05-09 | ISBN: 0824740521 | 680 pages | PDF | 5MB 10 Nonparametric Statistical Inference, Fourth Edition 11 All of Statistics: A Concise Larry Wasserman This book covers a much wider range of topics than a typical introductory text on mathematical statistics. It includes modern topics like nonparametric curve estimation, bootstrapping and classification, topics that are usually relegated to follow-up courses. The reader is assumed to know calculus and a little linear algebra. No previous knowledge of probability and statistics is required. The text can be used at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level. Springer | 2004-09-17 | ISBN: 0387402721 | 442 pages | PDF | 36,2 Mb David J. Sheskin The third edition of this best-selling handbook is a remarkable compendium of all the most commonly used classical statistical procedures encountered in practice and the literature. This edition comprises over 1200 pages presenting more than 130 tests--10 of which are completely new to this edition. Fifteen new examples, 23 new illustrations, and significant additions to the background material in Chapter 1 further enhance the book's coverage, accessibility, and value. Designed for beginners and seasoned researchers alike, this book helps users select the appropriate statistical analysis to use in the evaluation of data and clearly illustrates many of the computational procedures used for statistical tests. Chapman & Hall/CRC | ISBN 1584884401 | 3 edition (August 27, 2003)| PDF | 73 Mb | 1193 pages Course in Statistical Inference 12 Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures, Third Edition Publisher Cover No Title 13 Business Statistics for Author/s Cynthia Fraser Springer | 2008-12-19 | ISBN: 0387744029 | 418 pages | PDF | 20MB Jhon A Rice This is the first text in a generation to re-examine the purpose of the mathematical statistics course. The book's approach interweaves traditional topics with data analysis and reflects the use of the computer with close ties to the practice of statistics. The author stresses analysis of data, examines real problems with real data, and motivates the theory. The book's descriptive statistics, graphical displays, and realistic applications stand in strong contrast to traditional texts which are set in abstract settings. Duxbury Press | June 1, 1994 | ISBN: 0534209343 | 672 pages | Djvu | 6 MB Annette J. Dobson Generalized linear models provide a unified theoretical and conceptual framework for many of the most commonly used statistical methods. In the ten years since publication of the first edition of this bestselling text, great strides have been made in the development of new methods and in software for generalized linear models and other closely related models.Thoroughly revised and updated, An Introduction to Generalized Chapman & Hall | 2001 | ISBN: 1584881658 | Pages: 240 | PDF | 1.20 MB Data Analysis 15 An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models, 2nd Edition Publisher This text helps business students develop competitive advantages for use in their future careers as decision makers. Students learn to build models using logic and experience, produce statistics using Excel 2007 with shortcuts, and translate results into implications for decision makers. The author emphasizes communicating results effectively in plain English and with compelling graphics in the form of memos and PowerPoints. Statistics, from basics to sophisticated models, are illustrated with examples using real data such as students will encounter in their roles as managers. Competitive Advantage with Excel 2007: Basics, Model Building and Cases 14 Mathematical Statistics and Book Description Linear Models, Second Edition continues to initiate intermediate students of statistics, and the many other disciplines that use statistics……. Cover No Title 16 Statistics for Business and Economics: Readings and Cases 17 Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences: An Introduction 18 Elementary Statistics Update (9th Edition) Author/s Book Description Publisher The purpose of this book is to provide supplementary readings for elementary courses in business and economic statistics. The book illustrates the use of the techniques that are presented in these courses, introduces students to some well-known articles based on the utilization of these techniques, and permits them to read some of the classic statements regarding controversial issues at the foundations of statistics. Publisher: W W Norton & Co Inc | ISBN: 0393950662 | edition 1980 | PDF | 370 pages | 3,8 mb Riccardo Russo An Introduction begins with an introduction to the basic concepts, before providing a detailed explanation of basic statistical tests and concepts such as descriptive statistics, probability, the binomial distribution, continuous random variables, the normal distribution, the Chi-Square distribution, the analysis of categorical data, ttests, correlation and regression. Mario F. Triola Elementary Statistics has been written for the introductory statistics course and students majoring in any field. Although the use of algebra is minimal, students should have completed at least an elementary algebra course. In many cases, underlying theory is included, but this book does not stress the mathematical rigor more suitable for mathematics majors. Psychology Press | ISBN: 1841693200 | 2003-08-05 | PDF | 320 pages | 8 Mb Addison Wesley | 2004-06-07 | ISBN: 0321288394 | 872 pages | PDF | 26,6 MB Cover No Title Author/s Book Description 19 Mathematical Statistics S. S Wilks Most of the mathematical theory of statistics In Its present state has been developed during the past twenty years. Because of the variety of scientific fields In which statistical problems have arisen, the original contributions to this branch of applied mathematics are widely scattered In scientific literature. Most of the theory still exists only In original form. In writing up the notes an attempt has been made to be as brief and concise as possible and to keep to the mathematics with a minimum of excursions into applied mathematical statistics problems. An important topic which has been omitted is that of characteristic functions of random variables, which, when used in Fourier Inversions, provide a direct and powerful method of determining certain sampling distributions and other random variable distribu tions. . Statistics can be an intimidating subject for many students and clinicians. This concise text introduces basic concepts that underpin medical statistics and, using everyday clinical examples, highlights the importance of statistical principles to understanding and implementing research findings in routine clinical care. It is a tool for students, clinicians in training, nurses, GPs and hospital consultants 20 Basic Skills in Statistics: A Marc Guide for Healthcare Professionals 21 Handbook of Applied Economic Statistics Ullah Aman& David E.A.Giles Publisher Buck Press 2008 | ISBN-10: 1443725250 | 300 Pages | PDF | 12,7 MB Chapman | 2002 | ISBN: 0000 | 336 pages | PDF | 1,3 MB Highlighting the interface between applied CRC Press Inc | 1998 | ISBN: economics and statistics, this one-of-a-kind 1420001086 | 640 pages | PDF | resource examines important theoretical issues as 12,5 MB well as practical developments in statistical inference related to economic models and analysis. Emphasizing the most recent research in the field, the Handbook of Applied Economic Statistics reviews the use of economic statistics to make… Cover No Title 22 Applied Multivariate Research "Design and Intepretation 23 Multivariate and Mixture Distribution Rasch Models: Extensions and Applications 24 User Friendly Guide to Multivariate Calibration and Classification Author/s Book Description Publisher Lawerence Meyers, Glenn Gamst, A.J.Guarino This book provides full coverage of the wide range of multivariate topics in a conceptual rather than mathematical approach. The authors gear the text toward the needs, level of sophistication, and interest in multivariate methodology of students in these applied programs who need to focus on design and interpretation rather than the intricacies of specific computations. Coverage of the most widely used multivariate designs: multiple regression, exploratory factor analysis, MANOVA, and structural equation modeling. Sage Publications | September 8, 2005 | ISBN: 1412904129 | Pages 680 | PDF | 50 Mb Matthias von Davier, Claus H.Carstensen This volume covers extensions of the Rasch model, one of the most researched and applied models in educational research and social science. This collection contains 22 chapters by some of the most recognized international experts in the field. They cover topics ranging from general model extensions to applications in fields as diverse as cognition, personality, organizational and sports psychology, and health sciences and education. Publisher:Springer | 2006-12-15 | ISBN 0387329161 | Pages: 402 | PDF | 2.2 MB Tormod Naes, Tomas Isaksson,Tom Fearn,Tony Davies The field of chemometrics in general and multivariate NIR Publications (June 30, 2002) calibration and classification in particular is now an | ISBN:0952866625 | 352 pages | essential tool for many analytical techniques. This book CHM | 9,2 Mb provides a readable text, for non-mathematicians, as a introduction to these areas for people with little or moderate knowledge of chemometrics. The book has been designed in an atractive and easily read format, with many diagrams and the use of margin notes to highlight important features. Cover No 25 Title Author/s SPSS 15.0 Brief Guide 26 Quantative Data Analysis using SPSS with Release 12.0: A guide for social scientists 27 SPSS For Social Scientists Book Description Publisher SPSS 15.0 Brief Guide provides a set of tutorials Prentice Hall | ISBN: to acquaint you with the components of the SPSS 0132411520 | 256 pages | 2006system. Topics include using the help system and 09-20 | PDF | 2.48 Mb Data Editor, reading data, examining summary statistics for individual variables, working with output, creating and editing charts, working with syntax, modifying data values, sorting and selecting data, and performing additional statistical procedures. Alan Bryman, Duncan Cramer Robert L. Miller,Ciaran Acton,Deirdre A. Fullerton,John Maltby Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS Release 12.0 provides both a non-technical introduction to quantitative data analysis and a user-friendly approach to SPSS. Thoroughly updated for SPSS Release 12.0, the new edition will also be applicable to those using SPSS Release 11.5 and below. As with previous editions, the authors concentrate on the key issues facing the newcomer to research, such as how to decide which statistical procedure is suitable, and how to interpret the subsequent results This student-friendly text offers a step-by-step introduction to the use of SPSS--easily the most widely used data analysis computer package in the social sciences. Supported by four datasets taken from the well-known British Social Attitudes Survey on the topics crime, health, politics and poverty, it offers an eminently practical approach to its subject, while still setting its explanation of statistical procedures within the wider social research context. Psychology Press | | 1 edition (February 11, 2005) | ISBN: 0415340802 | Pages 394 | PDf | 13.3 Mb Palgrave Macmillan | October 11, 2002 | ISBN: 0333922867 | Pages 353 | PDF | 17.8 Mb Cover No 28 Title Author/s Book Description Applied Statistical Genetics with R: For Populationbased Association Studies (Use R) Andrea S. Foulkes The vast array of molecular level information now available presents exciting opportunities to characterize the genetic underpinnings of complex diseases while discovering novel biological pathways to disease progression. In this introductory graduate level text, 29 Applied Statistics Using SPSS, STATISTICA, MATLAB and R 30 Mathematical Statistics J.P Marques de Sa This practical reference provides a comprehensive introduction and tutorial on the main statistical analysis topics, demonstrating their solution with the most common software package. Intended for anyone needing to apply statistical analysis to a large variety of science and enigineering problems, the book explains and shows how to use SPSS, MATLAB, STATISTICA and R for analysis such as data description, statistical inference, classification and regression, factor analysis, survival data and directional statistics. This graduate textbook covers topics in statistical JSerge Lang theory essential for graduate students preparing for work on a Ph.D. degree in statistics. The first chapter provides a quick overview of concepts and results in measure-theoretic probability theory that are usefulin statistics. The second chapter introduces some fundamental concepts in statistical decision theory and inference. Publisher Springer | 2009-04-17 | ISBN: 0387895531 | 272 pages | PDF | 2,1 MB Springer| 2007-07-20| ISBN: 3540719717 | 506 Pages | 6.23 MB | PDF Springer | 2007-10-05 | ISBN:0387953825 | 520 pages | PDF | 4,3 Mb Cover No Title 31 Mathematical Statistics: Author/s Jun Shao Exercises and Solutions 32 How to Analyze Reliability Wayne Nelson Data(The ASQC basic references in quality control. Statistical techniques) 33 Probability and Statistics John Tabak Book Description This book consists of solutions to four hundred exercises, over 95% of which are in the author’s Mathematical Statistics. That textbook covers topics in statistical theory essential for graduate students preparing for work on a Ph.D. degree in statistics. On the other hand, this is a stand-alone book, since exercises and solutions are comprehensible independently of their source. Many solutions involve standard exercises that appear in other textbooks listed in the references. This volume presents modern methods for extracting information from life tests and field data. These methods can be successfully used on a great variety of products by many who have just a working knowledge of basic statistics. Probability and Statistics provides a detailed look at the many aspects of this branch of mathematical investigation. Covering everything from ancient games of chance played around the world and the theories of Fermat and Pascal to the specious use of statistics, phrenology, and statistical methods to stop epidemics, this book offers a comprehensive look at the historical development and uses of probability and statistics. Publisher Springer | 2005 | ISBN: 0387249702 | 360 pages | PDF | 2,2 MB Amer Society for Quality | Pages: 54 | 1983-11 | ISBN: 0873890183 | PDF | 3.3 MB Facts on File | 2004 | ISBN: 0816049564 | 226 pages | PDF | 1,3 MB Cover No Title Elementary Probability Theory: 34 With Stochastic Processes and an Introduction to Mathematical Finance. 35 Analysis of Variance for Random Models, Volume 2: 36 Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics Author/s Book Description Publication K. L. Chung, Farid AitSahlia This is an introductory textbook on probability theory and its applications. Basic concepts such as probability measure, random variable, distribution, and expectation are fully treated without technical complications. Both the discrete and continuous cases are covered, the elements of calculus being used in the latter case. Springer | 2006 | ASIN: B000UK03CK | 402 pages | PDF | 4,7 MB Hardeo Sahai, Mario M. Ojeda Analysis of variance (ANOVA) models have become widely used tools and play a fundamental role in much of the application of statistics today. In particular, ANOVA models involving random effects have found widespread application to experimental design in a variety of fields requiring measurements of variance, including agriculture, biology, animal breeding, applied genetics, econometrics, quality control, medicine, engineering, and social sciences. Engineers and practitioners contribute to society through their ability to apply basic scientific principles to real problems in an effective and efficient manner. They must collect data to test their products every day as part of the design and testing process and also after the product or process has been rolled out to monitor its effectiveness. Birkhäuser Boston | 2004 | ISBN: 0817632298 | Pages: 505 | PDF | 5.71 MB H. Pham Springer | 2006 | ISBN: 1852338067 | 1120 pages | PDF | 18,1 MB Cover No Title 37 A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using SPSS Author/s Sabine Landau dan Brian S. Exeritt 38 Mathematical Methods of Statistics (repost) Harald Cramer 39 Principles of Medical Statistics Alvan R. Feinstein Book Description Publisher SPSS. Powerful, user-friendly, and useful, particularly in psychology, sociology, psychiatry, and other social sciences. But to fully exploit its capabilities and effectively execute its wide range of procedures, users need detailed, to-the-point guidance that other resources lack. A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using SPSS clearly and concisely describes how to conduct univariate and multivariate statistical analyses using the latest release of SPSS, version 11. In this classic of statistical mathematical theory, Harald Cramér joins the two major lines of development in the field: while British and American statisticians were developing the science of statistical inference, French and Russian probabilitists transformed the classical calculus of probability into a rigorous and pure mathematical theory. Chapman & Hall/CRC | 2003-11-24 | ISBN 1584883693 | Pages: 368 | PDF | 3.4 MB The book is arranged in a logical sequence that advances from simple to more elaborate results. The text describes all the conventional statistical procedures, and offers reasonably rigorous accounts of many of their mathematical justifications. Although the conventional mathematical principles are given a respectful account, the book provides a distinctly clinical orientation with examples and teaching exercises drawn from real world medical phenomena. Chapman & Hall/CRC | 2001 | ISBN: 1584882166 | 712 pages | PDF | 11,4 MB Princeton University Press | 1999 | ISBN: 0691005478 | 575 pages Cover No Title Author/s Book Description Publisher 40 Theory of Multivariate Statistics Martin Bilodeau, David Brenner Springer | 1999 | ISBN: 0387987398 | 288 pages | PDF | 1,5 MB 41 Business Statistics: A Multimedia Guide to Concepts and Applications Moya McCloskey, Chris Robertson Our object in writing this book is to present the main results of the modern theory of multivariate statistics to an audience of advanced students who would appreciate a concise and mathematically rigorous treatment of that material.. It is intended for use as a textbook by students taking a first graduate course in the subject, as well as for the general reference of interested research workers who will find, in a readable form, developments from recently published work on certain broad topics not……. This book and CD pack is the first mutimedia type product aimed at teaching basic statistics to business students. The CD provides computer based tutorials and customizable practical material. The book acts as a study guide, allowing the student to check previous learning. The software is Windows-based and generates tips and responses in response to the student's input. 42 Nonlinear Statistical Models A. Ronald Gallant A comprehensive text and reference bringing together advances in the theory of probability and statistics and relating them to applications. The three major categories of statistical models that relate dependent variables to explanatory variables are covered: univariate regression models, multivariate regression models, and simultaneous equations models. Methods are illustrated with worked examples, complete with figures that display code and output. Wiley | 1987-01 | ISBN: 0471802603 | 624 pages | PDF | 17.5 MB (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)" Wiley | ISBN: 0340719273 | 2009 | 512 pages | PDF | 19,3 MB Cover No 43 44 45 Title Author/s Book Description Publisher Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory David W. Scott Written to convey an intuitive feel for both theory and practice, its main objective is to illustrate what a powerful tool density estimation can be when used not only with univariate and bivariate data but also in the higher dimensions of trivariate and quadrivariate information. Visualization (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)" WileyInterscience | 1992-08 | ISBN: 0471547700 | 376 pages | PDF | 16.9 MB Applied Multivariate Analysis Neil.H.Timm This textbook provides a broad overview of the basic theory and methods of applied multivariate analysis. The presentation integrates both theory and practice including both the analysis of formal linear multivariate models and exploratory data analysis techniques. Each chapter contains the development of basic theoretical results with numerous applications illustrated using examples from the social and behavioral sciences, and other disciplines A classical mathematical treatment of the techniques, distributions, and inferences based on the multivariate normal distribution. Introduces noncentral distribution theory, decision theoretic estimation of the parameters of a multivariate normal distribution, and the uses of spherical and elliptical distributions in multivariate analysis. Springer | June 19, 2002 | ISBN: 0387953488 | Pages 718 | PDF | 6 Mb Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory Robb J. Muirhead Wiley-Interscience; 2 ed | 2005 | ISBN: 0471769851 | 712 pages | PDF | 19,8 MB Cover No Title 46 Observed Confidence Levels: Author/s Book Description Alan M. Polansky Illustrating a simple, novel method for solving an array of statistical problems, Observed Confidence Levels: Theory and Application describes the basic development of observed confidence levels, a methodology that can be applied to a variety of common multiple testing problems in statistical inference. Chapman & Hall/CRC | 2007-10-26 | ISBN: 1584888024 | 288 pages | PDF | 1,7 Mb Ramu Ramanathan Statistical Methods in Econometrics is appropriate for beginning graduate courses in mathematical statistics and econometrics in which the foundations of probability and statistical theory are developed for application to econometric methodology. The book assumes a working knowledge of advanced calculus (including integral calculus) basic probability and statistics, and linear algebra. Academic Press | ISBN: 0125768303 | 1993-01-07 | PDF | 405 pages | 9 Mb The Bayesian revolution in statistics—where statistics is integrated with decision making in areas such as management, public policy, engineering, and clinical medicine—is here to stay. Introduction to Statistical Decision Theory states the case and in a selfcontained, comprehensive way shows how the approach is operational and relevant for real-world decision making under uncertainty. The MIT Press | 1995-0327 | ISBN: 0262161443 | 895 pages | Html | 8 MB Theory and Application 47 Statistical Methods in Econometrics 48 Introduction to Statistical Decision Theory John W. Pratt, Howard Raiffa, Robert Schlaifer Publisher Cover No Title 49 Smoothing Methods in Statistics 50 A Course in Large Sample Theory: Texts in Statistical Science 51 Multivariate Statistics: A Vector Space Approach Author/s Book Description Jeffrey S. Simonoff This book surveys the uses of smoothing methods in statistics. The coverage has an applied focus, and is very broad, including simple and complex univariate and multivariate density estimation, nonparametric regression estimation, categorical data smoothing, and applications of smoothing to other areas of statistics. The book will be of particular interest to data analysts, as arguments generally proceed from actual data rather than statistical theory. Presented in four parts, this book provides a complete picture of genome statistics. The first treats basic probabilistic notions, the second features the basic statistical tools for expanding the theory, the third contains special topics as applications of the general theory, and the fourth covers more standard statistical topics. Nearly all topics are covered in their multivariate setting. Springer | 1998-05-28 | ISBN: 0387947167 | 338 pages | Djvu | 2,2 MB The purpose of this book is to present a version of multivariate statistical theory in which vector space and invariance methods replace, to a large extent, more traditional multivariate methods. The book is a text. Over the past ten years, various versions have been used for graduate multivariate courses at the University of Chicago, the University of Copenhagen, and the University of Minnesota. Inst of Mathematical Statistic | 2007-12-31 | ISBN: 0940600692 | 512 pages | PDF | 29,1 MB Thomas S.Fergusor Morris L. Eaton Publisher Chapman & Hall/CRC | Pages: 256 | 1996-07-01 | ISBN: 0412043718 | DJVU | 3 MB Cover No Title Author/s 52 Time Series: Theory and Methods Peter J. Brockwell, Richard A. Davis 53 Multiparametric Statistics Vadim Ivanovich Serdobolskii 54 Multivariate Statistical Inference and Applications, Volume 2, Methods of Multivariate Analysis Alvin C. Rencher Book Description Publisher Time Series: Theory and Methods is a Springer | 1998-09-18 | systematic account of linear time series ISBN: 0387974296 | 577 models and their application to the modelling pages | PDF | 15,3 Mb and prediction of data collected sequentially in time. The aim is to provide specific techniques for handling data and at the same time to provide a thorough understanding of the mathematical basis for techniques This monograph presents mathematical theory of statistical models described by the essentially large number of unknown parameters, comparable with sample size but can also be much larger. In this meaning, the proposed theory can be called "essentially multiparametric". It is developed on the basis of the Kolmogorov asymptotic approach in which sample size increases along with the number of unknown parameters. This theory opens a way for solution of central problems of multivariate statistics, which up until now have not been solved. Multivariate Statistical Inference and Applications is a user-friendly introduction to basic multivariate analysis theory and practice for statistics majors as well as nonmajors with little or no background in theoretical statistics. Elsevier Science | 2007-1017 | ISBN: 0444530495 | 334 pages | PDF | 1,7 Mb Wiley-Interscience; Har/Dsk edition (December 15, 1997) | ISBN:0471571512 | 592 pages | Djvu | 3,9 Mb Cover No Title Author/s Book Description Publisher 55 Handbook of Computational Statistics James E. Gentle, Wolfgang Härdle, Yuichi Mori , J.E. Gentle, Wolfgang HSrdle The Handbook of Computational Statistics Concepts and Methods ist divided into 4 parts. It begins with an overview of the field of Computational Statistics, how it emerged as a seperate discipline, how it developed along the development of hard- and software, including a discussion of current active research. The second part presents several topics in the supporting field of statistical computing. Springer; 1 edition (August 26, 2004) | ISBN-10: 3540404643 | 900 Pages | PDF | 39,6 MB 56 Statistics and Econometric Models: Volume 1, General Concepts, Estimation, Prediction and Algorithms Christian G. and Alain Monfort This two-volume work aims to present as completely as possible the methods of statistical inference with special reference to their economic applications. It is a wellintegrated textbook presenting a wide diversity of models in a coherent and unified framework. | Cambridge University Press (October 27, 1995) | ISBN: 0521477441 | PDF | 28 Mb.522 pages 57 Statistics and Econometric Models, Volume 2 (Themes in Modern Econometrics) Christian G. and Alain Monfort This is the second volume in a major twovolume set of advanced texts in econometrics. It is a work of synthesis that covers both the basic and more sophisticated models. The books are distinctive for their attention to intuitive reasoning and the presentation of many real-world economic examples. 542 pages | Cambridge University Press (January 26, 1996) | ISBN: 052147745X | PDF | 30 Mb Cover No Title 58 Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach 59 Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science) 60 Statistics in Drug Research: Methodologies and Recent Developments Author/s Book Description Publisher Jeffrey M. Wooldridge "The most important strength of this text is its close connection (in terms of both style/structure and content) to the way empirical research is actually conducted. In particular, the emphasis on whether or not an estimated relationship can be considered causal is central to econometric practice today, and this book, unlike many others, makes that clear. Thomson Learning; 2 ed | 2004 | ISBN: 7302091641 | 805 pages | PDF | 3,6 MB Design and Analysis of Simulation Springer | ISBN: Experiments (DASE) focuses on statistical 0387718125 | edition 2007 methods for discrete-event simulation (such | PDF | 226 pages | 1,65 mb as queuing and inventory simulations). In addition, the book discusses DASE for deterministic simulation (such as engineering and physics simulations). Shein-Chung Chow, Jun Shao We can recommend this book as a reference which can help different groups to understand current methodologies and applications of statistics in drug industry. It provides a nice and clearly structured overview on each topic and may lower potential barriers for further studying each area. CRC | 2002 | ISBN: 082470763X | 384 pages | PDF | 13,9 MB Cover No Title Author/s 61 Monte Carlo Simulation and Finance Don L.McLeish 62 Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R 63 Mathworks Matlab 2009a for Windows Owen Jones, Robert Maillardet, Andrew Robinson Book Description Publisher Monte Carlo methods have been used for Wiley | April 1, 2005 | decades in physics, engineering, statistics, ISBN: 0471677787 | 387 and other fields. Monte Carlo Simulation and pages | PDF | 5 MB Finance explains the nuts and bolts of this essential technique used to value derivatives and other securities. An introductory text, this book surveys a range of useful mathematical tools that either require or are illuminated by scientific computation. The focus is on the use of R, an open-source programming environment. Chapman & Hall/CRC | English | 2009-03-11 | ISBN: 1420068725 | 472 pages | PDF | 5 MB MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computing. It integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation Win App | RS.COM | 83 parts | 3,941 Mb Cover