food web

OVERVIEW- You will be choosing one of the biomes we learned about during our unit
to be the focus of this assignment. Every project below must be based on this
biome you choose! After researching a little more about this biome, you will use
what you learn to complete the three assignments below. You will then use your
overall knowledge about all of the biomes to complete the Venn diagrams.
****The way you present each project is up to you (poster, PowerPoint, Word
document, Google document, etc.), but please remember that QUALITY WORK
factors into your total points. Be creative, but make sure you meet the requirements
on this page!
THE BIOME I CHOOSE IS THE ___________________________________________
1. FOOD WEB- Create a food web made of living things from your biome. It
must follow these criteria:
a. The web must clearly name at least 10 organisms (specific species)
which live in your biome. Decomposers should NOT be included. Please
use producers and consumers only! Pictures are not necessary.
b. The web must have clear and accurate arrows showing the movement
of energy from one living thing to the other. The arrows must point in
the direction the energy flows (ex. producers point to consumers.)
c. The web must follow this color scheme for the arrows: black for
producer to primary consumer, red for primary consumer to secondary
consumer, green for secondary to tertiary consumer, and blue for
tertiary to quartenary consumer. (Note: if an arrow can be more than
one color, just keep it the lower level color.)
d. The web must be quality work and must include a title(the name of your
biome) and your name on the front of the web.
2. FOOD CHAINS - Using the food web you created for your biome, list 5
different food chains which show a complete path of energy from producer to
highest level consumer. Underneath each living thing, in parenthesis, label
each living thing as its level on the food chain (i.e. producer, primary
consumer, etc.)
3. ADAPTATIONS - Identify 10 specific adaptations that the living things from
your food web have. Each adaptation MUST be one which helps them survive
their biome’s climate. You may have as many adaptations from one living
thing as you can find, but you must have a total of ten adaptations. You may
include both behavioral and structural adaptations. You must include at least
one plant adaptation!
List your adaptations in the following manner:
Name of animal-brief description of adaptation-explanation of why this
adaptation helps them survive the biome.
Polar bear-white fur- White fur helps the polar bear to blend in with the
snow, which is a major feature of the tundra.
4. VENN DIAGRAMS -You will choose 4 different pairs of biomes to compare
using the Biome Comparisons Venn Diagram sheet. You may compare one
biome to more than one biome. Your Venn diagrams must contain at least 5
different similarities or differences for the biome pair you have chosen, which
you will list to the side of the Venn diagram. Use the information in your
textbook, your notes from the video, and your website research to complete
this assignment.
Each of your comparisons must be numbered. Use the diagram below as an
example. (Ex. The comparisons used below are color and type. Their colors
are different, so they are listed in the part of the circles that are not shared.
They are both fruit, so it gets listed in the center.)
1. red
2. Fruit
1. orange
Type of food
Seed location
Size of plant