What is a DOS Code? The Description of Service (DOS) code is a three character code used to identify the various types of compensation in the Personnel Payroll System (PPS). A DOS code is entered in the Appointment Distribution of the Employee Data Base (EDB) record and in Payroll Time Reporting (PTR) to report time worked, leave usage, and other payments. The DOS code is also used to track information for record keeping and reporting purposes at each campus. On a monthly basis detail DOS code earnings information is submitted to Office of the President for use in corporate systems reports. In addition to the detail campus DOS code data, earnings are summarized into Corporate DOS (CDOS) categories There are over xxxx DOS codes that exist across campuses, some are common and others are unique to a location. Each DOS is hard-coded with unique attributes such as taxation conditions and inclusion or exclusion in retirement totals to ensure that the DOS Code selected will provide the correct payment result. The DOS code is a control factor in various programs of the PPS. The following are some examples of how the DOS code is used in the PPS: In the employee updating process to validate the descriptions of service allowed in appointment distributions in the EDB The editing of time and adjustment input to the payroll process The expense distribution process to retrieve object codes and drive the expense distribution for each payment type The range adjustment process to identify payment types eligible for range adjustment Several print programs such as the check write in payroll disbursement to retrieve a verbal description of the payment The processing of cancellation, overpayment, and hand-drawn check transactions The DOS Code Table is a control file in the Personnel/Payroll System (PPS); it controls how the Description of Service (DOS) code impacts various programs of the PPS. Its primary purpose is to drive the calculation of gross pay. The DOS Code Table lists the valid DOS codes and indicates how they impact the PPS to comply with various rules governing calculation of gross pay, subject grosses, benefits assessment and other procedures for each payment type. The DOS Code Table report also describes how the DOS code affects benefit charges, work study splits and range adjustments. Each type of payment is treated uniquely based on the attributes associated with the DOS code. For example, if an employee is paid using the DOS codes REG (Regular Pay) and OTS (Overtime Straight), the gross pay is calculated in the same way for both. However, the benefits for each of these types of payment are not calculated in the same manner. OTS is not subject to retirement, so no retirement benefit would be calculated for this portion of the employee's pay. OTS has a distribution priority of four and REG has a distribution priority of one, so no flat dollar benefits (such as health insurance) would be charged or assessed against an OTS payment to an employee. OTS is not subject to the work study split because work study funds cannot be charged for overtime. Code SEQ. NO Description The Sequence Number is a three-digit number that sequences the table entries. 1 DESC SERV FULL DESCRIPTION CHECK DESC PAY CAT The Description of Service code is a three character-code that identifies the type of payment. A 25-character description of the payment type. The check description appears below the full description. It is the 12-character abbreviation that will appear on the paycheck stub and on the direct deposit earnings statement. The Payment Category is a one-character code that groups the payment type into one of the following categories: A = Additional Pay D = Differential L = Payment for Leave Time N = Normal or Regular Pay P = Perquisite S = "Suspense" (no payment-holds funding) TYP HRS The Type of Hours code is a one-character code that groups the hours into one of the following categories: blank = Hours not applicable N = Non-worked hours O = Overtime Straight P = Overtime Premium R = Regular SUBJECT GROSSES Eight fields that identify whether the earnings are added to, subtracted from or have no effect upon the type of gross pay: TOT = Total Gross Pay FWT = Federal Withholding Tax Gross FICA = OASDI/Medicare Taxable Gross SWT = State Withholding Tax Gross UCRS = UC Retirement System Gross PERS = Public Employees Retirement System Gross W.C. = Workers' Compensation Gross U.I. = Unemployment Insurance Gross For each of these types of gross pay, the codes are as follows: "+" = add the earnings to this gross "-" = subtract the earning from this gross "N" = the earnings have no effect on this gross "S" = supplemental flat tax rate for FWT and SWT only "B" = bonus flat tax rate for FWT and SWT only PRE PROC A two-digit number that identifies a Pre-Processing routine, which is invoked prior to processing. For example, when a leave DOS code (L) is used, the system checks the leave 2 balance prior to processing the DOS code. CALC RTN A two or three character code that identifies the calculation routine used to derive the payment: 01 = Rate x time 02 = Rate x Time x Factor 03-A = Amount added to gross 04 = No payment calculated POST PROC A two-digit number that identifies a post-processing routine, which is invoked after the calculation of the payment. For example, when the DOS code TVP is used, the system deducts the hours from the vacation balance after the calculation. CALC FACTOR If the DOS code has a calculation routine (CALC RTN) of 02, this additional factor is used to derive the payment. HOURS These fields are not used at this time. BALANCES AND DOLLAR BALANCES OBJECT CDS DIST PRTY Four-digit Object Code to which this payment is charged. Consult the published list of object codes. Distribution Priority, a one-digit number with values of zero to four which govern the distribution of expense of each DOS code for flat amount benefits. Flat amount benefits are charged and distributed to the payments associated with only the lowest non-zero priority code. INDICATORS These one-character indicators are used for processing by other systems; "Y" means the indicator applies to the DOS code and "N" or blank means the indicator does not apply to the DOS code. FACU SSAL - gross is included in the Faculty Summer Salary Defined Contribution Plan. PAY STAT - hours count toward hours on pay status. TM BEN - hours count when calculating sick or vacation leave accruals. LV ASM - payment will be included in the charging of leave expense. RNG ADJ - gross is included in the Range Adjustment process. INS BEN - gross is included in annual recalculation of benefits bases. TOC IND - a non-blank value indicates that the gross is used to calculate a Time On Call rate. Valid values are 1,2, and 3. 3 FLSA IND - gross is included in the rate calculation of the regular rate for premium overtime. CSER IND - gross is subject to CSER (Committed Salary Expenditure Reporting). SAB IND - code represents a sabbatical on a distribution in the Employee Database (EDB). MED CMP - for the Health Sciences Compensation Plan (HSCP), identifies to UCRS, the component of pay that represents the difference between scale three and the new salary scale. INTERFACE CODES: Four codes appear on the line below and to the right of the indicators; these codes are used to translate Description of Service (DOS) codes to allow them to interface with other systems. For more information on DOS codes, see the related article "What is a DOS Code?". WSP XMT This code identifies DOS codes that are exempt from the work study program (WSP) earnings split process. X = Not eligible for WSP earnings split blank = Eligible for WSP earnings split NSETC Code Special retirement contributions and Health Science Severance Pay N = Not subject to any contributions S = Subject to basic contributions E = Not subject to any contributions but reportable to UCRS T = Subject to basic contributions and faculty benefit contributions C = Not subject to basic contributions but subject to medical faculty /summer salary contributions TC - Times Codes 1 = regular 2 = overtime straight 3 = overtime at 1 1/2 4 = overseas premium 5 = on call time 7 = terminal vacation 8 = reg at other rate 9 = by agreement or perquisite FCP DOS Code This two-character code is used to map campus-unique DOS codes into categories for use within the Corporate Personnel System. AA = Additional Compensation Consultant AB = Add. Comp-Stipend (Covered Comp) AC = Additional Compensation - Other AD = Additional Compensation Research AE = Add. Comp-Teaching & Summer Sess. 4 BF = Specialty Pay - Police BG = Severance Pay BR = Bonus - Hire and Refer CD = Consecutive Days Worked Prem. CN = Charge Differential EA = Employment Allowance HC = Differential-Health ScienceSuspense HD = Health Sci-Base Pay-APU Scale AF = By Agreement AG = Call Back - Regular Time AH = Call Back - Overtime at Time & ½ AI = Call Back - Overtime at Double AJ = Call Back - Overtime at Triple AK = Comp Time Paid - Straight Time AL = Add. Comp-Honor.&Stip. (Uncovered) AM = Leave With Pay AN = Maritime Differential AO = On Call Time AP = Overseas Premium/Incentive Pay AQ = Overtime - Straight Time AR = Overtime - Time and One Half AS = Overtime - Double Time AT = Overtime - Triple Time AU = Perquisites AV = Regular Pay AW = Sabbatical Leave - In Residence AX = Sabbatical Leave - Not in Residence AY = Shift Differential AZ = SPA/Incentive Pay/Bonus BA = Suspense BB = Terminal Vacation Payment BC = Without Salary BD = Call Back - Straight Overtime BE = Overtime - Half 5 Diff. HO = Health Sci-Bonus/Incentive Pay Other/Non-clinical HP = Holiday Premium HR = Regular Pay - Health Science HS = Salary Disclosure - Health Science HT = Reg Time-Health ScienceSuspense HY = Health Sci - Negotiated Component HZ = Health Sci - Bonus/Incent - Clinical LS = Mass Lump Sum Payments LV = Vacation Leave MI = Military Leave - Special Payment NB = Non-Base Pay RB = Retirement Benefits Allowance RP = START program reduction stipend RS = START program reduction - shift diff. RT = START program reduction SO = Shift Differential - Overtime Straight SP = Shift Differential - Overtime Premium TF = Taxable Fringe Ben. - Not for Service TI = Termination-Involuntary TR = Miscellaneous Transfer of Expenses TI = Termination-Voluntary ZZ = Other