Race, Religion and Belief Committee (RRBC) Chair Revd Dr Peter Draper, Department of Health Professional Studies Secretary Kate Dickinson, Human Resources Directorate Reports to Equality and Diversity Committee Scheme of Delegation There are no items delegated down to Race, Religion and Belief Committee from Equality and Diversity Committee. Race, Religion and Belief Committee has no sub-committees. Terms of Reference Accountable for (decisions/actions by the Committee): Oversight of the development of the University’s response to the RRAA and Religion and Belief regulations 2003, the Equality Act and related guidance. Oversight of the setting up and linkage with BME and Religion and Belief networks. Contributing to the creation of an environment where the cultural, religious and non-religious beliefs of all are respected. Responsible for (actions on behalf of the Committee): The continuing application and adoption of the Race Equality and Religion and Belief Policies. Contribute to the preparation and review of the University’s Equality Action Plan in respect of Race, Religion and Belief issues. To contribute to Annual Equality and Diversity report to Council on issues related to Race, Religion and Belief. To advise the Quality Director, University Registrar and Secretary on the formulation of policies and procedures relating to Race, Religion and Belief. Consulted on: The development, implementation and review of impact assessments. The development and review of the University Equality Scheme. Informed of: Race, Religion and Belief matters discussed by the University’s Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee and Widening Participation Committee. Research and consultations carried out with staff and students relating to Race, Religion and Belief. Reports and information from Equality Challenge Unit (ECU), Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), Higher Education Academy ( HEA), Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), and other relevant organisations. Mode of Operation The Race, Religion and Belief Committee will support equality of opportunity and good relations between staff and students whatever their race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion and belief, age or socio-economic background. This support will include participating in university activities, such as equalities monitoring, impact assessment and other measures as appropriate, in line with the University’s legal obligations. The Race, Religion and Belief Committee should meet at least 3 times per academic year The Race, Religion and Belief Committee should meet at least 14 days before the Equality and Diversity Committee. The Race, Religion and Belief Committee will invite expert and other advice as appropriate. The Race, Religion and Belief Committee may set up Working Groups to deal with specific issues relating to the terms of reference. Composition Membership Title and category Chair Name Revd Dr Peter Draper Secretary Kate Dickinson Ex Officio Members Director of the International Office Head of Student Support Services The University Representative on the City of Hull Race Equality Committee University Equality and Diversity Adviser Vice-President Welfare of the Students’ Union Black Students Officer James Richardson Simon Allison Vacancy Anne Mwangi Alice Marshall Phil Pocknee Appointed Members Two members of academic or academic-related staff appointed by Senate One member of the staff appointed by the BME Networking Group One member of staff representing Religion and Belief or non Belief (incorporated members of the Religion and Belief Working Group including student representative and union representative and exclude human resources representative) Nominee from faith or non religious beliefs A nominee from the Joint Trades Unions An external “expert” to represent the wider community appointed by the Vice-Chancellor A nominee from Staff Development A Human Resources Advisor Co-opted members Professor Rafael CohenAlmagor (2012) Professor Margaret Holloway (2012) Vacancy (2012) Revd Simon Swailes (2010) Vacancy (2011) Ian Headley (2010) Zia Salik (2012) Paula Wiles (2012) Yasmine Garman (2012) (Paul Hewitt – named alternate) Dr Daniel McNeil (2010) Dr Niaz Shah (2010) Approved by Race, Religion and Belief Committee on 20 October 2009 Approved by Equality and Diversity Committee on 20 November 2009 This document is available in alternative formats from the Committee Section 2 March 2010