1.02 Vocabulary

CM – 1.02 Vocabulary
ASSIGNMENT: Create an index card for each term listed below. Each term will need it’s own index card.
1. Number & place index cards in alphabetical
2. Neatly PRINT the vocabulary term in BOLD letters on the front of the index card. (The term should
COVER the front of the index card.)
3. Write the correct definition on the back of the index card.
4. Be sure to write your name on the front of the 1st card.
1. Accountability: Willingness to take credit and blame for actions.
2. Affirmation: to say that something is true in a confident way
3. Authoritarian: expecting or requiring people to obey rules or laws : not allowing personal freedom
4. Bias: a tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that usually results in
treating some people unfairly
5. Body Language: movements or positions of the body that express a person's thoughts or feelings
6. Business Letter: a formal letter following the business letter template
7. Cultural Sensitivity: being aware that cultural differences exist and have an effect on values, learning,
and behavior.
8. Defeatist: a way of thinking in which a person expects to lose or fail.
9. Democratic: relating to the idea that all people should be treated equally
10. Digital etiquette: or netiquette as it is sometimes called, is a basic set of rules you should follow in order
to make the internet better for others, and better for you.
11. Discrimination: Unequal treatment based on such factors as race, religion, nationality, gender, age, or
physical appearance.
12. Diversity: Variety; the positive result of people in different racial, ethic, and cultural backgrounds working
13. Ethics: The principles of conduct that govern a group or society.
14. Etiquette: the rules indicating the proper and polite way to behave
15. Extinction: the process of eliminating or reducing a conditioned response by not reinforcing it
16. Fairness: treating people in a way that does not favor some over others
17. Gossip: information about the behavior and personal lives of other people
18. Harassment: to annoy or bother (someone) in a constant or repeated way
19. Inferior: feelings of having little or less importance or value.
20. Integrity: Following a strict code of conduct or standard of values.
21. Laissez-faire: operate with very little interference from authority.
22. Mature: having or showing the mental and emotional qualities of an adult.
23. Memorandum: a usually brief written message or report from one person or department in a company or
organization to another
24. Motivation: the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something.
25. Nonverbal Communication: communication without the use of words.
26. Optimism: a feeling or belief that good things will happen in the future : a feeling or belief that what you
hope for will happen
27. Pessimism: a feeling or belief that bad things will happen in the future
28. Plagiarism: the act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person : the act
of plagiarizing something
29. Prejudice: an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, religion, etc.
30. Professionalism: the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is
trained to do a job well
31. Punctuality: arriving or doing something at the expected or planned time
32. Respect: a feeling of admiring someone or something that is good, valuable, important, etc.
33. Self-concept: How people view their own skills, interests, and competence level.
34. Self-discipline (control): Training of oneself; correction or regulation of oneself for improvement.
35. Self-esteem: How one views oneself; a feeling of good will with regard to how you feel about yourself;
pride; confidence.
36. Self-observation: observation of one's own appearance
37. Sexual orientation: the inclination of an individual with respect to heterosexual, homosexual, and
bisexual behavior
38. Social networking: the creation and maintenance of personal and business relationships especially online
39. Stereotype: An oversimplified and distorted belief about a person or group.
40. Superior: better than other people.
41. Tact: the ability to do or say things without offending or upsetting other people
42. Team: A group of people who work together to set goals, make decisions, solve problems, and put ideas
into action.
43. Verbal Communication: expressed in words
44. Visualization: formation of mental visual images