January 26 2015

[8:01] Meeting commences
Shreve Club: Theme is Tropical Paradise, March 28th at Ross Ade, all students in UR, guests from outside
allowed, light snacks, drinks provided, buses set up, VIP tickets for two free drinks, pictures and
guaranteed in for the first 2 hours and a separate line, donation levels: $500- 10 VIP tickets, 2 song
requests and a shoutout, $1000- 40 VIP tickets, 2 song requests, a shoutout, reserved table, $1500- 50
VIP tickets 2 song requests and a shoutout + bus stop preference, $2000 – everything in $1500 +
Boilermaker Special. Their budget totals $18500, Shreve contributes $4000. Registration at
shreveclub.org/semiformal for regular tickets free for all University Residences residents
President’s Report
Cary Club is holding a Ski Trip this weekend - $55 per person
Lorrie, RHA President says RHA representatives are doing a’ight. Cool beans.
AC’s Report
UR recontracting; goodies planned for that
Man Week exhibit for Masculinity; volunteers needed to sit at WAR door for visitor count and making
sure the exhibits are not disturbed
Officer’s Reports
RHA: Indiana Residence Hall Conference coming up, free to apply, great experience. Spring Conference
planning on inviting Mr. Wives at the CoRec, need $2000 for this concert. Mull it over and get back with
your opinions next week. Still not set in stone, changes can be made
Treasurer: We gots monies, $8000-$8500 coming in, $6000 allocated for Grand Prix, Ski Trip and the
Social Director: Nothing new
Secretary: Get SE1 involved
Webmaster: T-shirt designs for Grand Prix survey on website, VOTE VOTE VOTE
SR/RA Reports
Nothing to report
Committee Meetings
[8:19] Breakout into committees
Committee Reports
Ideas: Feb. 21st bring in puppies from Natalie’s Dog Shelter for stress busters, Field Day, Movie
Night, Ultimate Frisbee Tournament
Grand Prix/Man Week:
1. Man Week: Finalizing stuff
2. Grand Prix: Finalizing shirt designs
Well Being:
1. Friday going back to Westminster, flyers will be out
2. Friday Night Lights up again, sign up 2 weeks in advance for the free burrito
Hall Improvement:
Drinks for the Superbowl [$50]: Nonalcoholic fruity drinks provided. Bill passed (20-0-0)
MTG Tournament/Draft [$300]: MTG tournament and draft for residents. Bill tabled (20-0-0)
Chicago Auto Show [$1960]: Go to Chicago for the auto show on February 14th, buses will be arranged.
Bill passed (20-0-0)
[8:54] Meeting adjourned