PLEASE JOIN CONGRESSMAN PETE SESSIONS FOR A RECEPTION AND A PRIVATE SCREENING OF CAPTAIN AMERICA: ThE fIRsT AvENgER MONDAY, AUGUST 1, 2011 6:00 - 7:00 PM HOST & SPONSOR RECEPTION - LUNA DE NOCHE - NORTHPARK MALL 7:00 - 9:00 PM MOVIE - AMC NORTHPARK 15 p CAPITAL COUNCIL - $2,500/$5,000 PER COUPLE (Six tickets to VIP reception at Luna De Noche, drinks, appetizers, photo opportunity with Congressman Sessions, four movie tickets, popcorn, and drinks. Members will be included in all Pete Sessions for Congress events for the 2012 Primary cycle) p CO-ChAIR - gIvE OR RAIsE $1,000 (Four tickets to VIP Reception at Luna De Noche, drinks, appetizers, photo opportunity with Congressman Sessions, and four movie tickets, popcorn and drinks) p PATRON - gIvE $500 (Two tickets to VIP Reception at Luna De Noche, drinks, appetizers, and two movie tickets) p sPONsOR - gIvE $250 (One ticket to VIP Reception at Luna De Noche, drinks, appetizers, and one movie ticket) p sUPPORTER - gIvE $150 (Includes two movie tickets) p No, I cannot attend but enclosed contribution of $ _______. Personal or PAC checks should be made payable to: Pete Sessions for Congress 5310 Harvest Hill, Suite 209, Dallas, TX 75230 For additional information or to RSVP, please contact: Kristina Barton or Leslie Caron at The McIntosh Company Phone: 214.520.2194 Fax: 214.520.1397 Email: PLEASE COMPLETE THE BACK OF THIS CARD. Federal Law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. Name Preferred Mailing Address City State Zip Occupation Employer Spouse Name Assistant’s Name Spouse Employer (if Joint Contribution) Spouse Occupation (if Joint Contribution) Home Phone Work Phone Fax Email p Visa p Mastercard p AMEX Amount $______________ Exp. Date_________ Account #__________________________________________________________ Name on Card_______________________________________________________ Signature___________________________________________________________ In accordance with federal law, individuals may contribute a max of $2,500 for the primary election and $2,500 for the general election. PACs may contribute a max of $5000 for the primary election and $5000 for the general election. Corporate contributions are prohibited. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Paid for by Pete Sessions for Congress Not printed at government expense.