Open - The Scottish Government

Update from Technical subgroup
Notes from the first meeting of the REEPS Technical subgroup
19 September 2013
Stephen Garland, Scottish Government
Oscar Guinea, Scottish Government
Jamie Robertson, Scottish Government
John Apperson, North Lanarkshire Council
Elizabeth Leighton, Existing Homes Alliance
Roger Curtis, Historic Scotland
Michael Bruce, Scottish land and Estates
Jamie Carruthers, Scottish Land and Estates
Stephen Cunningham, West Lothian Council
Steven Scott, Scottish Government
Andy Robinson, Scottish Government
Katie Chan, Scottish Government
Denise Buchanan, Scottish Government
Gillian McCallum, Scottish Government
Valerie Sneddon, Scottish Government
Summary: Technical subgroup Meeting 1
1. Remit and Principles were discussed and agreed, however it was noted that the
principles derived from the Sustainable Housing Strategy consultation – namely
fit with incentives, clarity of any standard and sufficient lead in time - should also
be included as a ‘required principle’ as part of the Criteria for Assessment.
‘Enforceable’ should also be a ‘required principle’.
2. Short Term Plan was accepted and the group are aware of the requirement of
coming up with proposals for timing for the REEPS group.
3. The Main tasks in the Long List were accepted and further amendments were
agreed. ‘Implementation’ to be split into ‘Regulatory Framework’ (referring to
bodies and practices which are already in place), and ‘Operational Delivery’
(referring to a greater focus on the customer - the ‘customer journey’). The
project team will provide draft timescales against the Main tasks for the subgroup
to consider at the next meeting.
4. The March 2011 review of Options was agreed by the subgroup as a suitable
starting point for options. An initial further brainstorming of options also took
place, which the project team will review and report back to the subgroup at the
next meeting.
5. The Criteria of Assessment paper will be reworked in light of comments outcomes, principles and ordered by priority. These will be applied to the initial
list of options for the next meeting by the project team.
Update from Technical subgroup
Annex A
Issues for subsequent discussion from Technical subgroup meeting of 19
September 2013
The following was raised and suggested as more for later discussion for the
Action/ (suggested)
Next steps
1. Standards acceptable to the general public
Not just a technical standard/ not get too focussed on On-going principle
technical issues.
2. Concept of 80% of stock will still exist by 2050
On-going principle
Need to consider long-term; future ‘milestones’
3. Customer
(Deliverability with customer focus)
On-going principle
Assumes market will support this too, as regulations
will be the norm.
4. Segmentation (not just house types; People’s use of Highlight to wider
housing too)
Context Group too.
Affordability and ‘household’ life cycles
5. Criteria – these have a bearing on Impact To
Assessments too (costs and benefits – to individual discounted options
and wider/local economy)
as part of audit trail.
When discounting options need to look at
‘opportunities foregone’ re energy not saved etc.
6. Criteria – Energy Act (legislation evidence paper) – Agreed
basis for Green Deal (ie. role of incentives)
‘principles’ noted in
Remit paper will be
added to Criteria list
7. Task ‘E’ Implementation, could be split into two: Project team to split
‘practical delivery’ and ‘implementation.
(relates to No. 3 above)
8. SHCS – private housing segmentation and age
9. Learn from (both) subgroup networks
On-going principle
…Not just commissioned research
10. Be aware of each property’s condition (eg Relate to Task ‘E’
Knowing your own house- how?
11. Product development – BRE and BBA approved (ok
in Europe there is a framework for approval, but
11,12,13 are related:
what about US etc. products?
processes to
(Level of assurance required though)
support energy
12. RdSAP (BRE) but has been adapted for other uses
efficiency – paper to
eg Green Deal
collate these
Balance use/build on what exists (and be aware of
issues? Who can
take these issues
13. Collate concerns SAP/EPC and pass it on. Can we
write a context? To be aware of the ‘processes’
things go through.
Update from Technical subgroup
Annex B
Possible Issues for Wider Context subgroup from Technical subgroup meeting
of 19 September 2013
The following was raised and suggested as more for the remit of the Wider Context
subgroup to discuss:Issue
Deliberation by Wider Context
subgroup (comments 26/09/13)
1. PESTLE analysis – e.g. this will include wider Fuel Agreed, and this will be a widePoverty issue (under ‘Social’).
ranging issue, which will feed into
Reason: this will broaden context, and not just focus other Main tasks.
on SG policies.
2. Concept of 80% of stock will still exist by 2050.
Noted. Also communicate the
Reason: potential for lasting and long-term impact.
message that new build stock would
already comply, due to newer
aspirational milestones too.
3. Role of (Scottish) SME.
Reason: ’signals’ to the market created by need for
regulation, have wider economic benefits
4. Criteria list – Skills to be considered by Wider Agreed
Context subgroup?
Reason: able to deliver implementation of the
5. Concept of ‘Acceptability’.
Agreed, and will need to be easy to
Reason: considered ‘fair and reasonable by general understand, which will need to be
fed into the setting of the standard.
6. Segmentation (not just house types; People’s use SG marketing colleagues will be
of housing too)
asked to advise on ‘classic’
Reason: Affordability and ‘household’ life cycles has definitions of ‘market segmentation’.
a bearing on ‘Acceptability’ of whatever standard
7. EPC – beginnings of understanding that a more Noted – to be added to Evidence
energy efficient house is more valued? DECC repository.
Reason: contribute to Evidence (repository)
8. Aesthetics
acceptability/value to the consumer (… but if there
is regulation, market will mature, and this becomes
the norm…).
Reason: views may change over time, so current
views (concept of ‘Acceptability’); vs possible future
perspectives. Also which house types, where visual
appearance is key.
This is wider issue, linking to how
people value their home, both
subjectively (‘how they feel’), but
also the financial value attached to
aesthetic characteristics (internal
and external), as well as energy