BGSA Meeting Agenda: 5 October 2015 I. II. Call to order (Aliyah) – 1:30 pm Welcome & overview of procedures (Aliyah) a. PIMB/ISB Rep spot has been filled by Celestino Velasquez b. Goals for the year i. Increase attendance and involvement of student body ii. Improve professional reputation to Program Directors 1. Aliyah has reached out to program directors and department heads and introduced herself c. Attendance requirements & voting procedures i. Program Representatives and Executive Board Members must strive to attend every meeting and send excuse (cc Abby and Aliyah) if there is an extenuating circumstance 1. These members are eligible to vote ii. Other BGSA Attendees 1. Need to attend 3 meetings in order to be eligible to vote 2. Abby will track attendance throughout the year III. VP of Records: Review and approval of September minutes (Abby) a. Last months minutes are approved b. Sent around a sheet for new attendees to provide name, email, and program affiliation IV. VP of Finance report (Jennifer) a. Account balances were declared V. VP of University Relations report (Beth) a. Upcoming GPSG Events ( Zombie Paintball When: Fri, October 23, 6:30pm – 9:30pm Mockingjay Premiere When: Thu, November 19, 10pm – Fri, November 20, 12am GPSG Fall Formal When: Fri, November 20, 7pm – 11pm Where: Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 419 S Dithridge St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Theme: 90s prom a. Travel Grants – keep applying! VI. WSMA update (Alyce) a. WSMA just held a coffee hour and it was a success. Unfortunately, were unable to secure a speaker lunch for SCIENCE 2015 due to speaker flight schedules. However, we would like to remind students to attend the professional development program for students and post-docs that is a part of the SCIENCE 2015 Agenda. VII. VP of Communications report (Greg) a. Fall newsletter was sent out in September, next newsletter will be in December i. Need a Student Spotlight for December newsletter 1. Nominate someone for their academic excellence ii. Website 1. Google calendar now lists BGSA events VIII. Grad office report (Lauren) a. Needs to discuss Symposium details with Chelsea and Amie IX. Past events a. No events in September besides elections X. Upcoming events a. Symposium (Chelsea/Amie) – November 4, University Club i. Event flyer and Keynote Speaker flyers will be distributed ii. Abstract submission is closed iii. Oral talks and awards are finalized iv. Need PIs as poster judges!! Recruit your PI v. Happy hour following BGSA Symposium will likely be at Peters vi. If you signed up for dinner with the Speaker, it will be at the Porch, 7:30pm vii. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE DAY OF THE SYMPOSIUM 1. Passed around a sign up sheet b. Department chair/program director meet and greet (Agustin) i. This is a series of individual program events to promote communication between students and program directors and/or department chairs ii. Will help to improve BGSA professional relationship with departments and programs iii. Lunch or coffee would be provided by BGSA at a limited number (first come, first serve basis) iv. Representatives should reach out to their program for student interest – report back in November – we will go from there c. Fall hiking outing/pumpkin decorating (Aliyah) i. Frick Park near Squirrel Hill ii. BGSA purchases paint, carving tools, and pumpkins 1. Saturday October 17 2. Sign ups 3. $3 fee to attend (pumpkin cost) and BGSA will cover all other costs 4. Expected cost is $50 5. Event is approved to happen 6. Eventbrite – pay $3 to grad office by Thursday, October 15 iii. BMES is picking also on hosting October 17, a trip but to BGSA pumpkin/apple will not co- sponsor this event because of time restrictions d. End of Foundations happy hour (Sarah/Ben) i. Talk to previous first year representatives to plan this happy hour XI. New business a. Need a VP of Programming, or volunteers for individual events b. Program Reps should make sure their program is aware of all BGSA events! c. Next meeting November 2 XII. Meeting ended, 2:12pm