Grand Alumni Meet - Vishwakarma Institute of Technology

Dear Alumni Friends,
Greetings from Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Alumni Association (VITAA)
On behalf of the Alumni Association, it is our pleasure and privilege to invite you for the grand Alumni
Meet being organized in our institute.
The function is being held on Saturday, 19th December 2015, from 3.30 pm onwards, in Sharad Arena
(Auditorium) at VIT, Pune campus.
Please confirm your participation by registering on following link
We look forward to welcoming you in this reunion and our continued association in the future.
With best regards,
Prof.Dr. Siddharth Jabade
Dean, Alumni & International Relations
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology
BansilalRamnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Alumni Association (VITAA)
Alumni Meet: Saturday, 19th December 2015
Programme Schedule
3.30 pm to 6.00 pm
Registration at Central Level
VIT Lawns
(Near Boat Club)
3.30 pm to 5.30 pm
Department Visit
Interactions with Faculty Members
Respective Departments
5.30 pm to 6.30 pm
High Tea/ Central Level Interaction
6.30 pm to 8.00 pm
Main Function
- Introduction by Dean, Alumni &
International Relations- Prof. Siddharth
- Address By Hon. Director
- Address By Hon. Managing Trustee- Shri.
Bharat Agarwal
- Views by Alumni
- Important Announcements
- Vote of Thanks
Dinner and Interaction
VIT Lawns
(Near Boat Club)
Sharad Arena
8.00 pm to 9.00 pm
VIT Lawns
(Near Boat Club)