Great Depression Project

Directions: In order to understand the impact of the Great Depression, you will have to research essential
information over the next two weeks to create a journal. This journal will require you to write, reflect, and
collect images of this historic time period. Below you will find the table of contents for your journal entries,
YOU MUST HAVE ALL COMPONENTS! This assignment is due on FRIDAY 1/16/2015. Please be sure to read
about the descriptions for your table of contents below! (Total Points 100 TEST GRADE)
Order of Content
Key Titles
1929 Crash Journal Entry
1932 Election Journal Entry
Political Cartoon Reflection
Photo Journalism Reflection
New Deal Programs Organizer
Culture of the 1930's Responses
Government Intervention Response
Impact of the New Deal
1929 Crash Journal Entry
1932 Election Journal Entry
As your first task in this project, you must research journal entires of
American people, following the Stock Market Crash of 1929. I want you
to read about the FEELINGS, EMOTIONS, and PERSPECTIVES of this
major event in U.S. History. I want you to choose someone's
perspective and expand upon it. You absolutely MUST include the
website you took this information from. If you do not have a website
hyperlink, I will assume you made up the information thus resulting in
point deductions.
(5 Points)
Next you are expected to research the results of the 1932 election.
Graphs, political cartoons, and the people running in this election
would all be great things to include. You must look for two people’s
perspective of this election. Each supporting the different candidates.
(5 Points)
Political Cartoon Reflection
Photo Journalism Reflection
New Deal Programs Organizer
Culture of the 1930's Responses
Government Intervention Response
Impact of the New Deal
Next please look for at least 4 political cartoons created during the
Great Depression. You will need to attach these political cartoons in
your final project, so don’t lose it! For each political cartoon I want you
to interpret these from your own personal perspective. Write about
things you see and what the cartoonist is trying to point out for the
(15 Points)
In an effort to help artist during the Great Depression, the U.S
government paid for photo journalist to capture the reality of the
depression. Research some of these images; please think outside of
the box for this! Migrant Mother by Dorothea Lange is a fantastic
example, however, there is so much more! You must find 4 images of
the Great Depression and must write a reflection of what the photo
journalist is trying to convey to the viewer.
(15 Points)
This is a HUGE part of your grade! Over the next couple of days you will
learn about the important programs created by the government to help
Americans during the depression. You must create an organizer with a
list of these programs. You must explain (IN YOUR OWN WORDS) what
the purpose of each program was. There is a great guide for you on
page 706 in your textbook. I must point out that anyone who copies
and pastes information will receive a 0 for this project. DON’T BE LAZY!
(30 Points )
Please respond to the following questions regarding the culture of the
1. How did movies become a hit in the 1930's? What are some
examples? Who are some key people that relate to these movies?
2. Explain how radio was able to captivate the people of the 1930's?
Include examples of Radio during this time period.
3. How did artist decorate America during the 1930's? Who are some
key people which created these images? (Include the Image)
4. What impact did the Great Depression have on the music of the
1930's? Include Lyrics of a song which relates to your answer.
5. What are some examples of how writers depicted the Great
Depression? Explain what was trying to be conveyed.
(10 Points)
Should government intervene in economic issues? Why or why not in
your opinion?
Research information pertaining to government intervention in
economic issues of the nation. You must have two opinions from
credible sources. They must differ in that one supports and one
opposes government intervention in economic issues. See what they
have to say, and create your own opinion.
(5 Points)
Your final task in this assignment is to write a closing assessment of the
impact of the New Deal. Explain how the New Deal endured even into
modern times. Explain how the new deal changed the ideas, concepts
and perspectives of Americans. (15 Points )