Leadership Course Summary
Duration: 2 semesters (32 weeks, 128 periods)
Instructional Period: 55 minutes, 4 classes per week & 45 minutes, 1 class per week
Credits: 1, .5 per semester
Instructional Units: 9 units
Audience: Club Officers
Prerequisites: None
Instructional Goals: This class will give the leaders of our campus training on how to develop meaningful projects that they define and implement themselves. The students will be taught basic leadership skills in communication, facilitation, and teamwork. Each club will get the opportunity to work together to develop their own program of activities, which will serve as a guide for the year. Advanced influence, motivation, decision-making, conflict/negotiation strategies and meeting management will be taught and examined primarily in the interpersonal context. This class is meant to help our youth be successful in real leadership positions, including mentors, grant makers, and evaluators within their school and community.
Instructional Unit Outline
Unit 1: Developing a PLAN OF ACTION
Unit 2: Robert’s Rules of Order: How to run an EFFECTIVE meeting
Unit 3: ENERGIZE! Retain and Recruit
Unit 4: Leadership Styles: How do YOU lead?
Unit 5: Social Media DOS & DON’TS
Unit 6: Successful Events through Successful Planning
Unit 7: Advertising: Create the SPARK
Unit 8: What does CHARACTER mean to you?
Unit 9: Put it Into Action!
Course: Leadership
Instructional Unit: Developing a PLAN OF ACTION
Instructional Goals: In this unit we will be developing a plan of action for the clubs that will help guide us to a successful school year. An action plan is a document that lists what steps must be taken in order to achieve a specific goal. The purpose of an action plan is to clarify what resources are required to reach the goal, formulate a timeline for when specific tasks need to be completed and determine what resources are required.
Timeline: 4 weeks
State Standards: Animal Science
17.2-Develop a marketing plan
17.4-Apply record keeping principles and applications
17.6- Discuss personal and business accounting practices
17.11-Compare projected and actual budgets to calculate business decisions
Activity plan
Performance Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Utilize excel to create a budget that will automatically calculate account balance
Create a mission and vision statement to be passed by majority vote of the members
Analyze cost and income of planned activities to determine priority of events
Create a program of activities that will help guide the club’s business
Use prezi: http://prezi.com/ehjui5zvkmnr/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy to explain the parts of a POA
Allow students to brainstorm mission and vision statements
Group work to develop each clubs’ POA
Instructional Resources:
Grade the finished copy of the clubs’ POA
Course: Leadership
Instructional Unit: Robert’s Rules of Order: How to run an EFFECTIVE meeting
Instructional Goals: In this unit we will be learning how to run an effective meeting using parliamentary procedure. Parliamentary procedure is the body of rules, ethics, and customs governing meetings and other operations of clubs, organizations, legislative bodies, and other deliberative assemblies. Each classroom will be equipped with a set of
“Robert’s Rules of Order,” which will be used as a reference and guide.
Timeline: 2 weeks
State Standards: Agribusiness
4.2-Use questioning techniques to obtain needed information from audience
4.5-Demonstrate use of technologies for a formal presentation
9.3-Evalute characteristics of effective teams
9.6-Practice effective meeting management
9.9-Practice decision-making process
Purpose of Robert’s Rules
Types of motions
Examples of main motion and amending motions
Performance Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Differentiate between subsidiary, incidental, and privileged motions
Perform a 15 minute meeting utilize at least ten motions properly
Understand the purpose of Robert’s Rules
Show students videos of parliamentary procedure teams participating at the National
FFA Convention
Instructional Resources:
Robert’s Rules of Order (any edition)
Unit exam
Group Project: create a video demonstrating how to properly make motions
Course: Leadership
Instructional Unit: ENERGIZE! Retain and Recruit
Instructional Goals: Club leaders will learn how to retain and recruit members through engaging and energizing activities and events. The purpose of this unit is to teach the students how to evaluate the needs and wants of their peers in order to “attract” them to the club.
Timeline: 3 weeks
State Standards: Agribusiness
4.2-Use questioning techniques to obtain needed information from audience
4.3-Interpret verbal and nonverbal communications of audience
4.4-Demonstrate active listening skills
5.5-Prepare draft document using established rules for grammar, spelling, and sentence construction
Recruitment vs. Retention
Recruitment plan
Performance Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Poll members to learn about their interests
Create events geared towards members’ interests
Plan an event to engage new students
Instructional Resources:
Evaluate the success of the planned event
Course: Leadership
Instructional Unit: Leadership Styles: How do YOU lead?
Instructional Goals: This unit will be all about discovering who the students are as leaders. They will use the book “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” to determine their leadership style.
Students will learn about attitude, facial expressions, body language, proxemics, and verbal communication and how to use them in a meaningful, positive manner.
Timeline: 3 weeks
State Standards: Agribusiness
4.3-Interpret verbal and nonverbal communications of audience
4.6-Deliver presentation incorporating verbal and nonverbal communication techniques
8.1-Describe how personal characteristics affect leadership ability
8.2-Investigate and evaluate leadership and management styles
9.2- Evaluate characteristics of effective teams
Active listening
Verbal communication
Nonverbal communication
Leadership style
Performance Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Differentiate between leadership styles
Acknowledge and respond to nonverbal cues
Create and present a motivational speech
Understand the importance of verbal communication in a team setting and in a leadership position
Show the prezi : http://prezi.com/jddcys5cewao/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy on leadership styles
Show Communication powerpoint and accompanying worksheets on NAAE CoP under
Leadership Curriculum developed by Britney Marsh
Take the mindtools.com leadership style quiz
Instructional Resources:
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Participation in communication and leadership activities
Unit exam
Course: Leadership
Instructional Unit: Social Media DOS & DON’TS
Instructional Goals: Social media is the most widely used communication and advertising tool.
In this unit the students will learn how social media can positively and negatively impact their club’s image. They will learn how to utilize social media to enhance the communication between members and how they can use it as an advertising tool.
Timeline: 2 weeks
State Standards: Animal Science
17.8-Utilize technology to accomplish agribusiness objectives
State Standards: Agribusiness
4.5-Demonstrate use of technologies for a formal presentation
5.5-Prepare draft document using established rules for grammar, spelling, and sentence construction
5.7-Utilize electronic format for written and presentation communication
Right and Wrong Way
Performance Objectives:
Students will be able to:
List the various types of social media
Analyze which social media tool is best for a specific purpose
Differentiate between positive and negative posts
Utilize social media to enhance member involvement
Show students this article: http://www.businessinsider.com/10-worst-social-mediamarketing-fails-of-2013-2013-11?op=1 about poor social media techniques
Show students this article: http://www.businessinsider.com/best-branded-social-mediawins-of-the-year-so-far-2013-3?op=1 about awesome social media techniques
Show the students these two video so they can grasp the effectiveness and reach social media has: “Think Time-Teens and Social Networks” and “Social Media Video 2013”
Instructional Resources:
Construct posts for social media
Unit Exam
Course: Leadership
Instructional Unit: Successful Events through Successful Planning
Instructional Goals: Organizing, planning, and pulling off a successful event is difficult and stressful. In this unit students will learn how to plan an event with the end in mind. They will organize committees, develop a budget, set goals and checkpoints, determine themes, design, and execute a club event. Through this unit students will learn valuable time-management skills as well as how to delegate tasks to a committee.
Timeline: 3 weeks
State Standards: Animal Science
17.2-Develop a marketing plan
17.8-Utilize technology to accomplish agribusiness objectives
17.10 Design an agricultural business plan
Plan an event
Organize committees
Set goals
Execute event
Performance Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Plan an event
Establish a budget
Organize a committee to make executive decisions
Market the event effectively
Execute a successful event
Fill out committee reports for each meeting held
Outline event ideas, themes, plans, and costs
Instructional Resources:
Successfulness of planned and executed event
Course: Leadership
Instructional Unit: Advertising: Create the SPARK
Instructional Goals: This unit is all about building up interest for events. Students will learn how to use various advertising tools such as websites, blogs, flyers, and social media posts to effectively advertise their event. The students will be responsible for developing a polling system to determine which type of advertisement tool works best for their audience and then they will create and develop that tool for an upcoming event.
Timeline: 2 weeks
State Standards: Animal Science
17.2-Developing a marketing plan
17.8-Utilize technology to accomplish agribusiness objectives
State Standards: Agribusiness
5.4-Prepare business communication using appropriate written format for the situation
5.5- Prepare draft document using established rules for grammar, spelling, and sentence construction
5.7-Utilize electronic format for written and presentation communications
Advertising tools
Writing/Creating advertisements
Performance Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Differentiate between various advertisement tools
Create a properly worded advertisement
Create and edit a commercial for an event
Create a commercial for an event
Utilize video editing software to perfect the advertisement
Instructional Resources:
Assessment of advertising tools in the video and editing techniques
Unit Exam
Course: Leadership
Instructional Unit: What does CHARACTER mean to you?
Instructional Goals: Our actions define who we are. In this unit the students will be learning about the six pillars of character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Students will be defining these pillars and discovering how they apply to their lives.
They will see that they must lead by example and upholding their character.
Timeline: 3 weeks
State Standards: Agribusiness
8.1-Describe how personal characteristics affect leadership ability
8.4-Describe how cultural and ethnic differences affect interpersonal interactions, teamwork, and communications within a group
9.5-Practice techniques to involve each member of the team
9.7-Develop and implement a personal and professional improvement plan
Importance of character in leadership positions
Improvement plans
Performance Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Define character
Utilize positive character traits to be an effective leader
Create and implement an improvement plan
Analyze various texts, which describes different leaders (Hitler, Lincoln, Ghandi, JKF, etc.) and have the students fill out a character consideration chart (located on NAAE Cop under Leadership Curriculum created by Britney Marsh)
Create an improvement plan
Instructional Resources:
Essence of Leadership (video)
Character consideration chart
Course: Leadership
Instructional Unit: Put it Into Action
Instructional Goals: This unit will be spread throughout the course of the year. Students will have time to work with their fellow officers to put the finishing touches on upcoming events by utilizing the strategies they learned in class. The officers will also have access to other club members to bounce ideas off of, seek advice, and get extra help.
Timeline: 4 weeks
State Standards: Animal Science
17.2-Develop a marketing plan
17.8-Utilize technology to accomplish agribusiness objectives
17.10-Design an agricultural business plan
17.11- Compare projected and actual budgets to calculate business decisions
Execute events
Utilize tools
Performance Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Execute events using tools learned in class on advertising, marketing, and planning
Plan and create an event that falls within the POA and planned budget
Provide students will class time to plan, organize, create props, and execute the event
Instructional Resources:
Successful planning of event