erasmus intensive program (ip) - EPLEFPA DE BAZAS

Our Forest university is located in Bazas (40 km south of Bordeaux, France) in the forest of the
Landes de Gascogne (Moors of Gascony) , the largest cultivated forest in Europe (1 million hectares
of pine trees).
Our vocational school is one of the key vocational schools in this field.
The program will host 24 students at bachelor level and 8 supervisors.
Our intensive program project is a short program of study (10 days involving teachers and students
from several colleges (Bachelor level) from several European countries : France, Hungary, Spain,
Finland and Slovenia. We are looking for a partnership with your country. The program takes place in
the heart of the Landes forest.
Analysis of risks and opportunities of a policy of forestry development in Europe after a hurricane
and within the framework of sustainable development. Case study : the Landes forest in France.
This program will last 10 days from November 22nd to December 3rd 2010 (weeks 47 and 48).
CONTENTS The 10 days curriculum will comprise:
Week 1:
– Lectures for a theoretical, historical analysis, socio economic and
technical approach of the impact of a hurricane in Europe and the
challenges of the future development of forests in the EU : 3 days.
– Visits and field work under supervision of professional managers of the various fields : 2 days.
Week 2 :
– Workshops : case studies over the Landes forest in joint working groups (students
of different nationalities) and in conjunction with senior professionals
of a representative set of fields within the local wood industry: 4 days (including one day of
preparation and one day of analysis).
– Presentation of the results of the case studies in plenary oral session: one day.
WORKING LANGUAGES : French, English, Spanish.
LECTURERS AND SUPERVISORS : Teachers from vocational schools, academics, experts
from private and public institutes and industries.
Their different approaches will provide students with an objective and global view of the impacts of a
hurricane in Europe.
The partners must have signed the Erasmus Chart.
The partners can be vocational schools or universities specialized in forestry.
A blog has been set up to give you all information about the application and the budget needed.
The IP program is built as part of an academic course.
Each country sends 5 students at Bachelor level and one supervisor.
The supervisors contribute to the teaching program and to the exchanges with professionals.
The students and supervisors must be proficient enough in one of the working languages.
A presentation of the context will be sent to supervisors prior to the beginning of the program in
order for them to prepare their students.
All the fees for students and supervisors (transport, visits and accommodation at Bazas School) will
be born by the Erasmus Program.
A steering committee with representatives of each partner will be set up.
The deadline for sending the tender for grant application is March 12th 2010.
The Lead partner, coordinator and redactor of the tender is Mr. Ivan Merlet, assistant director of the
Vocational Forest School in Bazas.
Information about the courses developed at Bazas vocational school as well as permanent partner
universities, students' reports and details on the location can be found on the school's website :
Directeur-Adjoint EPL de Bazas
Avenue de la République
33 430 BAZAS
Tél 00.33 et Fax 00 33.
adresse e-mail :
Portable 06 07 97 17 40 ou 62 38 83 51
Site web :